Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Crystal Cave

Dear Beloveds!

A beautiful synchronicity led us to experience something truly wonderful last week. It was May 1st and we visited the most amazing crystal cave here in Slovenia (in the Alpine region), and the energies of it are simply amazing, not to mention all the beautiful calcite crystals that are in the cave! A while ago I had an intent to discover a crystal cave in the Alps one day, and this Now came true. Now my intention is to visit it again one day and also take fellow Divine companions there during my Ascension/Mountain retreats! Sometimes life is just so unpredictably beautiful!

You can see more pictures on my Instagram page here: https://instagram.com/polonaaureaart/

The video I made can be found here!

You can read more about the cave here!

The entrance into the cave is quite hidden, and You have to walk to it for about 40 min-1 hour. There are actually two paths leading to it, but one is longer and a bit more difficult. We were blessed to meet a lovely family who took us there with their van.

When You enter into the cave, You can feel a total shift in energy, and one who loves the experience of a cave can truly feel something amazing. You can almost feel like You are in the Presence of something truly spectacular, and although it's dark in there, there can be much Life felt. We are used to life forms being and thriving only in the light, but there are many life forms that can only grow in the dark ... just like crystals.

There are many beautiful stalactites and stalagmites in the cave, which are also forming the union of many columns. You can find the correlating descriptions for these shapes and forms on Wikipedia!
The structure needed for this to grow is limestone, and the whole of our Alps are made of limestone ... that is why they are so "sparkly white." The crystals that grow on limestone are calcite crystals. The cave was once full of water, and this is what crystals need to grow ... darkness, pressure and water. The higher the pressure, the more they will be forming! How amazing is that!

You can observe see such calcite crystals growing in a diamond shape position, and You can see their size in comparison to the person standing next to them. Apparently there were many who have tried to rob these crystals and take them out, but they were unsuccessful. This is where the crystals belong, and they are trying very hard to protect the cave. But we did manage to take some (smaller) lovely rock crystals from the floor.

This is the hall of images, and one can see many things here. It kind of looks like an altar, or a hall of mirrors, and You can easily see a large horse on the right, with a tiny giraffe underneath it towards the left.

"1, 2, 3 ... what can You see?"
And these are organs, which actually make a sound when You bang on them, which is quite an interesting frequency to listen to!
During the whole trip, it was only me and this boy who were picking up stones from the floor. Then this sweetest boy ever gave me this crystal stone at the cave, and I asked him if he wants to exchange it for money. He said that it can also be free. What a sweetie ... These new kids! I love them!
You can also find such crystallized stones in front of the entrance into the cave. 

It truly was a wonderful experience!

I hope to share it one day!

Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn
