Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Venus & Divine union with Source

Dear Beloveds!

Today I got a double message from Venus. The first one was right before waking up, and she was saying something about still being retrograde, but nonetheless, the passion of the Heart is to be ignited at all times. Then I got it in my Goddess oracle as well, where the Venus card represents the "Lovers" in traditional tarot. The message is about igniting our inner passion, the flame of Soul creativity and preparing for all Divine relationships based on purity and Spirit integrity. The message couldn't be any clearer for me, and this just follows along the lines of what I AM receiving for the past couple of days through the "Two of cups" ... the archetype of intimate inner union.

I was reflecting on this yesterday, which inspired me to create many new sketches for my Beloved paintings collection (on the image is the latest painted one).

I truly had to relax and unwind these past couple of days, as I have a major body cleanse on all areas. No matter how purely we feed ourselves and so on, from time to time a wave of total body cleanse and renewal comes, and we just need to go with the flow. We need to rest assured that everything is happening exactly as it needs to, with hidden blessings and inner treasures of the Soul. I was allowing myself to be spoiled today, when my mom was reading to me from Anastasia books, and it was a really fun experience, full of Divine beauty. Even if we are a giver, we cannot give out of pure wholeness, if we don't know how to receive as well!
During these few moments when I was away, spending time within, lots of awareness has come to the surface. It is almost funny how our bodies literally make us create some more downtime just for us when we really need it. I was neglecting my inner Divine reunion for a while now, so a part of my inner magic was not regularly sustained, and now I need to invoke it back, because it's always there anyway, I just wasn't participating in it. It is a constant challenge in awareness and devotion to always be there with what I do, and to keep it all in perfect balance. My state of Divine Love is so strong that I always wish to share everything, do my best, offer as much as I can, but a lot of times people like me forget to sustain that inner Being ... that wonderful Magical Self. 

When we reach mastery over our knowledge and assisting others by doing, the second part of the mastery is always about keeping it all in perfect balance and wholeness of the Higher Self and assist more by Being and perfect wholeness, and this is how we expand in our Divine service. It is more obvious to me what I need to "do" (or do less) now. I AM also sharing this because it might help in expanding awareness ... maybe someone out there will benefit from it, for we are all connected in our Hearts.

Remember that each time a planet of huge importance (close to Earth) goes retrograde, this is not meant for us to go back or regress, but to progress by getting even deeper and gaining even more insights, while deeply connecting to the Self. When we know how to balance the inner and outer, we will always know how to remain in the true Essence of who we are in Spirit, not what we want to be ... or even what others would want us to be. We are learning how to just Be and radiate out our natural rhythm of Divine perfection within the great simplicity of Life before we make it too complicated. And let's face it ... too often we did and we still do at times. We are such beautiful Sparks of the Divine, children of God/Goddess, and we can co-create so much beauty with balancing only the inner Being and maintaining that balance at all times. This is one of our most important tasks on this planet, and in fact, it's a Divine purpose that is common to all of us, before we individuate in our own unique ways.

I believe, that in this current cycle of Venus retrograde since the December Solstice (she moves back direct at the end of this week), she showed us how to maintain and attain this perfect balance, and how to never neglect a certain part of us. Let's say we do this because the external conditions seem to paint another picture, and so we forget about the inner Truth for a while. But  what is truly important is that which is in the inside of things. For example, ask yourself this! How often do You not behave like You are in a balanced Divine partnership, just because You currently don't have a "perfect resonant match" Divine partner standing right beside You? Too often we neglect that part of us, just because we are currently not sharing an intimate relationship with another ... and we forget that we are always in a Divine relationship with our Self, with our ultimate Beloved ... the I AM ... and the I AM THAT I AM ... the Spirit of our individualized I AM Presence, our Twin Soul ... so the unique nature of our Creation Self. Life is one constant relationship with everything around us, and it's about constant beauty that this creates.

Can You see the Angel on the last photo? It is spreading Love all over!

Here is a beautiful Spirit message about this and our Faith!

And here is my article about The Love of our Creator!

And this is my "Venus/Aphrodite" Elven circlet that I created this weekend!

Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn

P.S. Make your every day a day of Divine Love! Let us walk in the perfect balance of the Divine masculine and feminine ... the marriage of the Earth and the Sky ... embracing our inner Divine child!
