Friday, April 11, 2014

Renewed Soul purpose & higher dimensional guidance

Dear Beloveds!

Lately I AM being guided to do less and Be more, and focus on my conscious Soul emanations, which are shifting big time!!! I AM strongly feeling a shorter break from everything as well, so I will be taking a short personal retreat to focus on grounding more the New! What is really coming to the surface of awareness at this time, are our conscious Soul emanations in the New. What does it mean to be more higher dimensional? How does our Soul expansion into the higher frequencies look like? We are all invited to explore these aspects now, and answer some deep questions about out Life journey at this time.

In the name of this, I created a new YouTube playlist about Living in the New. I will be sharing more about the different aspect of our Soul journey in the New ascending reality. I already recorded a few videos, and I addressed a few very important topics!

The way I will do personal services is also shifting, because I AM guided to implement some new elements and ways of how I offer guidance of Spirit. I AM truly expanding in the way that I do personal services now, and I AM implementing more about color, personal Soul signature, frequency and the Soul Ray of focus/purpose. I love to tune into All That Is and receive guidance so naturally, because it is always so right on spot and I so love the magic and mystery of Spirit! This will be my main focus Now! 

Just today I received a new oracle ... I AM so happy to announce that the beloved Aura-Soma tarot deck (a vintage one) is finally in my oracle collection. I will be using it in my expanded Soul readings/transmissions from now on, as well as in my vibrational Art that I source personally for others as well.

So ... what are the important aspects to focus on, when we are stepping firmly on the path of physical Ascension and Soul integration in the New? How do we live a simple and more balanced life? How do we show the way with our own living example? We are all creating a New paradigm, and it's important that we approach all the areas of our life through the lens of awareness and conscious action. None of these areas are separate from each other and they are all interconnected.

Our conscious Soul emanations are about how we are focusing on our Soul purpose with more devotion and higher understanding. The more aware we become of our connection to the different aspects of Creation, the more we consciously participate in them, and the more focused our Soul emanations become through devotion.

I will share my own example with You. I have a very important and meaningful connection with the Mountains and Mountain stones, and this is a connection based on a level of Creation of realms/worlds. Each aspect of Source within the Variation of Creation has a specific focus as a Group Soul collective (on a higher/more expanded level), and it was participating in building/co-creating different aspects of Life in infinite Creation, whether in this Universe of beyond. When we tune into such a powerful and expanded aspect of our Group Soul awareness, a very profound level is revealed to us and can consciously act through us ... as a living/embodied aspect of it. This aspect can then emanate through us with a powerful ripple effect.

For me, that is felt in the affinity that I have for the Mountains and the elemental realms ... particularly the mineral kingdom and the sacred Mountain stones. This affinity to a particular part of Creation is expressed through individualized Soul awareness and a conscious living reality as well, depending how open we are to our Soul knowing. A grander part of my Group Soul collective is very much involved with this particular aspect of Creation and it shares a higher understanding of the formation of these structures and their principles. This is then reflected through my personal resonance and connection with these physical forms. It might seem very random and mundane, but it is surely not. This is not just about likes and dislikes ... this is about deep Soul connection and conscious participation in Creation ... it is pure Creation Love!

This Creation Love comes through understanding how each segment of it works and what is its purpose in the unfolding reality. For example, the Mountains hold the energy of the mineral kingdom, and they all have a crystalline Core in the middle. The stones that surround this crystalline Core act as conductors of energy and they transmit the frequency forward ... from the depth of the Core to the top ... and forward into the valley through the rivers and streams of water (moving life force energy). So the mineral kingdom serves as a carrier of energy which moves throughout the land. The stones around the Core/Pillar emanate frequency through their energy/information encoding, and they carry it from the inner to the external regions and move the energy forward. This is kind of like creating the Light grid which will amplify the energy signature used in the Creation process itself.

That is why I personally feel such a strong affinity to the sacredness of the Mountains, their purpose and the tiny sacred stones which get the "job" done. I wish to work with them and send them all across the world ... either ethereally or physically. They are like tiny activators and I simply adore them!

By the way, this was my creative desk all last week ... a power stone outside on my sacred Mountain beach! Yes, creating does not need to be "work" ... it can be spontaneous, exciting and fun! Our purpose should be fun ... it's how it is in the New!

A big part of my Soul purpose is to show the way of how Spirit speaks to us through the web of All That Is and how "God" is in the details ... the tiny miracles and wonders that we can only notice if we remain a conscious and aware observer. That is why I always emphasize that awareness is Key ... in everything that we do and how we do it.

A lot of these messages come to me through the inspiration of Nature/Creation, as She is my Muse. This whole week as I was browsing through my sacred Mountain beach, as I was guided to look for special pieces of stones. I was drawn towards Pink ones one day, and I will use them for various reasons ... my Elven Soul Art, to accompany my plant companions and to send them out. Each custom order of my Soul Art (package) will also receive my sacred Mountain stone or two to grid the Light! I will also have random treats, bonuses and special surprises for my loyal Divine companions!

I also found so many stones of a particular shape or face. I AM sharing one such example with You here. I found this perfect little stone, which showed me its face. It is a dwarf like face, and it brought me many messages, because lately I AM being accompanied by these beings a lot.

And here it another one I found ... what are the odds? (winks)

I have one recommendation to share. Try taking up photography and take pictures of what calls You out ... this is how I do it myself and I just adore photography. But photography isn't just Soul Art captured in the moment ... it also captures the Essence of your current journey. When You will look at the pictures that You took later, You will surely notice details that speak to You. These are all messages from your Soul awareness, and they are trying to get your attention. You don't need to just see me and others do it ... but it will actually be the most powerful when You do it yourself ... as spontaneously as possible.

Messages from your Soul will come when You least expect them, so don't be attached to anything, and rather follow your inner Joy and passionate creativity. Then as You go about your journey in perfect flow, things will always reveal themselves to You in perfect timing, and they will share Divine messages with You through tiny details. This is one example how You can practice awareness and being in the flow of interconnectedness of everything.

For example, I took this picture of a stone Heart grid that I created on the beach, and as I later saw the picture on the computer from afar, it looked like a cupid's arrow was going through it. It wasn't that obvious, but I just kept seeing it as I looked at the image. This is how Spirit spoke to me, and it wasn't the first time. Remember that Soul messages are always repetitive and this is because they are trying to catch your attention. Are You listening? Are You having fun and seeing the Magic in everything?

I was definitely having fun when I was creating Art and special symbols with my magical stones!!! This week I was playing a lot ... I was drawing Golden symbols on some very precious stone pieces which share magical messages. I will implement them all in my personal readings as well! It is so fun to play and be excited about magical details!

Since I AM writing about my connection with the Mountains and stones here, I wish to share a photo moment. We randomly began to browse through our last year adventures captured through photography. We have seen many beautiful correlations and felt how we have grown and expanded since then. Out of all the captured moments in time, even the challenging times, our inner feeling (which is of the Soul) only remembers goodness and graciousness. That is how I feel when I look back and Self reflect, for all is captured within in the Now. All the Beauty of the world and the Soul is already within us ... and it's always alive!

 I miss those high Mountain peaks so much, but they will come soon enough anyway, as our experiences are always cyclical. I AM wishing You many joyful moments of Self reflection! We are all beautiful wanders who walk the Journey back "Home!"

And here is another photo impression for the "1, 2, 3 ... what can You see?" game. This is just a quick photo impression that I was guided to capture and what You see in this image is your current message from your Soul. This is a sacred space where everything becomes magical and it all carries powerful Spirit messages. 

I will be guiding with an even stronger emphasis on the New and a higher dimensional reality Now! There is no going back Now! I hope my video updates will be helpful for everyone who is consciously walking the path of physical Ascension.

Here is one about our conscious Soul emanations in the New.

Here is one about abundance and values in the New:

Here is one about our body movement in the New:

Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn

P.S. And here is my latest video about vibrational healing in the New, which is based on sound, tone, color and sacred symbols.
