Ever since a new cycle/New Life began for me, I AM constantly being showered with Soul encoded Gifts. This did not just begin on my physical/earthly birthday, but it was a huge Vortex point for that to begin on a much deeper and bigger level. It feels like infinite Soul abundance just started pouring from all directions, and I started to finally feel how it feels, to begin receiving for so much of what You have been gifting this world with, and giving away so freely, devotedly and with unconditional/unattached Love!
She got me the most amazing bracelet, that is perfectly aligned with my Soul frequency, and it is of my favorite color, fuchsia! It is scented with the most precious Divine scent/fragrance, which I can only describe as "the memory of Home and Belonging" and it reminds me of my Twin Soul Reunion. She also got me a collection of three precious crystals, and it's like she perfectly knew which ones to pick, for what my Soul needs at this time. There is also the most amazing and gentle Calendula Salve cream, which is again perfect for me on so many levels. I will not even mention her Soul encoded birthday card, which is so personal and intimate, incorporating the colors which are the most important for me this year, as I have been told by my Soul; violet and gold.
This is something most precious and intimate that someone can gift You with ... a deep knowing and honoring of your unique Soul Self! Thank You so much, Beloved Emily! I hope You will share your Gifts with the whole world, and the same goes for all other Ascension Pioneers! I love You! In deep Gratitude! I told You that every day is my/our birthday!
On the same day, I also received a bunch of new oracles, including a new Ascension oracle, so I AM super excited to work with them!!! I will be working with when I do my personal Ascension messages. I use all of my other oracle decks for additional Spirit guidance (the "how to"), but these highly vibrational cards are so perfect for Ascension messages! The cards are "Love and Light Angel cards" from Angela McGerr. I was so happy to receive them and feel their loving vibration and high energy attunement!
On the day of the Full Moon in Pisces, I took the crystals I received from Emily and a bunch of others ones, and I created a sacred crystal grid. This crystal mandala was made right at the time when the Moon was Full, and its purpose was to seed and anchor a perfect balance between the Divine masculine and feminine, and to birth the Divine Reunion in the physical. During the meditation that followed its creation, the guidance that I have received from Spirit was this:
"There is no force stronger to penetrate through the old matrix and dissolve it, than the true Love of the Beloveds and the Divine Reunion from within to without. Its ripple effects go right through the Core of Creation, as this is Source Love remembering itself." Yes, it is only true Love, that has the biggest potential for the wholing of All and a complete re-write. No focusing on Peace and Love can compare with true Love of Source running through the Beloveds, and that is why this process is so important on Earth at this time. I AM sure that everyone who is also on the path of serving the Whole will completely understand this Truth from deep within. Source Love Blessings!
After it, I have visited my favorite waterfall that lies high above my town on the day of the Full Moon. The energy here is absolutely amazing ... so high and vibrant. The water receives many codes of Light here, and then it flows down and through the land, and spreads them around. Such Purity and Grace! What a beautiful honor to be living here, in such a sacred space!
So I was out in Nature all day, hiking to my favorite waterfall and then spending some time laying on the beautiful sand by the Mountain riverbank. There was a Pink flower that caught my eye. Whispers of Love! What a beautiful view to finish the day of the Full Moon in Pisces with!
Later in the evening, before bedtime, I did something that I so rarely do. I just listened to some music and relaxed, breathing in the energy of the Beloved. It was so intense, that my whole body was shaking and pulsating. What a beautiful sensation to finish the night of the Full Moon in Pisces with!
Today, more Divine Gifts came my way, and they are all Soul encoded. There is such Magic around me today. I got a visit from a brother in Light from Canada, and he brought me a bunch of Auralite 23 crystals, with one huge Master Crystal. These are very powerful crystals of New Earth, and they always find the way to the proper caretaker.
I AM guided to go to the Mountains tomorrow, to charge the Master crystal with high portal energy and the etheric imprints that it needs for its service. Then I will create a crystal grid, give it the proper intent to serve, and then download and create a perfect Light activation for all of us that comes through at this time. I AM in such honor and gratitude for my shifting/constantly expanding purpose/service!
I also received one of the beautiful silk mandalas to hang on the window pane, made by one of his family members. It looks so beautiful in my sacred space, overlooking my Mountain view! What an amazing day!
And now for my personal Gift from my own Heart space and Soul guidance! I AM finally finished with a Gift for all my supporters, donators and wonderful Divine companions who have purchased my personal services this month of September ... the Light activation for anchoring our New Life awareness and the embodiment of our Divine Self. I had so much fun making it, and it really made me feel the Bliss of the New that we are choosing to create for ourselves. My intention is for it to serve within this grand portal opening, during this Full Moon and a powerful and potent Fall/Spring Equinox. With Gratitude and in service to All!
Now I will take a few more days just for myself! The Equinox portal is inviting us all to stop, observe ... and listen to the Silence! The New cannot be felt in constant hype! The Beauty comes through moments of deep Presence!
Within Divine Love, Polona
P.S. Everyone who will still donate 11 $ or more, or purchase my personal services at anytime, will still receive this Gifts, as it's an ongoing One! Donations can be sent via my PayPal address: polona.somrak777@gmail.com!
P.S. Everyone who will still donate 11 $ or more, or purchase my personal services at anytime, will still receive this Gifts, as it's an ongoing One! Donations can be sent via my PayPal address: polona.somrak777@gmail.com!
And here is my video about the immense portal opening during this Equinox: