Dear Beloveds!
These are intense times of change, and we are all going to be asked to change something in order to move forward, deeper into the New. Taking a leap of Faith does not only apply to doing something outrageous. We can take a leap of Faith every single day, through the most random things that we do in our lives. Taking a leap of Faith means to live a life of Spirit guidance. Our gifts and abilities of Soul come
through us when we embrace the dark womb of Divine Mother within us. The
so-called "Black Madonna" represents that as an archetype, which
means that we cannot hide or not acknowledge the dark aspect of Creation. When
we are unafraid to look really deeply into what darkness is, we might be
surprised what it was actually designed for in the Creation of worlds. The mere concept of "dark matter"
has entrained and eluded us for Eons at the same time. Magic comes through
embracing not just the "positive", the bright and effortless, but
also the challenging, the hidden and the dark. Through that initiation, we will
grow in the Power of our Being and once again the Divine scales will be in
equilibrium again. We are in that restoration period Now.
This Ascension Blog is dedicated to Creation and the New reality/the New Earth that we can experience through Soul passion and inner Magic. The foundation of the New is pure Bliss and Joy from within. As a Pillar and wayshower, I would like to share about how it is to live a simple and profound Life of inner Magic! We are all Beings of Divine Love and it's time to truly embody this as Love in Human form!
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Stepping into true Joy & overflowing
Dear Beloveds!
Living in the New is all about Joy and creating magical experiences from deep within. This week we had a New Moon in the last (critical) degree of Aquarius, which then turned to Pisces only a few minutes after. We went through a cusp ourselves as well, as the water spilled over the cup and the energy of overflowing spoke to us, if only we were truly open and Present. Our mystical experiences might deepen at this time, but we need to create enough room in our awareness in order to be fully receptive.
Living in the New is all about Joy and creating magical experiences from deep within. This week we had a New Moon in the last (critical) degree of Aquarius, which then turned to Pisces only a few minutes after. We went through a cusp ourselves as well, as the water spilled over the cup and the energy of overflowing spoke to us, if only we were truly open and Present. Our mystical experiences might deepen at this time, but we need to create enough room in our awareness in order to be fully receptive.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
True Beloved Union inside out!
Dear Beloveds!
We just celebrated St. Valentine’s day, and there was an amazing integration of Heart’s Passion taking place. Now Venus and Mars are dancing together in our skies for a few days, forming a fierce connection in a fiery sign of Aries, which always ignites our passion and new beginnings. As our Hearts are opening more and reawakening to the inner Magic, we might be more drawn to contemplate on the nature of true Love. True Love corresponds to a deep God/Goddess Presence that awakens our inner male/female. This will begin to anchor the Essence of the Lovers/Agape Love and the Truth of the Beloved.
We just celebrated St. Valentine’s day, and there was an amazing integration of Heart’s Passion taking place. Now Venus and Mars are dancing together in our skies for a few days, forming a fierce connection in a fiery sign of Aries, which always ignites our passion and new beginnings. As our Hearts are opening more and reawakening to the inner Magic, we might be more drawn to contemplate on the nature of true Love. True Love corresponds to a deep God/Goddess Presence that awakens our inner male/female. This will begin to anchor the Essence of the Lovers/Agape Love and the Truth of the Beloved.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Happy St. Valentine's day!
Dear Beloveds!
This whole Valentine's week was amazing indeed. We are opening to a whole new level of abundance! We are truly learning/remembering how it is to always overflow. At the beginning of this week I was guided to start creating sacred altars and post them daily on my personal Instagram page. This serves to anchor a particular Essence that is being revealed to us, and then create a sacred water ritual. In this ritual we receive directions on how to embody that Essence, and then we bless the water with that Essence and drink it when the altar has served its purpose.
This whole Valentine's week was amazing indeed. We are opening to a whole new level of abundance! We are truly learning/remembering how it is to always overflow. At the beginning of this week I was guided to start creating sacred altars and post them daily on my personal Instagram page. This serves to anchor a particular Essence that is being revealed to us, and then create a sacred water ritual. In this ritual we receive directions on how to embody that Essence, and then we bless the water with that Essence and drink it when the altar has served its purpose.
Monday, February 9, 2015
New breakthroughs & renewals
Dear Beloveds!
Last week was amazingly intense for sure, and for each one of us this probably came through in different ways. Personally, most of my week was about dealing with technical things, setting up my new computer and learning about new computer implementations and such. Boy, what a week! Especially for someone who likes to live on a more natural side of life. But Mercury retrograde had its own plan in mind, and this in fact turned out to be quite a blessing. I was getting deeper insights into how I can expand through sharing in new ways, which is also an aspect of that Aquarian energy of pure freedom and telepathic transmission. I was absorbing new knowledge like a sponge. This step is needed for many Pioneers so that we can step further into our new expanded Self. Of course this doesn't mean that we completely plunge into the world of computers, so to say (in my example), but we merge what we have to share with ways of how to share it and being more "user friendly" in a way.
Last week was amazingly intense for sure, and for each one of us this probably came through in different ways. Personally, most of my week was about dealing with technical things, setting up my new computer and learning about new computer implementations and such. Boy, what a week! Especially for someone who likes to live on a more natural side of life. But Mercury retrograde had its own plan in mind, and this in fact turned out to be quite a blessing. I was getting deeper insights into how I can expand through sharing in new ways, which is also an aspect of that Aquarian energy of pure freedom and telepathic transmission. I was absorbing new knowledge like a sponge. This step is needed for many Pioneers so that we can step further into our new expanded Self. Of course this doesn't mean that we completely plunge into the world of computers, so to say (in my example), but we merge what we have to share with ways of how to share it and being more "user friendly" in a way.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
The Goddess speaks: Be yourself!
Dear Beloveds!
This month is leading us into a strong Goddess Essence, which is the embodiment of pure delight in Creation. The Way of the sacred feminine is that allowance of the Self through deep pleasure and passion of Joy. We may feel more inspired by the Goddess than ever before, which definitely means that we are moving into a more feminine way of Being, surrendering the need to control everything and trusting life in its simplicity and natural guidance. Everything else is always in alignment when we are guided to simply create and focus on the Joy of our passionate Soul. What is deeply calling You at this time? Trust that calling!
This month is leading us into a strong Goddess Essence, which is the embodiment of pure delight in Creation. The Way of the sacred feminine is that allowance of the Self through deep pleasure and passion of Joy. We may feel more inspired by the Goddess than ever before, which definitely means that we are moving into a more feminine way of Being, surrendering the need to control everything and trusting life in its simplicity and natural guidance. Everything else is always in alignment when we are guided to simply create and focus on the Joy of our passionate Soul. What is deeply calling You at this time? Trust that calling!
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Mercury retrograde: Winter came
Dear Beloveds!
We have a Mercury retrograde until February 11th, and this is a slower moving energy that is moving us further into the New. In the New, we see and feel all Divine alignments as One and equally important for our Soul's expansion. This particular Mercury retrograde is such a blessing, because it helps us to embody more freedom of Being, paving the Way for the "Age of Aquarius." The archetype of Aquarius is the Water barer, and yet it is also an air sign. We are therefore merging our Sword of Truth (air) with the Cup of Life (water). We are becoming more aware of our telepathic Self and flow as One with all Life in Creation.
We have a Mercury retrograde until February 11th, and this is a slower moving energy that is moving us further into the New. In the New, we see and feel all Divine alignments as One and equally important for our Soul's expansion. This particular Mercury retrograde is such a blessing, because it helps us to embody more freedom of Being, paving the Way for the "Age of Aquarius." The archetype of Aquarius is the Water barer, and yet it is also an air sign. We are therefore merging our Sword of Truth (air) with the Cup of Life (water). We are becoming more aware of our telepathic Self and flow as One with all Life in Creation.
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