Friday, August 2, 2013

My physical move to the Mountains

Dear Beloveds!

Here is my personal confession about what is happening in my life now! Ever since I decided to physically move and relocate closer to my sacred Mountain space, I have been on a journey up, down and all around ... so to say. There have been so many trials and tribulations, challenges and sacred initiations, and yet ... I have finally arrived. It is not my final destination yet, as none of it ever is anyway. But this week, I have finally signed the contracts on both ends ... so selling and buying. It is a "chain reaction" kind of move, so it is even more challenging due to this, and it brought lots of growth, opening to infinite patience and deeper understanding of how everything is intertwined ... and it continues to as the month unfolds.

The journey is not over yet though, as there are many steps ahead of me before I make the actual physical transition to my fairytale small town under the Mountains (our Beloved Julian Alps), and therefore a lot of my energy/devotion will go into this now. That is why I AM being asked by my inner guidance, to leave the stage of Ascension Pioneers for a month or so, until this move is finalized and all the pieces of the actual puzzle come together as One. In the meantime, I will be focusing on the world of physicality and errands that can be seen as very dense, but are still needed for our transition ... as we are Divine, but also physical Beings. This way, I AM making things real and bringing change into form ... into the matter itself.

My dream of moving to this place has always been there, but it has began one fine day in 2011, when I was sitting on this beautiful white sand by the Mountain river stream, and looking at the landscape in the near distance, while saying to myself: "This is where I wish to live next. This is where I feel that I belong." And as You know, dreams do come true, and although I have forgotten about this for a while, and was not always in knowing where to go next, I was finally reminded that this is where I AM to be holding the space next. So as I prepare my new sacred space, I will be holding You all in my Heart, and walking our journey as a part of a greater collective and global sacred space.

So many of us are now asked to co-create a new sacred space for ourselves, so we can be models and wayshowers for others only by our own example ... to live as authentically as we can. And living in the Mountains is as authentic as I can get. There are also many people who are asking me to create a retreat there, and saying how they wish to visit me in my sacred Mountain space, but this will come a bit later, when I AM all settled down and ready to rock!

Anyway, we all have all the alignments and Cosmic support at this time, so the month of August should be fun for everyone. We started off with a Diamond alignment (the Star of David) back at the end of July, and this is carrying us forward into a New dawn for Ascension Pioneers. We will know what to do next when the right timing comes, and it has always been so anyway. There is also a strong element of surprise that I keep being reminded of by my internal guidance of the Higher Presence, so let us all welcome in this eternal space of deep mystery and excitement within our Soul and all the Soul reunions taking place around the world right now.

I AM coming home to my sacred Mountains ... and I AM returning Home to my Self! As within, so without ... and this month we have all the support to bring this into actual embodiment. The Sirius gateway, so the Lion's gate is assisting us with this as well, with another portal we are entering through ... with its peak on August 8th. So we are surrounded by so much Cosmic Light, and it's only up to us how we will use it in our personal life ... and how this will benefit the greater collective and the highest good of All ... since we are moving into Unity consciousness ... and one man's journey is where another one's begins.

Also, here is my latest update about what is happening for us Ascension Pioneers ... stepping into a New dawn:

Within Divine Love, Polona

P.S. I won't be answering personal e-mails and Facebook messages until September! Thank You for your understanding!
