Thursday, July 4, 2013

My intimate experiences

Dear Family of Love!

Besides my Divine task of being an Ascension guide, a huge part of my journey is to share myself and my Soul travels in a very personal and intimate way. Lately I AM seeing an even deeper meaning in sharing ourselves through true Source intimacy, not just generally addressing different things and subjects. That is what creates a tremendous ripple effect, as our authenticity actually is intimacy in daily expression. That is why I feel like I AM entering a part of my life, where I need to share in an even more intimate way, and a huge part of this is sharing my own inner Magic.

I was always this way anyway! I always lived a simple, but very deep and profound internal life. And as always, our external reality/personal life reflects this internal state of ours. I feel that a next stage of my journey is to share more about my personal journeys and travels as I experience them myself ... showing the way of a New Earth ... a new world that we are co-creating together ... one that is based on Magic, infinite miracles and abundance through Joy!

If You wish to be a part of my daily life and magical experiences, You are free to join me on my Soul travels. The main reason why I opened this Blog is a shift in my purpose. After 2013 began, so many of us began to shift in our service. I was guided by Spirit to share myself more personally, and to not just share Ascension updates and speak about the Principles of Creation, but to also share about the Magic of Life ... especially how I experience it. Through this, I wish to serve in a way of Being a conscious and aware example of how to live a magical life. This is me guiding everyone who is ready ... to a way of higher dimensional living, as simply being a wayshower. I love to use Blogger, because it's simple and not really time consuming, so I can be efficient in how I use my time. I always like to use/create my time in a way that serves me in a way that I can be sharing as freely as I can ... and putting all my effort and devotion into that ... instead of just pesky web stuff, which is not really my thing. Sharing Love and awareness is!

Someone recently wrote to me: "Whenever I feel down, especially from all the changing energy, I read or watch something from you. It is instantly uplifting. I was thinking who does the same for you, when you are down and out? Then I got my answer that Source does. Thanks for being the prism that shines that Light closer for all to embrace and remember everyday." Yes, this is true. I always nourish myself from within. I never seek anything externally, and when I feel down, I go deeper within and I commune with Spirit. This is what I AM here to show others ... everyone can do it this way, as it's natural for all of us. Many have just forgotten about how to do it. We are all Beings of Source, and we all create our own reality from within. Of course, others put me on a false pedestal many times, as they forget that I AM also Human. I also experience challenges, heavy days or difficult periods. But it's not about that, it's about how I go through them ... always with awareness and Self nourishment.

I have said many times: "I did not come here to gain fans or enemies, nor I came here to please others. I came here to Be the Love that I AM embodied, to shine the Light of my Soul and to share awareness." I love the Truth of One, the Principles of Creation in All Life, but I also love the individuality aspect and the intimate reality that we are each creating for ourselves. This is what I AM here to expand on ... how to be fully authentic and unique, while at the same time ... One with All That Is, that ever was, and that always will be.

Within Divine Love, Polona
