Recently I have become a guardian of one special Master crystal, and I have to Be really honest ... I feel totally different than prior to receiving it. It is no coincidence that this crystal made its way to me right before the Equinox portal opening. Such powerful crystals choose us, we do not choose them. And they come to us, when we are fully ready and prepared. It is now my most Beloved Divine companion, and our journeys are one. Everything is fully aligned with our New Soul path/purpose Now. How are You feeling these changes in your own life Now?
My first assignment with the crystal was this! I was guided to go to the Mountains to charge the crystal. It needed to be activated with high portal energy and the etheric imprints that it requires for its service. And life always begins in the Mountains, as this is where all the water comes from first, and water is Life. It was an intense day, hiking for hours on the sacred Mountain (pyramidal shape) with a very heavy backpack, activating the crystal and meditating with it. The crystal was programmed for seeding higher awareness for the higher dimensional living.
It is here to assist with seeding higher awareness/expansion, so bringing things into the Light of Truth. If You desire to work with it, You can easily do it by distance, while just making the conscious intent and tuning into its vibration. So far, everyone who felt it physically, felt the immense heat and buzzing energy! It is only for those individuals, who truly want to work through awareness and walk the path of a sacred initiate.
Here is the first photo impression from this quest to the Mountains, with this service Master crystal, a powerful piece of Auralite 23 that came to me straight from Canada, which has me as its keeper now. Later that day, after returning home, I was also dancing and celebrating the whole evening.
I was also picking up on many messages the day of the special Mountain quest. A lot of them were about Divine reunion/sacred marriage. There was this image of me buying a wedding dress, and later I was told why and what the crystal also assists with.
This was also the most beautiful Twin Soul Larch tree that I have ever seen in my sacred Mountain space. It was so interesting to observe that each time I wanted to take a photo of it, there was someone around it ... on my way up to the Mountain peak and on the way down. So I only had a very short moment of alone time with it, but its energy radiates out such awareness, as it stands on the most beautiful spot with a spectacular view.
This is how I look after climbing the Mountains for several hours, and with a heavy backpack ... tired, but always with a smile on my face and an expanded Heart. Spirit always shows me how rewarded we are on all levels, when we walk our sacred purpose, with infinite abundance pouring and flowing through us. We are therefore supported on all levels of our Being, while our Soul gently provides for everything that we need on our quest. All we need to do is follow the instructions that come as whispers of Spirit through our Soul. This is our internal guidance system. It is our compass that never fails.
It is not everyone, who will answer that call, but is simply impossible to walk away from our higher path, once we have answered it. And then, nothing is more important than following through all of our Divine assignments with honor, dignity and Grace!
In the end, we are always rewarded for our quests and when we answer the call of Spirit. For me, the Mountains are a reward on its own. This was my quiet Elvish spot which I found as I was returning home from the Mountain quest. It was bathing in the Sun and just waiting for me to join it. If You are ever guided to take a moment to just enjoy the Beauty of Life and all that Creation has to offer, then don't think any further ... your inner guidance is calling You from the depths of your Being!
The next day, the crystal needed to go by the water on the day of the Equinox, to start transmitting the energy on this high entry point of the Equinox portal! It was sunbathing on my Mountain sand and on the Sun. Then I also created a crystal grid, gave it the proper intent to serve, and then download and create a perfect Light activation for all of us that comes through at this time. I AM a Mountain Elf on a special quest ... loving all my Divine assignments.
Does this image remind You of anything? You had to be there to feel it! Being bathed in the holy waters ... this is what the symbolism of baptism is all about. And like it has been said so many times: "It is Purity that opens the Key to it All!" This is what this Equinox is all about for Me! Do You care to join?
Basically, I spent the Equinox in a very peaceful, but interesting way. I was quite tired after my Mountain climb with my crystal Divine companion. I have received a message of guardianship, and guess what ... this crystal sure it acting in a very special way, and I became its full guardian. It does not wish to be seen by everyone. This man almost saw me taking a photo of it on the top of the Mountain, and I was instantly guided to grab it and hide it. The next day this happened again, just before returning back home, while I was trying to record a video. This person was coming by, and I was instantly guided to grab my towel and cover up the crystal. I was so surprised by my intuitive moves, as I AM usually a very open and outgoing person, not really caring what others think about what I do while outside. But this is beyond my own will, as this crystal surely has a will of its own. He does not wish to be seen by everyone, and I also had challenges when trying to record a video. I will have to meditate and ponder some more, to receive new insights, and there is always of a matter of Divine timing as well.
Now my dear companion already got his own sacred space by my bed, where he is nesting and holding the space within a very special and sacred crystal grid. This is surely very new to me, but at the same time, I know that it's really not, as it's only my Higher purpose returning to me. And ever since I moved here and started a totally new journey, it continues to build up and amplify. It feels so precious to me, and I AM so happy to Be walking this higher path! I did it all before anyway, it's just that it is different each time ... in each cycle of Creation!
I AM sharing an image of the new crystal grid which I created on the day of the Equinox portal. It stands at my bedside, and it supports the purpose of my Master Auralite 23 crystal. This crystal is already working miracles ... and it barely began its journey with me! Much more awaits! Sometimes it's almost crazy and it's kind of hard to believe all the Magic and synchronicity happening. This week, I got a call from my Divine companion who gifted me the Master Auralite 23 crystal, as he was leaving Slovenia and returning to Canada. At the same time, I received an e-mail from the owner of the mine in Canada, who produces these crystals, and he thanked me for my videos. He also told me I AM welcome to visit it there in Canada some day. My friend said that he wanted to contact him like 3 times, but he did not ... and now he found me anyway! It is amazing how everything flows through perfect Spirit guidance and Divine timing.
If You desire to tune into this crystal's Master energy of Higher awareness within the Realms of Illuminated Truth, just make a conscious intent, look at the image and tune into the energy of it. This is Unity grid, so You don't have to physically see it or touch it to receive its blessings. All is One and tuning into Spirit means tuning into All That Is!
An interesting thing for me is that I began to make 7-pointed Elven Star grids/mandalas (septagrams) in the sand and with stones, ever since the crystal literally landed in my lap and around my conscious field. I wonder how it may inspire You ... it is about a deep Soul triggering and the expression of our once hidden potential!
I already made two, each on a different side of the Mountain river. How did they come into being? One day this week, I went for my run, recorded my video about Soul remembrance and my Elvish Essence, and then I was guided to visit my sacred spot. I began to meditate, and all of a sudden I started drawing a circle around myself. I got up and started drawing in the sand, and this is what I created through my Self!
This is a sacred septagram, the 7-pointed Elven Star. Its elements represent the energy of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit, Life and Magic. There are 33 stones surrounding the sacred mandala/grid and the Star in the middle. The big stone in the middle represens Source/Unity ... connection to All That Is and All Life in Creation. There are also 7 pillar stones surrounding this grid, and these are meant for the High Elven Priesthood, those who reside within the Realms of Illuminated Truth ... my Divine companions, my Soul Group/family of origin and of course ... my Elven guides.
I was not surprised that I was inspired to make this all of a sudden, as this is where I spend much of my time now. This has now become my very own sacred space where I can come to commune with my Family of Light. This space just became a bit more magical and I AM so happy to experience my Soul Reunion here.
Welcome yourself through the Gateway and may You walk in the Beauty of Creation! Yes, awareness always comes with a view ... from a higher perspective! Enjoy your personal portal during this Equinox, and may it serve your highest good and ultimate Soul potential/expression!
Within Divine Love, Polona
P.S. Here are the videos with the Master crystal: