I live in a rainbow world, but I have to say that my favorite color is probably fuchsia Pink! You can see this in many of my photos. For me, it represents the Ray of Divine Love. You can also associate this with the Magenta Pink Ray, which accompanies me on my pictures a lot lately. Everything that I do needs to have a bit of Pink in it. The official Ascension Pioneers webpage is Pink, this Blog is Pink, a lot of my clothes are Pink, and it looks like I AM creating my own Pink Universe. If You don't know this yet, the color of fuchsia Pink represents Christ consciousness and the Higher Heart. According to "The Healer's handbook: A journey into hyperspace" by Stewart Swerdlow, Pink is about: "Love (unconditional love and acceptance), New 8th chakra between throat and chest, located in the thymus gland. Feels warm, soothing, good for depression and upsetting news. It can refer to feminine energies, used in visualization to balance male and female. Used with elemental body for healing and reshaping."
If You are also one of Pink lovers, You will surely love this blog! The importance of color in our life is not to be overlooked. We are to bathe in color, breathe it in, wear it, eat colorful foods and think in color patterns of Light. This is how I sense, when I close my eyes. I see everything as Light and color. I see many twinkles around me all the time, and many times I see a lot of Pink around me as well. The thing is, we can start our every day either with color and great Magic ... or choose to stay in the grey zone. But why choose grey, when there is so much color inside of us and all around?
So, how to start your day with Love? There are so many ways! Just go with the flow and let Love be your only guide ... You will hear it in the whispers of your Heart's desires. I AM starting my day with Love ... waking up and trusting my intuition on what to do each day. I might have some intentions/plans, but when I woke up, I often sense something else, and I just have to go with my gut feeling and my Heart knowing. I always need to surrender and go with the flow. My vision is constantly adapting to the world around me.
One of these days, my day started with a pink strawberry-coconut smoothie. For weeks now, I have been wanting strawberries, and asking myself whether they already have strawberries at the organic market. They finally arrived in the middle of June, and they were super yummy!
You can use this simple affirmation yourself: "I can afford and enjoy organic foods, because I value my body as much as I value my whole Self!"
After drinking this smoothie, I went to Nature for a short retreat, to fill myself with the Divine Bliss of my Spirit ... and to fill my batteries for another interesting week ahead. It was a lovely day out. I went to one of my favorite river valleys again. Just sitting by the water and relaxing can work miracles for our mental body, which can often get exhausted from so much activity. Especially in my reality, where there is so much sharing, and with all the writing and videos, all the e-mails from people, communicating, web page stuff and changes, etc. ... it's so necessary to unplug at least every once and a while! You can see me sitting by one of my favorite river streams in the valley ... with a magical book from the Faery oracle and my new Pink towel! Have You ever read "Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams? The guide says to never leave your home without a towel in your backpack. The guide was so right! And there is no better way to unplug than surrounding yourself in Pink. Pink retreats are my favorites!
Since I AM talking about Pink, I also wish to share more about the strawberries. They are not Pink, but they are directly correlated to Love. I guess that week was a strawberry week for me and strawberries always represent love and pleasure. Also, what do strawberries represent to You? Since they started appearing so often, I AM sure they also carry a message, like everything always does. For me they feel like they represent the energy of passionate Love, Venus, softness, romance (intimacy) and Heart centeredness ... and they even look like a Heart! The opening of the Heart is what being authentic is truly about. And my Heart surely has lots of Pink in it!
Later on I went for a walk on a lovely hill, and when I came to the top, the whole meadow was full of wild strawberries. I have never seen so many of them at once place ... such rich abundance!!! By the way, the best kind of organic is Nature organic! I picked a whole lot of them and I have to say that I love picking things so much ... it calms You down and it anchors your Presence into pure Beingness. People who are not used to such a peaceful energy from within can often get bored with such simple chores ... but I just adore them! I love being my true and simple Self ... a playful Nature girl!
What about flowers? They are one of my favorite sources of the color Pink. No two are alike, and this teaches us about diversity and infinite creativity. See what color/shade of Pink You are being drawn to yourself at this moment. Which one makes your Heart sing and say "Yes, pick me!" Remember the words: "Think Pink?" I would preferably say: "Be Pink!" And I know that I AM Pink. So, what color of the Universe are You creating for yourself?
I leave You with these beautiful images that speak for themselves!
Here is a video that I made last year, about the color Pink and how You can share yourself in Pink with me and the rest of Ascension Pioneers:
Can You believe that this video is exactly one year old!?! Happy anniversary, my Beloved Pink!
Within Divine Love, Polona