Monday, September 22, 2014

My Fall Equinox experience

Dear Beloveds! 

I trust that You had a happy and blissful Equinox experience. May we walk through this Gateway with honor for all that was and the Grace of what Is ... in the awe of what is yet to come. We are opening up to the Eclipse season, so it's a powerful time indeed. Spirit is guiding me to take a break this week and spend more time outside in Nature, hiking and climbing in the Mountains ... or just relaxing. I was creating so much in the past 3 weeks and it's time to allow myself to receive and integrate in Flow. Let us hold the vision of the magical New together ... wherever we are in the world! 

 I had a very interesting Equinox experience this year, so I was called to write about it through automatic Spirit writing. I felt that this year's Equinox is somehow related to last year's Equinox, so we all need to turn around for a little bit in order to see what was occurring for us at that time, because this year those Soul desires are coming full circle ... and right into fruition!

The energy that rushed (actually blazed) through the planet at this time is so intense, and I wasn't able to fall asleep sleep the night before the actual Equinox (which is on 22nd of September), because I was so hyper and full of energy. This state came right after a very tired/exhausted phase in the body. But the shift was immense and almost sudden! The body shifted in a very short time, and I was able to stay up half of the night, feeling lively and wide awake. In the evening time, we had some lightnings here in our Mountain Vortex, and then the rain began to fall. What then occurred shortly after, was a short electricity "fall out" that lasted a few seconds. It was so sudden that it almost seemed as a "rebooting", which was so fascinating, because I was just reading about a state of suspended animation that day. I also read about a hibernation phase and so this felt like something similar. Such Cosmic "events" only happen when the shifts are profound, and even though we might not be consciously aware of what is taking place, we are feeling something amazing deep down.

I asked Spirit for guidance about this occurrence, to receive higher understanding on a deeper level. The Galactic Council of One (those who serve the Law of One/my Galactic Family) came through, and the message for the ascending Souls is as follows:

"This year's Equinox represents a "rebooting" to the vibrational calibration process that many of You are undergoing, either showing the way of physical Ascension to others or going through it for the first time in Soul's "history." This "rebooting" process acts like a starting point for the New vibrational body that You are shifting into. Just like the planet has its own higher template, so do all of You. The potential for this merging is much greater at this time, and many have been feeling this "reboot" in their own personal way, and in their own body changes. This was shown to You as a metaphor, after the lightnings came and the electricity/power went off for a few seconds. This was shown as a metaphor for what takes place with such powerful Gateways, when the influx of New Light comes.

This is a starting point for the next phase, which will bring forth more of the Soul embodiment, a clearer inner vision and life direction/purpose. A new level of Self mastery begins here for the first ascending wave, and the Divine opportunities for expansion (in a relatively "short time") are immense. With the Eclipse season coming in October, the embodiment of this New Light influx shall begin, but the "Ascension symptoms" of this phase will be a bit different than usual. They will even be more pleasant than many individuals are usually used to. They will show more of the New after dissolving much of the old. With this, things will often seem more "instant" than usual (although the process is a gradual one), providing the higher dimensional space to play in.

According to the Great Galactic Councils, we are well under way, with grand preparations for the next few years ahead, where the transition will be more apparent and clearer. The year 2015 marks a pivotal point, for it will be a rather crucial one. It marks the grand entry into the "Photonic belt", the higher Source Light frequency space that surrounds the Great Central Sun and extends outwards all the way to reach the ascending planets/realms and life forms of experience. Then, a new level of rotation shall begin, and You will be in for some great "surprises." That is all for Now. Brace yourselves!"

(The Galactic Council of One)

The Ascension symptoms are on the rise as well, and my mother was experiencing vertigo again, so if You are one of those who are feeling a bit unpleasant at this moment, take some time to integrate all this Light in your body and rest! On the other hand, if You are hyper as I AM, then You might be experiencing major explosiveness of energy and are called to hold the space for all others to enter ... as a Pillar of Light!

I AM always creating something. I find it strange not to. This is my Equinox crystal grid that I created on the day of the Equinox. It's a mini grid to focus on the energies of the Equinox, followed by the relationship New Moon in Libra. This is for all of us who wish to step further into Self empowerment through Divine partnerships. This begins with our own inner partnership, our sacred Self Reunion of the Soul, which is our vessel for Spirit Light.

There are two twin nature crystals in the middle, which are Lemurian quartz seed and Pink Kunzite. In the middle of both there is pink calcite for balance in Love, through softness of our Grace. Around it are three Rhodonite crystals for the Pillar of Holy Trinity, so that everything that we co-create comes only through Love.

May all that we create be established only through Divine Love ... Source Love!

On the day of the Equinox I found a Serapina Light crystalline stone (Golden-White frequency), which is encouraging my journey of Serapina Light embodiment and the journey of Self Mastery. She is shaped like a giant crystal skull, so She is definitely a record keeper ... and a keeper as well! Allow yourself to be consumed by Her Light!

I also found this beautiful golden-white stone, with many fractions of crystalline nature today ... on the day of the September Equinox. This was a lovely confirmation stone for the automatic Spirit writing that I did.

We are Golden!

Shine on!

Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn

P.S. Here is my latest video about Ascension & Self mastery:
