Dear Beloveds!
Welcome to the New energetic month of December, everyone! This is a 14/5
month of deep change, and its most obvious climax point will become
rather visible in its expression during this year's December Solstice.
We will have a Sagittarius New Moon first on the 7th, just after Mercury
goes back direct on the 6th, and then a Jupiter alignment on Solstice.
Major breakthrough from the old ways is possible at this time. Something
is deeply ready to bubble up the surface
at this time, as we are welcoming a New version of Self into form. This
form is a higher expression of who we are, which is Now ready for
physical manifestation and embodiment. This is us breathing with wider
lungs and taking in more Spirit Life force than ever before. It is also
us welcoming this New radiant expression into Life, just like we welcome
a new child into the world. It is this Life force expression that
creates everything in our reality, and it was called the great "Serpent
wisdom" in the Ancient past. So many have not yet begin to embrace this
path of Self mastery, as they are still gradually rising to the surface
of Divine remembrance within their individual awakening. However, there
are also those who are a bit further along the path, and are Now ready
to embrace the path of true allowance. What is this and how do we tune
into our Self through this simple "I AM" wisdom?
This Ascension Blog is dedicated to Creation and the New reality/the New Earth that we can experience through Soul passion and inner Magic. The foundation of the New is pure Bliss and Joy from within. As a Pillar and wayshower, I would like to share about how it is to live a simple and profound Life of inner Magic! We are all Beings of Divine Love and it's time to truly embody this as Love in Human form!
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Thursday, November 22, 2018
The Self born integral sovereign
Dear Beloveds!
We are still in the New energetic month of November! This month is huge, and with all its belonging 11s it acts as a major gateway. We had the 11-11 portal of Light in an 11 month within an 11 universal year, which makes it altogether a 22/4 month. So this month marks the completion of what has been initiated at the beginning of the year. This "tunnel" we have been moving through was quite intense and deeply challenging for many Light bearers, because it's been preparing us for huge transition years to come. These are not easy times to live in, with so much chaos and unrest occurring on the planet, as well as weather shifts of both natural and controlled sources. It was crucial for us to develop the kind of resilience that would replace the overriding structure of resistance which exists as deeply embedded within the controlled system of duality. The deeper we go into the embodiment of Light on earth, the more darkness rises to the surface, and the more balanced we must become. Indeed, these are not easy times, however we have some forward momentum during this month. Venus finally went direct, as Mercury went retrograde, with Jupiter moving into its ruling sign of Sagittarius. We will also experience the nodal change, moving into Cancer/Capricorn polarity. What does this mean for us personally? Only time will tell, so it's important to stay grounded and focused on building roots that will last generations to come. No one else will do this work but us!
We are still in the New energetic month of November! This month is huge, and with all its belonging 11s it acts as a major gateway. We had the 11-11 portal of Light in an 11 month within an 11 universal year, which makes it altogether a 22/4 month. So this month marks the completion of what has been initiated at the beginning of the year. This "tunnel" we have been moving through was quite intense and deeply challenging for many Light bearers, because it's been preparing us for huge transition years to come. These are not easy times to live in, with so much chaos and unrest occurring on the planet, as well as weather shifts of both natural and controlled sources. It was crucial for us to develop the kind of resilience that would replace the overriding structure of resistance which exists as deeply embedded within the controlled system of duality. The deeper we go into the embodiment of Light on earth, the more darkness rises to the surface, and the more balanced we must become. Indeed, these are not easy times, however we have some forward momentum during this month. Venus finally went direct, as Mercury went retrograde, with Jupiter moving into its ruling sign of Sagittarius. We will also experience the nodal change, moving into Cancer/Capricorn polarity. What does this mean for us personally? Only time will tell, so it's important to stay grounded and focused on building roots that will last generations to come. No one else will do this work but us!
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Venus retrograde & the New body template
We are in the New energetic month of October, which is of 21/3 frequency. A New Creation cycle begins this month, and we are going deep as Venus goes retrograde. We are working on physical integration and much needed body work in order to be able to receive these New Light waves. We begin this New energy cycle with the harmonizing Libra New Moon, which also brought in a New energy wave to integrate. This will assist our further integration process of harmony and well being, but mostly the energy work we can offer to the planet and Her own cycles of release and integration. The first incoming wave was exactly on the 1st of the month, and they were both pretty intense. Major changes are happening in the energy fields of Gaia, therefore the theme of this month is "energy movement". This is a time to learn to move energy in a New way. What does energy movement mean from this New perspective? It means that You are getting acquainted with a larger portion of yourself which knows how to safely and evenly harmonize and move energy in a New direction, so that there is no "final result or destination", but rather a constant "ultimate" which is being anchored through Unity consciousness of what is the highest potential harmonized within all realities of You and All That Is. This is in no way an easy assignment, and therefore it can only be entered into by those who have previously learned to harmonize within themselves.
Friday, September 14, 2018
Post Eclipse integration: Masters of illumined Creation
Dear Beloveds!
We are in the New energetic month of September, which is of a 20/2 frequency. We are still under a major influence of incoming Cosmic Rays/waves, and a lot of Beings on the path of illumined Union are undergoing a process of deep synthesis and completion. A theme of integrating completion may present itself during the whole month in various degrees and levels of our current embodiment. However, it is a seamless process which is all permeating, and we need to seek it through observation and conscious contemplation. What is currently pushing through in our lives, wanting to naturally come into its full realization and completion? This naturally brings new upgrades that we are receiving through our bodies, which are Now deeply attuned to the Galactic Core through the Galactic Star Gateway. We then work on aligning with and harmonizing in our earthly embodiment. A synthesis is born when all the participating aspects come together in order to birth a "New unit" which has not yet been before. Through this process we birth a completely New Self or the "diamond" Self, which corresponds to our embodiment of illumination. We can then work towards becoming Masters of illumined Creation, so that anything we create becomes an extension of that illumination, in harmonization and co-Creation with Holy Spirit.
We are in the New energetic month of September, which is of a 20/2 frequency. We are still under a major influence of incoming Cosmic Rays/waves, and a lot of Beings on the path of illumined Union are undergoing a process of deep synthesis and completion. A theme of integrating completion may present itself during the whole month in various degrees and levels of our current embodiment. However, it is a seamless process which is all permeating, and we need to seek it through observation and conscious contemplation. What is currently pushing through in our lives, wanting to naturally come into its full realization and completion? This naturally brings new upgrades that we are receiving through our bodies, which are Now deeply attuned to the Galactic Core through the Galactic Star Gateway. We then work on aligning with and harmonizing in our earthly embodiment. A synthesis is born when all the participating aspects come together in order to birth a "New unit" which has not yet been before. Through this process we birth a completely New Self or the "diamond" Self, which corresponds to our embodiment of illumination. We can then work towards becoming Masters of illumined Creation, so that anything we create becomes an extension of that illumination, in harmonization and co-Creation with Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
The Lion's Gate 8-8: Magical Divine children of Gaia
Dear Beloveds!
Welcome to the New energetic month of August, which Spirit is calling the "golden month". It is a month of 19/10/1 frequency, which consists of these trinity Principles; the Sun, the Wheel and the Magician. With all this creative energy, a major cycle of Creation is ready to begin during this time. The royal/golden Eclipses which have been ongoing for a while, are Now completing during this Summer, which ends with the Solar/New Moon Eclipse in Leo on August 11th. We are learning the mastery over our creations, to truly know what is of our genuine creation and what isn't. We are therefore learning how to initiate and hold the creative Light of our creations. We can only do so by mastering both light and dark aspects of Creation, in order to know ourselves as the Divine child born of Love, holding the space of Divine neutrality. Only this way can we fully merge with our creations while entering the creative process from the inside out, multidimensionality and without non sovereign influences.
Welcome to the New energetic month of August, which Spirit is calling the "golden month". It is a month of 19/10/1 frequency, which consists of these trinity Principles; the Sun, the Wheel and the Magician. With all this creative energy, a major cycle of Creation is ready to begin during this time. The royal/golden Eclipses which have been ongoing for a while, are Now completing during this Summer, which ends with the Solar/New Moon Eclipse in Leo on August 11th. We are learning the mastery over our creations, to truly know what is of our genuine creation and what isn't. We are therefore learning how to initiate and hold the creative Light of our creations. We can only do so by mastering both light and dark aspects of Creation, in order to know ourselves as the Divine child born of Love, holding the space of Divine neutrality. Only this way can we fully merge with our creations while entering the creative process from the inside out, multidimensionality and without non sovereign influences.
Saturday, July 7, 2018
The Summer of Eclipses: Writing our journeys anew
Dear Beloveds!
Happy New energetic month of July, everyone! This is a special month of big changes, because we do have planetary retrogrades and the beginning of the Eclipse season. This is an 18/9 month of deep shifts and letting go of the old through inner sense of completion and moving on. At the end of July Mercury goes retrograde in Leo, and we already have Mars retrograde, which turns our energy manifestation more towards the inner planes of Being. At this time we are deeply feeling the impact of the incoming Cosmic rays, which are rewriting everything within our current Human vessel. Our bodies are being upgraded in a deep way, because this is a Summer of Divine Love. This means that a big part of us is ready for an integrated Divine Union, which we are Now focusing on through Life force mastery and materialization process through the root portal. This is the precipice of writing a new story and birthing a New Age.
Happy New energetic month of July, everyone! This is a special month of big changes, because we do have planetary retrogrades and the beginning of the Eclipse season. This is an 18/9 month of deep shifts and letting go of the old through inner sense of completion and moving on. At the end of July Mercury goes retrograde in Leo, and we already have Mars retrograde, which turns our energy manifestation more towards the inner planes of Being. At this time we are deeply feeling the impact of the incoming Cosmic rays, which are rewriting everything within our current Human vessel. Our bodies are being upgraded in a deep way, because this is a Summer of Divine Love. This means that a big part of us is ready for an integrated Divine Union, which we are Now focusing on through Life force mastery and materialization process through the root portal. This is the precipice of writing a new story and birthing a New Age.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Solstice & Capricorn Full Moon: Big changes coming
Dear Beloveds!
We celebrate the Full Moon in Capricorn while the Sun is in Cancer. Capricorn is an Earth sign of stability, tenacity and commitment. Cancer relates to our roots and guides us towards our true Soul home. It's also a deeply spiritual sign that aligns with wisdom of the Ancestors and ancestral healing. This is a Wisdom of the Sages which is not just understood, but also deeply embodied. This lunation promotes a completion of a physical cycle in our current incarnation before we move into a higher incarnation while building a new template of higher density. We do that by fully embodying the experience of a current cycle through Divine synthesis. Without that passageway of total completion, we will not be able to let go and move forward in Ascension. But this isn't just any miniature surrendering and completion, for it feels like a lifetime completion of the Ages. It's a completion of an Era for many Light movers and Ascension Pioneers.
We celebrate the Full Moon in Capricorn while the Sun is in Cancer. Capricorn is an Earth sign of stability, tenacity and commitment. Cancer relates to our roots and guides us towards our true Soul home. It's also a deeply spiritual sign that aligns with wisdom of the Ancestors and ancestral healing. This is a Wisdom of the Sages which is not just understood, but also deeply embodied. This lunation promotes a completion of a physical cycle in our current incarnation before we move into a higher incarnation while building a new template of higher density. We do that by fully embodying the experience of a current cycle through Divine synthesis. Without that passageway of total completion, we will not be able to let go and move forward in Ascension. But this isn't just any miniature surrendering and completion, for it feels like a lifetime completion of the Ages. It's a completion of an Era for many Light movers and Ascension Pioneers.
Friday, June 8, 2018
The Flame of Illumination
Dear Beloveds!
Can You believe it's already June? This year is unfolding with rapid speed as the 11 Master number keeps guiding us and moving us forward. Life is a mystery, and there are many things we don't yet understand about the nature of our shifting reality and planetary Ascension. There are many theories and belief systems about it that exist, but we each hold only a piece of the whole puzzle. May has been energetically an intense month, which was also reflected in extreme weather patterns. The key learning for many volunteer Souls was mastering Divine neutrality when it comes to Earth changes. Not all of these are pleasant, and chaos and distortion has become a norm nowadays, unless we live in a completely remote region of the planet. However, we are not here at this time to be completely withdrawn from the reality as it is unfolding. We came here with our Divine assignments and tasks to master. Divine neutrality in times of external chaos is definitely one that we all share, and it's not an easy one. We all fluctuate in our feeling states when we witness the turbulent shifts and changes, some natural and others man made. In the higher Truth of Creation, it's all a part of the One, as there is no separation. The more we have mastered Divine neutrality, the more Joy we will be able to anchor. This month offers us an opportunity for synthesis of our work and a higher Truth to be witnessed in our searing Presence. As we lighten our load, we will be able to feel into a lighter energy that this month offers us. But it will not come as an external condition, but rather an internal shift that feels like the breaking after the storm. These are turbulent Cosmic waters we are moving through, so we must find our inner peace and resolve to live in harmony with our inner nature. Our Core Self wants to emerge and shower this reality with unconditional Love for all Life, regardless of seeming circumstances. That's how we master ourselves and get ready for even bigger changes yet to come!
Can You believe it's already June? This year is unfolding with rapid speed as the 11 Master number keeps guiding us and moving us forward. Life is a mystery, and there are many things we don't yet understand about the nature of our shifting reality and planetary Ascension. There are many theories and belief systems about it that exist, but we each hold only a piece of the whole puzzle. May has been energetically an intense month, which was also reflected in extreme weather patterns. The key learning for many volunteer Souls was mastering Divine neutrality when it comes to Earth changes. Not all of these are pleasant, and chaos and distortion has become a norm nowadays, unless we live in a completely remote region of the planet. However, we are not here at this time to be completely withdrawn from the reality as it is unfolding. We came here with our Divine assignments and tasks to master. Divine neutrality in times of external chaos is definitely one that we all share, and it's not an easy one. We all fluctuate in our feeling states when we witness the turbulent shifts and changes, some natural and others man made. In the higher Truth of Creation, it's all a part of the One, as there is no separation. The more we have mastered Divine neutrality, the more Joy we will be able to anchor. This month offers us an opportunity for synthesis of our work and a higher Truth to be witnessed in our searing Presence. As we lighten our load, we will be able to feel into a lighter energy that this month offers us. But it will not come as an external condition, but rather an internal shift that feels like the breaking after the storm. These are turbulent Cosmic waters we are moving through, so we must find our inner peace and resolve to live in harmony with our inner nature. Our Core Self wants to emerge and shower this reality with unconditional Love for all Life, regardless of seeming circumstances. That's how we master ourselves and get ready for even bigger changes yet to come!
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Liberation of the Divine Goddess
Dear Beloveds!
We are in a New energetic month of May with a 16/7 frequency. This month is an amazing time of Divine dispensation, and it serves as a culmination point for many beautiful Souls on the path of Divine Union. Divine Union is truly a path of complete Divine balance of masculine and feminine principles of Life, both internally and externally. We are leaving a legacy of Light and although at times it might not feel like it, we are definitely planting the seeds of New consciousness. This is a time of deep spiritual and physical renewal for many who have lived a path of constant selfless service. At this time the most important thing is to stay fully present in unconditional Love. True Love is not about giving more or less, being worthy or deserving. It is about being the selfless expression of unconditional Love in each reflected expression of it that meets us in this Life. Many volunteer Souls are Now ready to truly birth a state of total inner sanctuary regardless of the external situations or conditions. When we remember that we are here to become the full embodiment of unconditional Love in Human form, nothing else will be more important and the ego will no longer remain in its power. The more we empower the reality of true Love, the closer we are to truly becoming the agent of gentle change by not forcefully changing anything. Just bringing Life to its fullest potential in each moment is enough, and that is how we replenish Life with new fertilization and energetic insemination. We will have a dynamic duo of Uranus shifting into the sign of Taurus and making a connection with Mars, which will usher in a time of transformation and reformation. We are on the brink of something new, and it will manifest differently for each ascending Being. Remember that the state of reality we live in always reflects our current state of consciousness, so continue expanding your perceptions.
We are in a New energetic month of May with a 16/7 frequency. This month is an amazing time of Divine dispensation, and it serves as a culmination point for many beautiful Souls on the path of Divine Union. Divine Union is truly a path of complete Divine balance of masculine and feminine principles of Life, both internally and externally. We are leaving a legacy of Light and although at times it might not feel like it, we are definitely planting the seeds of New consciousness. This is a time of deep spiritual and physical renewal for many who have lived a path of constant selfless service. At this time the most important thing is to stay fully present in unconditional Love. True Love is not about giving more or less, being worthy or deserving. It is about being the selfless expression of unconditional Love in each reflected expression of it that meets us in this Life. Many volunteer Souls are Now ready to truly birth a state of total inner sanctuary regardless of the external situations or conditions. When we remember that we are here to become the full embodiment of unconditional Love in Human form, nothing else will be more important and the ego will no longer remain in its power. The more we empower the reality of true Love, the closer we are to truly becoming the agent of gentle change by not forcefully changing anything. Just bringing Life to its fullest potential in each moment is enough, and that is how we replenish Life with new fertilization and energetic insemination. We will have a dynamic duo of Uranus shifting into the sign of Taurus and making a connection with Mars, which will usher in a time of transformation and reformation. We are on the brink of something new, and it will manifest differently for each ascending Being. Remember that the state of reality we live in always reflects our current state of consciousness, so continue expanding your perceptions.
Friday, April 27, 2018
The first New graduates & Human Joy
Dear Beloveds!
We are in a time of the Scorpio Full Moon after we had an Aries New Moon which acted as a "lift off" point for this new astrological year ahead. This is a time of deep alignment with what is yet to come for many of us. Many volunteer Souls who are embodied on this planet at this crucial time of the Solar and planetary shift have completed the first stage of our mission. Whatever that mission is for each individual that holds a specific vibratory level, the collective mission held at the group level was to plant the seeds of New energy consciousness. As the Earth moves through the photon belt, it is being redirected into the Ascension timeline of its spiraling evolution within the entire Solar system. The more we are exposed to these Cosmic rays that are a part of the photon belt, the more we are dissolving the old as our Light DNA is awakening and rewriting our physical DNA. With these body shifts, more of Divine intelligence is coming into our physical form. The volunteer Souls acted like Cosmic antennas, because our primary mission was to develop the physical bodies that hold the optimum strength to act as vehicles for channeling this higher consciousness, so that it could easily distribute itself through us without an overly intense impact on our planet and Humanity. By developing these New bodies, we have planted the seeds of the New Human, and so as this first crystalline mission level is complete, we might feel a sense of completion and even graduation. We are Now in transition mode, preparing for the next chapter of our group mission to unfold. This New Moon is giving this mission a proper boost that it requires for its physical manifestation. Everything is unfolding as it is meant to, regardless how things look on the surface!
We are in a time of the Scorpio Full Moon after we had an Aries New Moon which acted as a "lift off" point for this new astrological year ahead. This is a time of deep alignment with what is yet to come for many of us. Many volunteer Souls who are embodied on this planet at this crucial time of the Solar and planetary shift have completed the first stage of our mission. Whatever that mission is for each individual that holds a specific vibratory level, the collective mission held at the group level was to plant the seeds of New energy consciousness. As the Earth moves through the photon belt, it is being redirected into the Ascension timeline of its spiraling evolution within the entire Solar system. The more we are exposed to these Cosmic rays that are a part of the photon belt, the more we are dissolving the old as our Light DNA is awakening and rewriting our physical DNA. With these body shifts, more of Divine intelligence is coming into our physical form. The volunteer Souls acted like Cosmic antennas, because our primary mission was to develop the physical bodies that hold the optimum strength to act as vehicles for channeling this higher consciousness, so that it could easily distribute itself through us without an overly intense impact on our planet and Humanity. By developing these New bodies, we have planted the seeds of the New Human, and so as this first crystalline mission level is complete, we might feel a sense of completion and even graduation. We are Now in transition mode, preparing for the next chapter of our group mission to unfold. This New Moon is giving this mission a proper boost that it requires for its physical manifestation. Everything is unfolding as it is meant to, regardless how things look on the surface!
Thursday, April 5, 2018
The embodiment of deep spiritual & physical nourishment
Dear Beloveds!
Welcome, Spring, the renewal of Life!!! We are in a new energetic month of April, which holds a 15/6 frequency of Divine alchemy, which is also known as the "Lovers" archetype in tarot. This is a month of creative play, spiritual and physical nourishment and deep body integration. We have all received such immense codes of Light during the Equinox-Easter Gateway, and this month it's time to relax, unwind and integrate. The embodiment process of receiving nourishment has to penetrate all our 4 lower bodies, which we know as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. When all these levels are equally nurtured and embraced in a cohesive way, there can be only bliss in our bodies. This means these levels interconnect and sustain one another through Divine manna. To cultivate the many levels of bliss in our bodies, we need to attune not only to the Cosmic pulse of Life, but also the pulse of our planetary embodiment, so that our embodied "womb" begins to pulsate with nothing less but pure Spirit Life force. To embrace the feminine principle returns this higher celestial wisdom into our bodies, deep into our tribal/belonging feeling and expression on Earth. To merge the vertical with the horizontal creates an alchemical experience of pure Magic which is the opening of the gates to Cosmic Union/Ascension in our earthly experience. This is how we offer ourselves the highest gift of Divine Source expressed in physical form. We are worthy to receive from the same Life sustaining force that we ourselves nourish all Life from. The origin is one and the same, and as we cultivate our garden of Life, we contribute to cultivating the garden of Eden/Paradise on Earth.
Welcome, Spring, the renewal of Life!!! We are in a new energetic month of April, which holds a 15/6 frequency of Divine alchemy, which is also known as the "Lovers" archetype in tarot. This is a month of creative play, spiritual and physical nourishment and deep body integration. We have all received such immense codes of Light during the Equinox-Easter Gateway, and this month it's time to relax, unwind and integrate. The embodiment process of receiving nourishment has to penetrate all our 4 lower bodies, which we know as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. When all these levels are equally nurtured and embraced in a cohesive way, there can be only bliss in our bodies. This means these levels interconnect and sustain one another through Divine manna. To cultivate the many levels of bliss in our bodies, we need to attune not only to the Cosmic pulse of Life, but also the pulse of our planetary embodiment, so that our embodied "womb" begins to pulsate with nothing less but pure Spirit Life force. To embrace the feminine principle returns this higher celestial wisdom into our bodies, deep into our tribal/belonging feeling and expression on Earth. To merge the vertical with the horizontal creates an alchemical experience of pure Magic which is the opening of the gates to Cosmic Union/Ascension in our earthly experience. This is how we offer ourselves the highest gift of Divine Source expressed in physical form. We are worthy to receive from the same Life sustaining force that we ourselves nourish all Life from. The origin is one and the same, and as we cultivate our garden of Life, we contribute to cultivating the garden of Eden/Paradise on Earth.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
The Equinox & New astro year of major change
Dear Beloveds!
Today we celebrate March Equinox and the beginning of a new astrological year on March 20th!
There is a perfect Equinox message for all of us. The Family of Light is
strongly anchored and rooted on this planet Now, as our activities of
Light are exponentially growing. We are coming together with many within
our Light Essence group, and together we are weaving new portals of
Love into Existence. However, a very
important activity of Light is also the protection of our sacred space.
When our Light is very bright, many Beings will be drawn to us for
nurture and support, and many will wish to enter into our sacred circle
and connect. However, we have to use our discernment in such endeavors,
because the immensity and intensity of Light is not the same as
scattered hyper energy. There are many rings of fire within the
awareness of the sacred circle, spreading from the most intimate inner
Core to the farthest regions of our Soul's outreach. We have to make
sure that we always have space for those few sacred connections that
share the Essence of a unified purpose. But our most intimate space
needs to be secluded and reserved just as well, for it cannot be shared
with everyone at the same level of intimate intensity. It is of utmost
importance to understand the law of resonance within Unity consciousness
instead of separation and duality. When every unique circle of Light
comes together in such a harmonized way, there can only be Love. The
more we fragment ourselves as we scatter our focus, the more fragmented
our workings of Light become as well. That's why we have to make sure
that we understand the meaning of our "secluded" space, so that only the
right matching frequencies can enter and be co-created within Divine
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
The embodiment of the feminine principle
Dear Beloveds!
We have just moved through the Eclipse season which lasted all month. The month of February holds a 13/4 frequency of building new physical foundations. This time is bringing us closer to our physical body in whatever way that connection comes to us in its ultimate expression. Many volunteer Souls have been gathering tremendous knowledge and skills, learning how to apply it in this world and dimension. In many ways this journey centered us in anchoring New awareness. Many Light Beings were learning about the integration of the Stellar and Earthly experiences by creating bridges which provide the missing link for the whole Human experience. This journey of synthesis was no piece of cake, and in many ways we had to be deeply active while undergoing many Spirit initiations. However, this next wave of Human integration requires us to move deeper into the body. Meditation and other tools of accessing higher states of consciousness and Being are great, however true Soul embodiment requires us to actively live our meditations by anchoring higher frequencies into our bodies.
We have just moved through the Eclipse season which lasted all month. The month of February holds a 13/4 frequency of building new physical foundations. This time is bringing us closer to our physical body in whatever way that connection comes to us in its ultimate expression. Many volunteer Souls have been gathering tremendous knowledge and skills, learning how to apply it in this world and dimension. In many ways this journey centered us in anchoring New awareness. Many Light Beings were learning about the integration of the Stellar and Earthly experiences by creating bridges which provide the missing link for the whole Human experience. This journey of synthesis was no piece of cake, and in many ways we had to be deeply active while undergoing many Spirit initiations. However, this next wave of Human integration requires us to move deeper into the body. Meditation and other tools of accessing higher states of consciousness and Being are great, however true Soul embodiment requires us to actively live our meditations by anchoring higher frequencies into our bodies.
Saturday, January 20, 2018
2018: The year of Life Force intelligence
Dear Beloveds!
We have officially began our New year (of 11 Universal energy) with the first New Moon in Capricorn (January 16th/17th), initiating the cycle of Capricorn themes and values for our personal and collective integration. Capricorn is commitment, work and our status in the world. Saturn is also in Capricorn, and since that is its ruling or "home" position, a lot of us will be coming "home" into our bodies more deeply. That's why a lot of individuals experienced body challenges as the new year began, for this energy calls for a complete renewal. We all know about the 7-year body (cellular) cycles which are ruled by Saturn. For some this year might coincide with their own 7-year Saturn cycle of cellular renewal, but either way the emphasis is on the embodiment process. There is greater fusion of body and Soul present for many ascending individuals, and those who might have experienced major body issues are going to feel the first waves of change.
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