Dear Beloveds!
Welcome to the Journey into the New Earth! We are learning how it is to truly create our reality through our own Self mastery rather than external dictations and resources, which at times can feel like a rather challenging task, because in fact we are not ruled by external circumstances even when it feels as such. The more we resist that knowing, the more we will feel resistance in some way or form. The Truth is much deeper and more complex and it includes a whole array of various multi-layered ascending choices of Soul nature. The deeper we will go, the more will be released. So much is coming up at this powerful time, and the energy of these Holidays is meant for us to deepen our Self Mastery in deep reflection and Life review.
This Ascension Blog is dedicated to Creation and the New reality/the New Earth that we can experience through Soul passion and inner Magic. The foundation of the New is pure Bliss and Joy from within. As a Pillar and wayshower, I would like to share about how it is to live a simple and profound Life of inner Magic! We are all Beings of Divine Love and it's time to truly embody this as Love in Human form!
Monday, December 21, 2015
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Embodying New lifestyle
Dear Beloveds!
The recent unfolding of our lives is twisting and turning, and so a lot of us may feel a bit overwhelmed with all the changes that are taking place! We may no longer wish to do the things we used to do and enjoy in the past or we already feel called to something new! Our Ascension process asks us to not just embrace, but also enjoy all of these changes! As we make Peace with the rapid unfolding of the new reality, we will be revealed new desires and intentions! The importance is to see everything not just as an ending and a beginning, but rather a continuation of energy that is expanding along with the expansion of our awareness as we move more into a state of pure consciousness. We are slowly but steadily embodying a new ascended Lifestyle for ourselves and the Whole of our ascended Being.
The recent unfolding of our lives is twisting and turning, and so a lot of us may feel a bit overwhelmed with all the changes that are taking place! We may no longer wish to do the things we used to do and enjoy in the past or we already feel called to something new! Our Ascension process asks us to not just embrace, but also enjoy all of these changes! As we make Peace with the rapid unfolding of the new reality, we will be revealed new desires and intentions! The importance is to see everything not just as an ending and a beginning, but rather a continuation of energy that is expanding along with the expansion of our awareness as we move more into a state of pure consciousness. We are slowly but steadily embodying a new ascended Lifestyle for ourselves and the Whole of our ascended Being.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Moving into our Soul Essence
Dear Beloveds!
We are in the midst of a new energy wave which is bringing us expansion in all areas of our life! We must not move into fear and negative assumptions if all of a sudden things feel like endings and new beginnings. If our moods are shifting from one moment to the next, we are simply adjusting to these new energy waves that we will be integrating as more freedom of expansion, breaking free from old routines that no longer serve us and more Love coming into our life! The perspective that really helps as things are coming into culmination and conclusion is to keep an open outlook as if we were a happy child in awe and pleasant expectation of whatever is being offered to us by the Divine at this time!
We are in the midst of a new energy wave which is bringing us expansion in all areas of our life! We must not move into fear and negative assumptions if all of a sudden things feel like endings and new beginnings. If our moods are shifting from one moment to the next, we are simply adjusting to these new energy waves that we will be integrating as more freedom of expansion, breaking free from old routines that no longer serve us and more Love coming into our life! The perspective that really helps as things are coming into culmination and conclusion is to keep an open outlook as if we were a happy child in awe and pleasant expectation of whatever is being offered to us by the Divine at this time!
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Moving into Higher ideals
Dear Beloveds!
The energy of the collective is very intense Now, as the collective unconscious is coming up to the surface! There are energetic movements happening that many of us can feel as patterns of light that we are helping to transform! Because so much is going on, we are invited into silent prayer and conscious meditation! By staying in our Vortex without needing to know what is going on in the world as events, we are contributing to the unveiling process simply by holding the space of higher Light! It's very important at this time to shift into higher ideals and to consider things that extend beyond our personal reality! If we are feeling super sensitive, anxious or stressed, we are definitely helping with the 'purgatory' cleanse as we move into higher octaves of Being! It's so crucial for us to move into higher ideals rather than focusing on the momentary and trivial only ... we are here to bring back Divine Greatness into this reality!
The energy of the collective is very intense Now, as the collective unconscious is coming up to the surface! There are energetic movements happening that many of us can feel as patterns of light that we are helping to transform! Because so much is going on, we are invited into silent prayer and conscious meditation! By staying in our Vortex without needing to know what is going on in the world as events, we are contributing to the unveiling process simply by holding the space of higher Light! It's very important at this time to shift into higher ideals and to consider things that extend beyond our personal reality! If we are feeling super sensitive, anxious or stressed, we are definitely helping with the 'purgatory' cleanse as we move into higher octaves of Being! It's so crucial for us to move into higher ideals rather than focusing on the momentary and trivial only ... we are here to bring back Divine Greatness into this reality!
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Galactic Precipitation
Dear Beloveds!
We have recently been undergoing a major rebirth, which can feel quite uncomfortable at times, feeling like spinning on a hamster wheel and not quite knowing where to next! If there was a dampening of moods, this was because our physicality was being stretched and squeezed, by the almighty centrifugal force of the Universe! Now a new brightness follows, bringing us renewed faith and trust! Here is the main key to master in order to move deeper into Self empowerment! A lot of times it's been said that it doesn't matter if we don't believe in our dreams, because our Angels do! Well, in our physical Ascension we are becoming our Angelic Self, the one who walks in Grace and lightness of Being!
We have recently been undergoing a major rebirth, which can feel quite uncomfortable at times, feeling like spinning on a hamster wheel and not quite knowing where to next! If there was a dampening of moods, this was because our physicality was being stretched and squeezed, by the almighty centrifugal force of the Universe! Now a new brightness follows, bringing us renewed faith and trust! Here is the main key to master in order to move deeper into Self empowerment! A lot of times it's been said that it doesn't matter if we don't believe in our dreams, because our Angels do! Well, in our physical Ascension we are becoming our Angelic Self, the one who walks in Grace and lightness of Being!
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Divine integration: Winds of change
Dear Beloveds!
We have just walked through the 11-11 portal! The 11-11 outpouring of Light brought different things to different people, which means that we have all received what we needed to receive at this current time and that we are still constantly and gradually in receiving mode. For us to continue to receive it's very important to not place any specific expectations around this time, because we tend to do this as Human beings, not just around holiday times but also on specific dates and alignments. Each alignment brings a conscious seed of an energy Essence, and then it slowly begins to activate and integrate on all levels of Being, including the planetary and personal level. Let us remember the following: seeding, activating, releasing, integration and ... embodiment! We walk this path of Ascension not always knowing where we will go next or what will happen in the most physical sense of our experience, but that is the beauty of it as well!
We have just walked through the 11-11 portal! The 11-11 outpouring of Light brought different things to different people, which means that we have all received what we needed to receive at this current time and that we are still constantly and gradually in receiving mode. For us to continue to receive it's very important to not place any specific expectations around this time, because we tend to do this as Human beings, not just around holiday times but also on specific dates and alignments. Each alignment brings a conscious seed of an energy Essence, and then it slowly begins to activate and integrate on all levels of Being, including the planetary and personal level. Let us remember the following: seeding, activating, releasing, integration and ... embodiment! We walk this path of Ascension not always knowing where we will go next or what will happen in the most physical sense of our experience, but that is the beauty of it as well!
Sunday, November 8, 2015
11-11 Portal of Light: Sacred marriage
Dear Beloveds!
We are in some powerful times and it's time to fully free ourselves from anything that we are not! This requires deep Self assertion and introspection and as we travel through the 11-11 gateway we are being shown deep facts about what no longer works for us as ascending Beings! This can come up through our releasing dreams, life situations or relationships! Sometimes even our body will show us where the remnants of old and unprocessed energy are hiding, and only we can bring them to the light of awareness and set them free! As we shift our energy, we will mix up our new creative juices and the energy will begin to flow with more focus and attention to detail! As we know how to prioritize, we will know that every guidance we receive in the moment is perfect as it represents a step along the way! The Way of the New is very simple, as Truth is easy and non complicated. It is choosing what we desire to feel and then making the conscious steps towards that direction without overthinking or complicating things. This empowers our freedom of choice and the knowing of our Soul. In the New Earth, all is Heart centered, otherwise it doesn't have a very long lasting lifespan. We "survive" on what makes us thrive!
We are in some powerful times and it's time to fully free ourselves from anything that we are not! This requires deep Self assertion and introspection and as we travel through the 11-11 gateway we are being shown deep facts about what no longer works for us as ascending Beings! This can come up through our releasing dreams, life situations or relationships! Sometimes even our body will show us where the remnants of old and unprocessed energy are hiding, and only we can bring them to the light of awareness and set them free! As we shift our energy, we will mix up our new creative juices and the energy will begin to flow with more focus and attention to detail! As we know how to prioritize, we will know that every guidance we receive in the moment is perfect as it represents a step along the way! The Way of the New is very simple, as Truth is easy and non complicated. It is choosing what we desire to feel and then making the conscious steps towards that direction without overthinking or complicating things. This empowers our freedom of choice and the knowing of our Soul. In the New Earth, all is Heart centered, otherwise it doesn't have a very long lasting lifespan. We "survive" on what makes us thrive!
Monday, November 2, 2015
Transcending the "collective"
Dear Beloveds!
The 11-11 portal is approaching and we are feeling the energy amplifying! I have been on a personal Holiday in the Dolomites (Italian Alps) for a whole week, taking a much needed time off to integrate and prepare for this New wave. November is a 10/1 Universal month and it brings change and new beginnings! A lot of us might feel a sense of closure and completion, even regarding the things we never thought would come to an end! We need to remember that everything is for our highest good and it truly serves us! Each ending is a new beginning, and as we ponder and reflect on these closures and tune into what is changing for us personally, we need to take some quiet time just for ourselves!
The 11-11 portal is approaching and we are feeling the energy amplifying! I have been on a personal Holiday in the Dolomites (Italian Alps) for a whole week, taking a much needed time off to integrate and prepare for this New wave. November is a 10/1 Universal month and it brings change and new beginnings! A lot of us might feel a sense of closure and completion, even regarding the things we never thought would come to an end! We need to remember that everything is for our highest good and it truly serves us! Each ending is a new beginning, and as we ponder and reflect on these closures and tune into what is changing for us personally, we need to take some quiet time just for ourselves!
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Marching into our Ascension
Dear Beloveds!
We are marching on into our Ascension full speed ahead as we are guided into asking ourselves about the color of Love! Love is infinite and therefore it brings with it a whole spectrum of rainbow colors, which are multitudes of various loving experiences! We are opening to more Love in our lives and with that awareness we are leaving some of the old or even karmic patterns behind. This means that we are reuniting with ourselves on a deeper multidimensional level and drawing in new experiences, connections and Soul bonds with others! These bonds are more intimate and deep, not superficial, and this is because we have enhanced and refined our personal choices so that they reflect only Love!
We are marching on into our Ascension full speed ahead as we are guided into asking ourselves about the color of Love! Love is infinite and therefore it brings with it a whole spectrum of rainbow colors, which are multitudes of various loving experiences! We are opening to more Love in our lives and with that awareness we are leaving some of the old or even karmic patterns behind. This means that we are reuniting with ourselves on a deeper multidimensional level and drawing in new experiences, connections and Soul bonds with others! These bonds are more intimate and deep, not superficial, and this is because we have enhanced and refined our personal choices so that they reflect only Love!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Ascending & descending as One
Dear Beloveds!
For a while Now we were in the void of the New Moon and this Libra energy emphasis is bringing us a greater sense of balance and flow, if only we are willing to take those conscious steps of aligning with this space and co-creating this equilibrium in our reality! This is where the true Self Mastery of Ascension and descension begins. Great new waves of prosperous abundance are here for us, but we need to be willing to stop clinging to old situations, things and relationships that are out of balance! If there is a withdrawal of energy in any area of our life, we need to make an introspection and clear the energy through awareness to realize where the core of this withdrawal originates from! Sometimes we are the ones holding ourselves back and therefore creating this withdrawal from receiving, and at other times we give our power to others who then become an energy representation of this withdrawal that drains our energy and creates discord! At times there is nothing else to do but get to the naked Truth and resolve it by simply walking away in how we feed it energy!
For a while Now we were in the void of the New Moon and this Libra energy emphasis is bringing us a greater sense of balance and flow, if only we are willing to take those conscious steps of aligning with this space and co-creating this equilibrium in our reality! This is where the true Self Mastery of Ascension and descension begins. Great new waves of prosperous abundance are here for us, but we need to be willing to stop clinging to old situations, things and relationships that are out of balance! If there is a withdrawal of energy in any area of our life, we need to make an introspection and clear the energy through awareness to realize where the core of this withdrawal originates from! Sometimes we are the ones holding ourselves back and therefore creating this withdrawal from receiving, and at other times we give our power to others who then become an energy representation of this withdrawal that drains our energy and creates discord! At times there is nothing else to do but get to the naked Truth and resolve it by simply walking away in how we feed it energy!
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Living in a Miraculous World
Dear Beloveds!
Can You believe these amazing times we are living in? How do we truly live in a Miraculous World? This month holds a lot of that energy for us, since every astrological number pattern is doubled. This week it began with a very important day of change, a 5.5. energy day of immense outpouring of Light. It was able to be felt all over the world by those of us tuning into New paradigm possibilities. From time to time the Magic of the Rainbow Light pours onto this plane of Existence more deeply and with precision, and today was one of such Gateways. We are in a new energy wave and this is bringing us a sense of upliftment and wonder! We can feel the changes rising up to the surface and a new healing wave is washing over us! The Stars of Hope are renewing our faith and creativity so that we can move on from the releasing phase of the last Eclipse!
Can You believe these amazing times we are living in? How do we truly live in a Miraculous World? This month holds a lot of that energy for us, since every astrological number pattern is doubled. This week it began with a very important day of change, a 5.5. energy day of immense outpouring of Light. It was able to be felt all over the world by those of us tuning into New paradigm possibilities. From time to time the Magic of the Rainbow Light pours onto this plane of Existence more deeply and with precision, and today was one of such Gateways. We are in a new energy wave and this is bringing us a sense of upliftment and wonder! We can feel the changes rising up to the surface and a new healing wave is washing over us! The Stars of Hope are renewing our faith and creativity so that we can move on from the releasing phase of the last Eclipse!
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Our passageway into the New
Dear Beloveds!
We are in the last wave of this current Mercury retrograde, as we prepare for a huge new leap forward! We also have the Grand square that teaches us about action and Self empowerment. The shift can already be felt for many Ascension Pioneers who are moving forward in the New. We are working with the collective/planetary ascending waves and so we are always in flux between releasing in integrating, and yet many tend to get "stuck" in the releasing game. The message of true liberation that I received from Spirit goes like this: "It's all good and fine to be in a releasing phase, for this is what we do to get deeper into the New. But we cannot stay with that phase forever, and at a certain point ... we must break free from the illusion of separation, and this is where every shift can occur almost instantaneously, with such precision and Magic!" We are entering fabulous times of personal liberation, and those of You who can already feel this, please hold the space of escorting your brothers and sisters through this powerful threshold! Be the Love, show the Light!
We are in the last wave of this current Mercury retrograde, as we prepare for a huge new leap forward! We also have the Grand square that teaches us about action and Self empowerment. The shift can already be felt for many Ascension Pioneers who are moving forward in the New. We are working with the collective/planetary ascending waves and so we are always in flux between releasing in integrating, and yet many tend to get "stuck" in the releasing game. The message of true liberation that I received from Spirit goes like this: "It's all good and fine to be in a releasing phase, for this is what we do to get deeper into the New. But we cannot stay with that phase forever, and at a certain point ... we must break free from the illusion of separation, and this is where every shift can occur almost instantaneously, with such precision and Magic!" We are entering fabulous times of personal liberation, and those of You who can already feel this, please hold the space of escorting your brothers and sisters through this powerful threshold! Be the Love, show the Light!
Thursday, September 24, 2015
The powerful culmination Eclipse & Twin Gateway
Dear Beloveds!
We are moving into a culmination and new creative potential through the Eclipse Gateway! The Twin Gateway is coming into a completion! Recently many of us Ascension Pioneers were faced with new choices and opportunities, and for that to be truly experienced in the times to come, we needed to let go of the past, our old ways of behaving and our self limiting patterns and ideas! That is why our Soul created the kind of situations that showed us where we still hold fears, projections and assumptions, so that we could fully liberate ourselves and step into the New! We recently went through a mental clearing that got us out of an old spinning wheel and into a new creative cycle! The powerful culmination Eclipse that we are moving through holds the potential to be a powerful game changer!!!
We are moving into a culmination and new creative potential through the Eclipse Gateway! The Twin Gateway is coming into a completion! Recently many of us Ascension Pioneers were faced with new choices and opportunities, and for that to be truly experienced in the times to come, we needed to let go of the past, our old ways of behaving and our self limiting patterns and ideas! That is why our Soul created the kind of situations that showed us where we still hold fears, projections and assumptions, so that we could fully liberate ourselves and step into the New! We recently went through a mental clearing that got us out of an old spinning wheel and into a new creative cycle! The powerful culmination Eclipse that we are moving through holds the potential to be a powerful game changer!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Our ascending Group Soul
Dear Beloveds!
It's so good to be back from my seaside Holiday and here with all of You again! It feels like I never left anyway, for my Heart is always within Divine service to my fellow Ascension Pioneers!!! In these upcoming days I will be preparing much new material for my expanded work of service ... looking forward to this current Mercury retrograde phase ... it's indeed a huge blessing of the Divine, so that we can keep up with all that is shifting and prepare for his first ascending wave!!! We are currently moving through a rapid acceleration phase, which can feel like a powerful culmination, the coming together and the unification with our true ascended Self as we are in the higher density/ethereal template. This "homecoming" might feel very expansive and overwhelming at first, but we are simply moving through the first ascending wave of Light, and it's all occurring very naturally because it's the pathway of our organic personal and planetary Ascension.
It's so good to be back from my seaside Holiday and here with all of You again! It feels like I never left anyway, for my Heart is always within Divine service to my fellow Ascension Pioneers!!! In these upcoming days I will be preparing much new material for my expanded work of service ... looking forward to this current Mercury retrograde phase ... it's indeed a huge blessing of the Divine, so that we can keep up with all that is shifting and prepare for his first ascending wave!!! We are currently moving through a rapid acceleration phase, which can feel like a powerful culmination, the coming together and the unification with our true ascended Self as we are in the higher density/ethereal template. This "homecoming" might feel very expansive and overwhelming at first, but we are simply moving through the first ascending wave of Light, and it's all occurring very naturally because it's the pathway of our organic personal and planetary Ascension.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Living the Law of Grace
Dear Beloveds!
The the keyword at this time is "Allowing Grace." Grace is the Law of Life, which is the Law of Love. Divine Love always flows through the sacred Breath of the Holy Spirit, and it moves all Life in Creation in most beautiful and profound ways, through constant expansion of the infinite Soul. Living the Law of Life means that we always live in the flow of our authentic Soul, always reaping what we have sown, and always living in the infinite Presence of knowing that we are Divine Sparks of All. The more that we live through the Law of Grace, the more Love we will feel and vice versa. Grace is not something that we have to earn or become, as a natural state of Grace already and always Is, and is the reason behind all things that are of Love, and is the Essence of all that is alive with the sacred Breath of Holy Spirit.
The the keyword at this time is "Allowing Grace." Grace is the Law of Life, which is the Law of Love. Divine Love always flows through the sacred Breath of the Holy Spirit, and it moves all Life in Creation in most beautiful and profound ways, through constant expansion of the infinite Soul. Living the Law of Life means that we always live in the flow of our authentic Soul, always reaping what we have sown, and always living in the infinite Presence of knowing that we are Divine Sparks of All. The more that we live through the Law of Grace, the more Love we will feel and vice versa. Grace is not something that we have to earn or become, as a natural state of Grace already and always Is, and is the reason behind all things that are of Love, and is the Essence of all that is alive with the sacred Breath of Holy Spirit.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
The path of a Divine Lover
Dear Beloveds!
Our whole planet is going through a balancing stage at this time, and this affects all life upon it! Our messenger planet Mercury also entered the sign of Libra, the archetype of balance and harmony! The pendulum is swinging from left to right, and sometimes we might feel this as extremes of polarity playing themselves out in our realities! We move from left to right as well, feeling intense feelings of elevation and then we come down to Earth again! We need to trust that this is all a part of a much greater planetary and Cosmic process! We also just had the Pisces Full Moon at the end of August, setting the tone for the month of September. This was a super Moon that will bring us many new spiritual insights and revelations! Life just isn't how it used to be anymore, but that is perfect and just how it needs to Be! A lot of us are Earth Angels who belong to the celestial Realms, and Now we are bringing this Light of illumination to this planet and all Life on it! We are a part of this intrinsic balancing act, for we are this balance of perfected polarities ... Inside out! This is the path of a Divine Lover!
Our whole planet is going through a balancing stage at this time, and this affects all life upon it! Our messenger planet Mercury also entered the sign of Libra, the archetype of balance and harmony! The pendulum is swinging from left to right, and sometimes we might feel this as extremes of polarity playing themselves out in our realities! We move from left to right as well, feeling intense feelings of elevation and then we come down to Earth again! We need to trust that this is all a part of a much greater planetary and Cosmic process! We also just had the Pisces Full Moon at the end of August, setting the tone for the month of September. This was a super Moon that will bring us many new spiritual insights and revelations! Life just isn't how it used to be anymore, but that is perfect and just how it needs to Be! A lot of us are Earth Angels who belong to the celestial Realms, and Now we are bringing this Light of illumination to this planet and all Life on it! We are a part of this intrinsic balancing act, for we are this balance of perfected polarities ... Inside out! This is the path of a Divine Lover!
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Mastering our Life Force
Dear Beloveds!
Our Sun Now moved into Virgo, and we are stepping into a clean slate of our Being. We are letting go of the past in order to step into something new and more creative! True desires of our Soul don't change from minute to minute! They stay centered in our Heart and if we have the patience and the courage to walk our talk, all will reveal itself on our path in perfect Divine timing! So instead of crying over spilled milk we are asked to open up to new possibilities, even if we can't see them yet! In a perfect moment the forces of Universal Love will come and say: 'Let's go this way and do this!' We simply need to trust that what we are feeling deep inside is real and worth waiting for! But we don't simply wait, we focus on living a magical life moment by moment, always being creative from the Core of our Being!
Our Sun Now moved into Virgo, and we are stepping into a clean slate of our Being. We are letting go of the past in order to step into something new and more creative! True desires of our Soul don't change from minute to minute! They stay centered in our Heart and if we have the patience and the courage to walk our talk, all will reveal itself on our path in perfect Divine timing! So instead of crying over spilled milk we are asked to open up to new possibilities, even if we can't see them yet! In a perfect moment the forces of Universal Love will come and say: 'Let's go this way and do this!' We simply need to trust that what we are feeling deep inside is real and worth waiting for! But we don't simply wait, we focus on living a magical life moment by moment, always being creative from the Core of our Being!
Life Force,
Life purpose,
Life transition,
New life,
Self mastery,
Soul alchemy,
Soul expansion,
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Cultivating Universal Abundance
Dear Beloveds!
Recently we moved through the 888 portal, a triple 8-8-8 Gateway energy. We are expanding! This time is all about higher perspectives and expanding our views of reality! It is good to rest and contemplate so that the New can enter. Whatever blocks or fears we may be or may have been experiencing, they are only there because they are slowly leaving us! This is also a preparation time, cleansing our vibration and rising to new standards! The seeds of new beginnings are germinating and we are in a very delicate integration phase, needing much rest and Self care! This is a time to contemplate or meditate on our life purpose and prepare ourselves so that the new can come into our life at a higher frequency than the old! This auspicious time from August to September (when we have the Eclipse season) is very potent for integrating our renewed Self.
Recently we moved through the 888 portal, a triple 8-8-8 Gateway energy. We are expanding! This time is all about higher perspectives and expanding our views of reality! It is good to rest and contemplate so that the New can enter. Whatever blocks or fears we may be or may have been experiencing, they are only there because they are slowly leaving us! This is also a preparation time, cleansing our vibration and rising to new standards! The seeds of new beginnings are germinating and we are in a very delicate integration phase, needing much rest and Self care! This is a time to contemplate or meditate on our life purpose and prepare ourselves so that the new can come into our life at a higher frequency than the old! This auspicious time from August to September (when we have the Eclipse season) is very potent for integrating our renewed Self.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
The journey of Self mastery
Dear Beloveds!
We are in very auspicious times, for we have about 6 planetary retrograde motions Now, and our Venus and Uranus both moved retrograde this weekend. These times serve us greatly in our journey of Self mastery. How do we deepen our Self mastery? In Truth, we are all Beings of Creation, and Creation is deep and vast. As we open up to exploring the infinite realms and potentials of our Being, we will begin to see that we are as Creation itself, deep and vast. We will begin to feel impulses to deepen every experience that we have on this planet and beyond, which will cause us to to think, feel and act differently. We will engage our physical body in every experience, which will deepen our higher senses and awaken the inner Magic of our Soul. There are no words that can describe this process of inner deepening, because each initiate of Spirit will feel this differently through their internal/external path. With this deepening, we will feel more present and alive in everything that we experience, which will make us more conscious and observant. The more we learn to observe everything, the more we participate in Life, and Life in Truth is Creation itself.
We are in very auspicious times, for we have about 6 planetary retrograde motions Now, and our Venus and Uranus both moved retrograde this weekend. These times serve us greatly in our journey of Self mastery. How do we deepen our Self mastery? In Truth, we are all Beings of Creation, and Creation is deep and vast. As we open up to exploring the infinite realms and potentials of our Being, we will begin to see that we are as Creation itself, deep and vast. We will begin to feel impulses to deepen every experience that we have on this planet and beyond, which will cause us to to think, feel and act differently. We will engage our physical body in every experience, which will deepen our higher senses and awaken the inner Magic of our Soul. There are no words that can describe this process of inner deepening, because each initiate of Spirit will feel this differently through their internal/external path. With this deepening, we will feel more present and alive in everything that we experience, which will make us more conscious and observant. The more we learn to observe everything, the more we participate in Life, and Life in Truth is Creation itself.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Venus cycles: The return of Love
Dear Beloveds!
A lot of us are entering a new cycle of our expansion, which is perfectly aligned with the current celestial cycles. Our Ascension is not a daily event, and we are gradually being upgraded and embodying new versions of ourselves, each time more free and true to our Self! At this time many of our planetary bodies are moving through their retrograde cycles, which means that we are also in a way moving retrograde in order to reflect and prepare for a new cycle of our Ascension. The whole Ascension process is just as multidimensional as we are, and as we are discovering more of ourselves, we are also discovering more about our personal Ascension and its nature.
A lot of us are entering a new cycle of our expansion, which is perfectly aligned with the current celestial cycles. Our Ascension is not a daily event, and we are gradually being upgraded and embodying new versions of ourselves, each time more free and true to our Self! At this time many of our planetary bodies are moving through their retrograde cycles, which means that we are also in a way moving retrograde in order to reflect and prepare for a new cycle of our Ascension. The whole Ascension process is just as multidimensional as we are, and as we are discovering more of ourselves, we are also discovering more about our personal Ascension and its nature.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Walking through the Solstice Gateway
Dear Beloveds!
We have "walked" (or better yet, raced) through a powerful new Gateway of the Solstice. After this a whole new Self wants to be birthed through us, and so we need to be patient with ourselves during this time of the labor. Labor includes all such things as releasing the old, having contractions and bolts of sudden inspiration that can be overwhelming. It is time to gift ourselves with the greatest patience we have ever endured before, and it goes the same for being patient with others. Our body might not be as capable to be so active as before, for we are integrating a lot of the New Light and our physicality is once again making a huge leap forward. It is time to expand even further and know our true worth! We are experiencing some profound shifts at this time!
We have "walked" (or better yet, raced) through a powerful new Gateway of the Solstice. After this a whole new Self wants to be birthed through us, and so we need to be patient with ourselves during this time of the labor. Labor includes all such things as releasing the old, having contractions and bolts of sudden inspiration that can be overwhelming. It is time to gift ourselves with the greatest patience we have ever endured before, and it goes the same for being patient with others. Our body might not be as capable to be so active as before, for we are integrating a lot of the New Light and our physicality is once again making a huge leap forward. It is time to expand even further and know our true worth! We are experiencing some profound shifts at this time!
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Claiming our sacred space
Dear Beloveds!
have moved into a new energetic month of June, and so much still lies at
hand. The potential is so vast, and as we stepped through the gateway of choice, Now we are entering a more peaceful period of this year. Active yes, but peaceful. This looks like a busy and forward movement momentum. Those of us
who have embraced our Organic Ascension through the understanding of
pure Creation and our own individuation within Core Creation Self, are
also moving into a new chapter of "Fellowship" and conscious co-creation
through Joy and Bliss. We are moving
away from that which is perceived as a "need" and moving into a parallel
of experiencing ourselves as a wave of constant resonance and moving
from harmonic dissonance to harmonic convergence.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
The Power of Choice & Cosmic convergence
Dear Beloveds!
This weekend I was at the seaside, immersing in the energy of the Great
Ocean. While performing a sacred ritual, a beautiful Spirit message came
through, which spoke about sacrifice in the New through the Power of
Choice. When we co-create our choices in alignment with the Greater
Whole, we are creating tiny particles of Light that are weaving the
golden-white web of our New Reality. The more people align their choices
through the consideration of a greater Whole,
the more refined our Being becomes, and the more interconnectedness we
will co-create. This takes our daily focus and devotion, for most
individuals are not yet at the level where all of their choices are
Spirit aligned automatically. It takes a great deal of courage and
commitment to Self mastery to live this way and attune to the Great Holy
Spirit. When this becomes natural to us, we won't feel sacrifice as
giving something up, but rather gaining much more through a purposeful
life that is full of Spirit value and freedom of Being.

Thursday, May 21, 2015
Living in total Bliss
Dear Beloveds!
Our theme Now is expansion through the inner world. There is a great shift taking place at this time, and our inner state of Cosmic convergence is being attuned to all timelines merging together as One. During this unfolding, we may feel a bit confused, with ups and downs felt within our psyche, and yet this is only the consequence of our shifting awareness. The more we anchor our multidimensional nature of Soul in Human form, the more Bliss we will feel, because we will feel grounded and safe in our body, feeling like we belong no matter where we are and who we are sharing our reality feel. The more Self mastery we claim, the more freedom of the Soul guides our way.
Our theme Now is expansion through the inner world. There is a great shift taking place at this time, and our inner state of Cosmic convergence is being attuned to all timelines merging together as One. During this unfolding, we may feel a bit confused, with ups and downs felt within our psyche, and yet this is only the consequence of our shifting awareness. The more we anchor our multidimensional nature of Soul in Human form, the more Bliss we will feel, because we will feel grounded and safe in our body, feeling like we belong no matter where we are and who we are sharing our reality feel. The more Self mastery we claim, the more freedom of the Soul guides our way.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Blossoming & anchoring partnerships
Dear Beloveds!
We are definitely moving into a new phase in our relationships and how we relate to the world at large. What is the balancing act between our work and daily habits/routines and our home/family? Venus is in the self nurturing and motherly sign of Cancer Now, and this sign is all about belonging to our natural environment and those who feel close to us. This almost feels like a transition from the sixth to the seventh house of partnership. The sixth house is all about work and health, and what we devote our time and service to. This is an overall energy of balancing work/career and enjoyment/playfulness of our natural belonging environment. Our work should become our fun and our playful nature should be included in our creativity. We grow and expand through our work and spiritual pursuits, but relationships are also a part of who we are, and that is why that which we consider as our closest "Family" while here on Earth, also plays a crucial role in our Ascension. A great deal of our physical Ascension occurs through our relationships and what we value and nurture. We are in times when relationships are becoming very important, for they are blossoming and crystallizing into a new refined form.
We are definitely moving into a new phase in our relationships and how we relate to the world at large. What is the balancing act between our work and daily habits/routines and our home/family? Venus is in the self nurturing and motherly sign of Cancer Now, and this sign is all about belonging to our natural environment and those who feel close to us. This almost feels like a transition from the sixth to the seventh house of partnership. The sixth house is all about work and health, and what we devote our time and service to. This is an overall energy of balancing work/career and enjoyment/playfulness of our natural belonging environment. Our work should become our fun and our playful nature should be included in our creativity. We grow and expand through our work and spiritual pursuits, but relationships are also a part of who we are, and that is why that which we consider as our closest "Family" while here on Earth, also plays a crucial role in our Ascension. A great deal of our physical Ascension occurs through our relationships and what we value and nurture. We are in times when relationships are becoming very important, for they are blossoming and crystallizing into a new refined form.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Living a juicy Life
Dear Beloveds!
We are beginning anew by embracing the natural pathway, which is about embracing our true Self. We truly open to new beginnings when we shift our perspective into seeing things differently, even if they are of the same origin. In Truth, all is from the Origin of Source. Let's look at how the Nature creates and cycles! She draws forth everything from that same Essence, and yet things always come anew every Spring. It seems as though the resources are new and vast, and yet everything comes and goes, is birthed and dies yet again. When we see that our Power to create comes from that same internal Source Origin, we will amplify our manifestation abilities, and we will be able to always bring about new things, gather infinite resources and give birth to new outcomes. This is how we co-create in the New.
We are beginning anew by embracing the natural pathway, which is about embracing our true Self. We truly open to new beginnings when we shift our perspective into seeing things differently, even if they are of the same origin. In Truth, all is from the Origin of Source. Let's look at how the Nature creates and cycles! She draws forth everything from that same Essence, and yet things always come anew every Spring. It seems as though the resources are new and vast, and yet everything comes and goes, is birthed and dies yet again. When we see that our Power to create comes from that same internal Source Origin, we will amplify our manifestation abilities, and we will be able to always bring about new things, gather infinite resources and give birth to new outcomes. This is how we co-create in the New.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
The Crystal Cave
Dear Beloveds!
A beautiful synchronicity led us to experience something truly wonderful last week. It was May 1st and we visited the most amazing crystal cave here in Slovenia (in the Alpine region), and the energies of it are simply amazing, not to mention all the beautiful calcite crystals that are in the cave! A while ago I had an intent to discover a crystal cave in the Alps one day, and this Now came true. Now my intention is to visit it again one day and also take fellow Divine companions there during my Ascension/Mountain retreats! Sometimes life is just so unpredictably beautiful!
A beautiful synchronicity led us to experience something truly wonderful last week. It was May 1st and we visited the most amazing crystal cave here in Slovenia (in the Alpine region), and the energies of it are simply amazing, not to mention all the beautiful calcite crystals that are in the cave! A while ago I had an intent to discover a crystal cave in the Alps one day, and this Now came true. Now my intention is to visit it again one day and also take fellow Divine companions there during my Ascension/Mountain retreats! Sometimes life is just so unpredictably beautiful!
Sunday, May 3, 2015
The passionate Scorpio Full Moon of Union
Dear Beloveds!
On May 3rd/4th we celebrate the coming of the Scorpio Full Moon, which is also the Wesak/Buddha Moon! The highest aspect of Scorpio is about deep Union through spiritual transformation and initiation. We are entering a new phase of our spiritual purpose and support through partnership of two and deep Soul friendship. We are stepping into a new level of our spiritual purpose through initiation and relationship. We have mastered a lot on our solitary path as Ascension Pioneers, and a lot of this work was done in our inner temple, the temple of our "I AM Presence." It is Now time to bring this inner work to the outer planes through sharing with others in Divine co-creation. This world was meant to live and breathe through our internal temple, so that the external temple matches that internal state of Being. The two within One speak about Divine Union through passionate creativity in Love. This is a definite and clear message that the Way forward will be paved with relationship energy. There are many kinds of relationship, from the most intimate close relations to relating to groups and organizations in all kinds of associations. But this is a message of the most intimate relationship, when the Two meet as One at the altar of pure Spirit.
On May 3rd/4th we celebrate the coming of the Scorpio Full Moon, which is also the Wesak/Buddha Moon! The highest aspect of Scorpio is about deep Union through spiritual transformation and initiation. We are entering a new phase of our spiritual purpose and support through partnership of two and deep Soul friendship. We are stepping into a new level of our spiritual purpose through initiation and relationship. We have mastered a lot on our solitary path as Ascension Pioneers, and a lot of this work was done in our inner temple, the temple of our "I AM Presence." It is Now time to bring this inner work to the outer planes through sharing with others in Divine co-creation. This world was meant to live and breathe through our internal temple, so that the external temple matches that internal state of Being. The two within One speak about Divine Union through passionate creativity in Love. This is a definite and clear message that the Way forward will be paved with relationship energy. There are many kinds of relationship, from the most intimate close relations to relating to groups and organizations in all kinds of associations. But this is a message of the most intimate relationship, when the Two meet as One at the altar of pure Spirit.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Awakening our wild nature
Dear Beloveds!
This has been a rather interesting and dynamic week with new arising feelings of deep Freedom. We have now entered into calm waters after a stronger wave of Solar activity, with increased Solar flaring. We will again be integrating this in our body. What else is new? Recently we had our Moon squaring Uranus, which means that new ideas will come through our feelings, and increased level of our subconscious will come into play, so we better watch out for everything that comes to us during the next few days, because it just might be that missing piece of the puzzle that we were looking for. Remember that all the "good stuff" usually comes in unexpected ways, so it's time to be open and flexible! We are building towards the Scorpio Full Moon, and I was getting constant "Scorpio energy" messages all week long.
This has been a rather interesting and dynamic week with new arising feelings of deep Freedom. We have now entered into calm waters after a stronger wave of Solar activity, with increased Solar flaring. We will again be integrating this in our body. What else is new? Recently we had our Moon squaring Uranus, which means that new ideas will come through our feelings, and increased level of our subconscious will come into play, so we better watch out for everything that comes to us during the next few days, because it just might be that missing piece of the puzzle that we were looking for. Remember that all the "good stuff" usually comes in unexpected ways, so it's time to be open and flexible! We are building towards the Scorpio Full Moon, and I was getting constant "Scorpio energy" messages all week long.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Time for new beginnings!
Dear Beloveds!
We have entered through a portal of Freedom, so many of us! We are in a stage of completion of one chapter, as we prepare for moving into a new one. These are amazing times of the New! We might feel an increased state of flow, and things will fall into place more naturally by us simply allowing them to. We no longer feel the new to struggle and go against the flow. If there is movement and something works, it will be felt very easily, and if not, then we will learn to notice that as well. The key is always conscious observation and then learning to integrate what we are taking notice of. We are also in a creative cycle, for all this forward movement is bringing us a sense of beginning a new project, or simply finishing something we have been pondering on for quite a while.
We have entered through a portal of Freedom, so many of us! We are in a stage of completion of one chapter, as we prepare for moving into a new one. These are amazing times of the New! We might feel an increased state of flow, and things will fall into place more naturally by us simply allowing them to. We no longer feel the new to struggle and go against the flow. If there is movement and something works, it will be felt very easily, and if not, then we will learn to notice that as well. The key is always conscious observation and then learning to integrate what we are taking notice of. We are also in a creative cycle, for all this forward movement is bringing us a sense of beginning a new project, or simply finishing something we have been pondering on for quite a while.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Time to integrate!
Dear Beloveds!
We are in intense integration times! This time is all about higher spiritual education, new learning/teaching, short trips and our neighborhood, and these are all ruled by the 3rd house. This is the Gemini house, and our planet of Love and value, Venus, moves into Gemini today, April 11th. Our energy focus will be shifting towards exchanging information, speaking or writing, researching and possibly developing new tools and methods of spiritual teachings. This is especially true for all higher spiritual pursuits, which are ruled by the 12th (Piscean) house of spirituality, higher causes, service and transcendence. We might even find new Love through the exchange and sharing of information, community or the online world. But we will definitely be using what we are receiving for serving a greater Whole.
We are in intense integration times! This time is all about higher spiritual education, new learning/teaching, short trips and our neighborhood, and these are all ruled by the 3rd house. This is the Gemini house, and our planet of Love and value, Venus, moves into Gemini today, April 11th. Our energy focus will be shifting towards exchanging information, speaking or writing, researching and possibly developing new tools and methods of spiritual teachings. This is especially true for all higher spiritual pursuits, which are ruled by the 12th (Piscean) house of spirituality, higher causes, service and transcendence. We might even find new Love through the exchange and sharing of information, community or the online world. But we will definitely be using what we are receiving for serving a greater Whole.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Easter & Resurrection
Dear Beloveds!
This year's Easter happens right after the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, so the message of Resurrection is stronger than ever before. It also happens on a 5 energy day within the 17/8 Universal day, which is the infinity number, and the 17 is the Star card in tarot, so 5 the number of changes becomes inspired by 17/8 of new hopes and renewed faith. It truly is time to move on! The planet of expansion and spirituality, Jupiter, also goes direct this
week, on April 8th, so it will enrich all of us in some way. We were in a culmination phase for quite a while, and this powerful Resurrection energy is leading us forward, especially towards the Aries New Moon that happens this month. April holds immense potential to advance and expand, so let's get busy with it! Here in our Mountain portal, we had some intense shifting weather during this whole Eclipse season, which amplified with the Blood Moon Eclipse, and we had our first lightnings of the year in the Mountains, with snow and very cold weather for this time of the year. Eclipses usually bring colder weather, but this was quite extreme, with strong winds as well.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
The Eclipse season & new foundations
Dear Beloveds!
We are in between the Eclipse season, which is always prominent for strange turn of events and things moving in and out of our lives faster than usual, with strong Soul messages and experiences. This invites us into the law of detachment, to view all of the world as a stage, and to simply invite in fresh experiences without fearing that they will eventually transpire. We are brave Souls when we live in such a manner, and one who has mastered the art of detachment, truly knows inner Peace. A lot of times things happen without our full understanding, and yet they are important for our Soul expansion. We might not see everything that unfolds behind the scenes when a certain roll of events is taking place, and yet we are being asked to trust and hold the space.
We are in between the Eclipse season, which is always prominent for strange turn of events and things moving in and out of our lives faster than usual, with strong Soul messages and experiences. This invites us into the law of detachment, to view all of the world as a stage, and to simply invite in fresh experiences without fearing that they will eventually transpire. We are brave Souls when we live in such a manner, and one who has mastered the art of detachment, truly knows inner Peace. A lot of times things happen without our full understanding, and yet they are important for our Soul expansion. We might not see everything that unfolds behind the scenes when a certain roll of events is taking place, and yet we are being asked to trust and hold the space.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Solar Eclipse & the Equinox
Dear Beloveds!
At this time there is great alignment at hand! We are completing one level of our initiation on this planet and moving into a new one. The "last" and 7th gateway/Pluto and Uranus square alignment reached its climax and it brought forth the seventh initiation on our path of Ascension. 7 is the number of Spirit and it is also often associated with the 7 veils of illusion ... the 7 initiations of the Soul as it remembers the state of the 7th density, which is the so-called 7th Heaven/our Angelic Self. It is therefore very important to take some time for ceremony, solitude and meditation. Many illusions can dissolve at this important time, and there can be great unveiling! The more focused and Present we are during the time of the Eclipse, the more we will be able to tap into all of the New. Many of us also experienced many things during this time, which were all a reflection of a greater unification taking place. Our Souls are so hungry for this conscious merge beyond any separation.
At this time there is great alignment at hand! We are completing one level of our initiation on this planet and moving into a new one. The "last" and 7th gateway/Pluto and Uranus square alignment reached its climax and it brought forth the seventh initiation on our path of Ascension. 7 is the number of Spirit and it is also often associated with the 7 veils of illusion ... the 7 initiations of the Soul as it remembers the state of the 7th density, which is the so-called 7th Heaven/our Angelic Self. It is therefore very important to take some time for ceremony, solitude and meditation. Many illusions can dissolve at this important time, and there can be great unveiling! The more focused and Present we are during the time of the Eclipse, the more we will be able to tap into all of the New. Many of us also experienced many things during this time, which were all a reflection of a greater unification taking place. Our Souls are so hungry for this conscious merge beyond any separation.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Becoming more harmonious
Dear Beloveds!
These are intense times! We are learning about balance when it comes to living our lives in the New. We are becoming more Soul integrated. How many times in the past did we take on responsibilities that were beyond our own? How many times we created a false sense of burden, when this was truly unnecessary? As Ascension Pioneers, we always carry an innate sense of inner knowing and being of greater service to the Whole, and yet it can also happen that we filter this higher purpose through a false sense of servitude and taking on responsibilities that are not our own. We are Now asked to surrender anything that creates a lack of inner balance and return to inner Harmony of Soul. When we are naturally Soul aligned, we simply do what is within our own scope and Soul responsibility, without taking on responsibilities of others. We do everything as it comes to us naturally, without any unnatural filters.
These are intense times! We are learning about balance when it comes to living our lives in the New. We are becoming more Soul integrated. How many times in the past did we take on responsibilities that were beyond our own? How many times we created a false sense of burden, when this was truly unnecessary? As Ascension Pioneers, we always carry an innate sense of inner knowing and being of greater service to the Whole, and yet it can also happen that we filter this higher purpose through a false sense of servitude and taking on responsibilities that are not our own. We are Now asked to surrender anything that creates a lack of inner balance and return to inner Harmony of Soul. When we are naturally Soul aligned, we simply do what is within our own scope and Soul responsibility, without taking on responsibilities of others. We do everything as it comes to us naturally, without any unnatural filters.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Living in 5th dimension
Dear Beloveds!
What is true Joy in Divine remembrance? It is when we fully (not partially) remember our reason for being here on this planet at this time specifically, and awakening every single cell of our Soul's purpose, while fully rejoicing with others who are our fellow companions on this journey of co-creation. So many individuals Now talk about moving into the fifth dimension, and yet many don't even know what is the nature of fifth dimensional consciousness, which is the purpose of our experience of it.
What is true Joy in Divine remembrance? It is when we fully (not partially) remember our reason for being here on this planet at this time specifically, and awakening every single cell of our Soul's purpose, while fully rejoicing with others who are our fellow companions on this journey of co-creation. So many individuals Now talk about moving into the fifth dimension, and yet many don't even know what is the nature of fifth dimensional consciousness, which is the purpose of our experience of it.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Taking a leap of Faith
Dear Beloveds!
These are intense times of change, and we are all going to be asked to change something in order to move forward, deeper into the New. Taking a leap of Faith does not only apply to doing something outrageous. We can take a leap of Faith every single day, through the most random things that we do in our lives. Taking a leap of Faith means to live a life of Spirit guidance. Our gifts and abilities of Soul come through us when we embrace the dark womb of Divine Mother within us. The so-called "Black Madonna" represents that as an archetype, which means that we cannot hide or not acknowledge the dark aspect of Creation. When we are unafraid to look really deeply into what darkness is, we might be surprised what it was actually designed for in the Creation of worlds. The mere concept of "dark matter" has entrained and eluded us for Eons at the same time. Magic comes through embracing not just the "positive", the bright and effortless, but also the challenging, the hidden and the dark. Through that initiation, we will grow in the Power of our Being and once again the Divine scales will be in equilibrium again. We are in that restoration period Now.
These are intense times of change, and we are all going to be asked to change something in order to move forward, deeper into the New. Taking a leap of Faith does not only apply to doing something outrageous. We can take a leap of Faith every single day, through the most random things that we do in our lives. Taking a leap of Faith means to live a life of Spirit guidance. Our gifts and abilities of Soul come through us when we embrace the dark womb of Divine Mother within us. The so-called "Black Madonna" represents that as an archetype, which means that we cannot hide or not acknowledge the dark aspect of Creation. When we are unafraid to look really deeply into what darkness is, we might be surprised what it was actually designed for in the Creation of worlds. The mere concept of "dark matter" has entrained and eluded us for Eons at the same time. Magic comes through embracing not just the "positive", the bright and effortless, but also the challenging, the hidden and the dark. Through that initiation, we will grow in the Power of our Being and once again the Divine scales will be in equilibrium again. We are in that restoration period Now.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Stepping into true Joy & overflowing
Dear Beloveds!
Living in the New is all about Joy and creating magical experiences from deep within. This week we had a New Moon in the last (critical) degree of Aquarius, which then turned to Pisces only a few minutes after. We went through a cusp ourselves as well, as the water spilled over the cup and the energy of overflowing spoke to us, if only we were truly open and Present. Our mystical experiences might deepen at this time, but we need to create enough room in our awareness in order to be fully receptive.
Living in the New is all about Joy and creating magical experiences from deep within. This week we had a New Moon in the last (critical) degree of Aquarius, which then turned to Pisces only a few minutes after. We went through a cusp ourselves as well, as the water spilled over the cup and the energy of overflowing spoke to us, if only we were truly open and Present. Our mystical experiences might deepen at this time, but we need to create enough room in our awareness in order to be fully receptive.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
True Beloved Union inside out!
Dear Beloveds!
We just celebrated St. Valentine’s day, and there was an amazing integration of Heart’s Passion taking place. Now Venus and Mars are dancing together in our skies for a few days, forming a fierce connection in a fiery sign of Aries, which always ignites our passion and new beginnings. As our Hearts are opening more and reawakening to the inner Magic, we might be more drawn to contemplate on the nature of true Love. True Love corresponds to a deep God/Goddess Presence that awakens our inner male/female. This will begin to anchor the Essence of the Lovers/Agape Love and the Truth of the Beloved.
We just celebrated St. Valentine’s day, and there was an amazing integration of Heart’s Passion taking place. Now Venus and Mars are dancing together in our skies for a few days, forming a fierce connection in a fiery sign of Aries, which always ignites our passion and new beginnings. As our Hearts are opening more and reawakening to the inner Magic, we might be more drawn to contemplate on the nature of true Love. True Love corresponds to a deep God/Goddess Presence that awakens our inner male/female. This will begin to anchor the Essence of the Lovers/Agape Love and the Truth of the Beloved.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Happy St. Valentine's day!
Dear Beloveds!
This whole Valentine's week was amazing indeed. We are opening to a whole new level of abundance! We are truly learning/remembering how it is to always overflow. At the beginning of this week I was guided to start creating sacred altars and post them daily on my personal Instagram page. This serves to anchor a particular Essence that is being revealed to us, and then create a sacred water ritual. In this ritual we receive directions on how to embody that Essence, and then we bless the water with that Essence and drink it when the altar has served its purpose.
This whole Valentine's week was amazing indeed. We are opening to a whole new level of abundance! We are truly learning/remembering how it is to always overflow. At the beginning of this week I was guided to start creating sacred altars and post them daily on my personal Instagram page. This serves to anchor a particular Essence that is being revealed to us, and then create a sacred water ritual. In this ritual we receive directions on how to embody that Essence, and then we bless the water with that Essence and drink it when the altar has served its purpose.
Monday, February 9, 2015
New breakthroughs & renewals
Dear Beloveds!
Last week was amazingly intense for sure, and for each one of us this probably came through in different ways. Personally, most of my week was about dealing with technical things, setting up my new computer and learning about new computer implementations and such. Boy, what a week! Especially for someone who likes to live on a more natural side of life. But Mercury retrograde had its own plan in mind, and this in fact turned out to be quite a blessing. I was getting deeper insights into how I can expand through sharing in new ways, which is also an aspect of that Aquarian energy of pure freedom and telepathic transmission. I was absorbing new knowledge like a sponge. This step is needed for many Pioneers so that we can step further into our new expanded Self. Of course this doesn't mean that we completely plunge into the world of computers, so to say (in my example), but we merge what we have to share with ways of how to share it and being more "user friendly" in a way.
Last week was amazingly intense for sure, and for each one of us this probably came through in different ways. Personally, most of my week was about dealing with technical things, setting up my new computer and learning about new computer implementations and such. Boy, what a week! Especially for someone who likes to live on a more natural side of life. But Mercury retrograde had its own plan in mind, and this in fact turned out to be quite a blessing. I was getting deeper insights into how I can expand through sharing in new ways, which is also an aspect of that Aquarian energy of pure freedom and telepathic transmission. I was absorbing new knowledge like a sponge. This step is needed for many Pioneers so that we can step further into our new expanded Self. Of course this doesn't mean that we completely plunge into the world of computers, so to say (in my example), but we merge what we have to share with ways of how to share it and being more "user friendly" in a way.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
The Goddess speaks: Be yourself!
Dear Beloveds!
This month is leading us into a strong Goddess Essence, which is the embodiment of pure delight in Creation. The Way of the sacred feminine is that allowance of the Self through deep pleasure and passion of Joy. We may feel more inspired by the Goddess than ever before, which definitely means that we are moving into a more feminine way of Being, surrendering the need to control everything and trusting life in its simplicity and natural guidance. Everything else is always in alignment when we are guided to simply create and focus on the Joy of our passionate Soul. What is deeply calling You at this time? Trust that calling!
This month is leading us into a strong Goddess Essence, which is the embodiment of pure delight in Creation. The Way of the sacred feminine is that allowance of the Self through deep pleasure and passion of Joy. We may feel more inspired by the Goddess than ever before, which definitely means that we are moving into a more feminine way of Being, surrendering the need to control everything and trusting life in its simplicity and natural guidance. Everything else is always in alignment when we are guided to simply create and focus on the Joy of our passionate Soul. What is deeply calling You at this time? Trust that calling!
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Mercury retrograde: Winter came
Dear Beloveds!
We have a Mercury retrograde until February 11th, and this is a slower moving energy that is moving us further into the New. In the New, we see and feel all Divine alignments as One and equally important for our Soul's expansion. This particular Mercury retrograde is such a blessing, because it helps us to embody more freedom of Being, paving the Way for the "Age of Aquarius." The archetype of Aquarius is the Water barer, and yet it is also an air sign. We are therefore merging our Sword of Truth (air) with the Cup of Life (water). We are becoming more aware of our telepathic Self and flow as One with all Life in Creation.
We have a Mercury retrograde until February 11th, and this is a slower moving energy that is moving us further into the New. In the New, we see and feel all Divine alignments as One and equally important for our Soul's expansion. This particular Mercury retrograde is such a blessing, because it helps us to embody more freedom of Being, paving the Way for the "Age of Aquarius." The archetype of Aquarius is the Water barer, and yet it is also an air sign. We are therefore merging our Sword of Truth (air) with the Cup of Life (water). We are becoming more aware of our telepathic Self and flow as One with all Life in Creation.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
The "Age" of Aquarius & Self mastery
Dear Beloveds!
We recently had a New Moon in Aquarius, and another one comes in February. This energy is always about the freedom of Being in the New, and so we are Now given the chance to truly expand before we enter a new astrological year in Self mastery. At the end of the last year and continuing with this recent New Moon in Aquarius, we had repetitive New Moons in 0 degrees. Now these two Aquarius New Moons are almost like an invitation into the Age of Aquarius where the focus will be Self mastery and synergy in Union. These are also our initiations into the freedom of Self expression, where we no longer use so many words to communicate, express ourselves or over analyze things. We are moving into the simplicity of Being in deep Presence.
We recently had a New Moon in Aquarius, and another one comes in February. This energy is always about the freedom of Being in the New, and so we are Now given the chance to truly expand before we enter a new astrological year in Self mastery. At the end of the last year and continuing with this recent New Moon in Aquarius, we had repetitive New Moons in 0 degrees. Now these two Aquarius New Moons are almost like an invitation into the Age of Aquarius where the focus will be Self mastery and synergy in Union. These are also our initiations into the freedom of Self expression, where we no longer use so many words to communicate, express ourselves or over analyze things. We are moving into the simplicity of Being in deep Presence.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Freedom of New Life
Dear Beloveds!
We have begun an exciting New Year of 2015/8 numerology. This is the Year of the Magician, the great Cosmic Alchemist that is working with the Essence of Soul alchemy to achieve great Self mastery in deep Soul integration/unification, infinite abundance and expansion of the Soul's freedom. This year the first Ascension wave will move into a new wave of Being, and have a great impact in collective service to All Life in Creation. The year began with a powerful Cancer Full Moon, which gave us the proper lift off into the realms of true Home/belonging here on this planet and how we live our lives in a New reality. All of this New is impacting us greatly, and yet it feels exciting and magical, for we have finally entered the realms of the Great unknown in Cosmic Self mastery. We are the Masters of the New Era. What does that mean?
We have begun an exciting New Year of 2015/8 numerology. This is the Year of the Magician, the great Cosmic Alchemist that is working with the Essence of Soul alchemy to achieve great Self mastery in deep Soul integration/unification, infinite abundance and expansion of the Soul's freedom. This year the first Ascension wave will move into a new wave of Being, and have a great impact in collective service to All Life in Creation. The year began with a powerful Cancer Full Moon, which gave us the proper lift off into the realms of true Home/belonging here on this planet and how we live our lives in a New reality. All of this New is impacting us greatly, and yet it feels exciting and magical, for we have finally entered the realms of the Great unknown in Cosmic Self mastery. We are the Masters of the New Era. What does that mean?
Friday, January 9, 2015
Becoming conscious co-creators & working with intent
Dear Beloveds!
As I have already shared, we are in the Year of the Magician, and we will be learning about how to more consciously work with energy and its reverberation. This year we are also invited to look into all areas where we still perceive that we need to receive before we give. We are creating a pure platform for our Magician Self. Do we really need something before we reach out and be of Cosmic service? Giving and receiving are in fact One, and they do not exist without each other in true Divine partnership and harmony. Sometimes we might desire to receive gifts, confirmations and feel safe before making a step further or reaching out in our service, and yet this is still conditional. We need to find the courage to act in the moment without any expectations. We are invited to bask in the Joy of selfless service, which only comes through pure compassion. When we know that true service is sharing rather than giving out of lack and need, everything comes to us naturally, and others also come to serve us, so that the Grand scales of All That Is are always in balance.
As I have already shared, we are in the Year of the Magician, and we will be learning about how to more consciously work with energy and its reverberation. This year we are also invited to look into all areas where we still perceive that we need to receive before we give. We are creating a pure platform for our Magician Self. Do we really need something before we reach out and be of Cosmic service? Giving and receiving are in fact One, and they do not exist without each other in true Divine partnership and harmony. Sometimes we might desire to receive gifts, confirmations and feel safe before making a step further or reaching out in our service, and yet this is still conditional. We need to find the courage to act in the moment without any expectations. We are invited to bask in the Joy of selfless service, which only comes through pure compassion. When we know that true service is sharing rather than giving out of lack and need, everything comes to us naturally, and others also come to serve us, so that the Grand scales of All That Is are always in balance.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
My Holidays & the New year 2015
Dear Beloveds!
Welcome to the New year 2015, the year of infinite possibilities of Spirit! These endless options are not self obvious, though. We all have to go on a "spiritual quest" from time to time, in order to move deeper into our Soul Essence, where new options and choices will constantly be presented to us. We are very unique in Essence, and yet we constantly continue to expand as all of consciousness evolves. If we remain stagnant, we will only continue to spin in circles, and yet our highest potential lies in reaching beyond the limits and the known, into the magic and mystery of the unknown.
Welcome to the New year 2015, the year of infinite possibilities of Spirit! These endless options are not self obvious, though. We all have to go on a "spiritual quest" from time to time, in order to move deeper into our Soul Essence, where new options and choices will constantly be presented to us. We are very unique in Essence, and yet we constantly continue to expand as all of consciousness evolves. If we remain stagnant, we will only continue to spin in circles, and yet our highest potential lies in reaching beyond the limits and the known, into the magic and mystery of the unknown.
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