Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Royal code: May the Eclipse season begin!

Dear Beloveds!

We are entering into the Eclipse season. This month we had a 17-17-17 vibration as a code of awakening happening. It was the 17th day, July is a 17 Universal month and this is a 2017 year, so we had a multiplication of energy happening in Trinity. But what does the number 17 truly represent? Well, certainly many things. First of all, the 17 archetype in tarot is known to us as the "Star", and it symbolizes hope, healing and beauty through art, but also our stellar or interdimensional connections. With this energy, we are being super charged and recharged by the Heavens. This is certainly a Divine orchestration and dispensation, and if You tune into the energy itself, You will receive many messages and activations of Light. Use at least a portion of this day to stimulate your creativity, passion, dance and artistic pursuits, as well as meditation and contemplation, because it will pay rich dividends for what is to come, especially during the upcoming Eclipse season. Our dreams really are coming true, but we need much more faith for higher levels of dimensional awareness, and so we continue to build our trust in the infinite Magic of Creation which supersedes the ordinary and the mundane as we view it from the linear perspective. It's time to stimulate our multidimensional processing in Galactic consciousness and enter into a state of galactivation.

We had a Leo New Moon on July 23rd, at the beginner 0 degrees of Leo. This is such a wonderful and bright influence, which is opening the gates of the Eclipse season. The thing is such, that a lot of volunteer Souls that are embodied here on this planet have been working so hard and diligently on the higher planes and physically as well. We're bringing a higher Essence template, so that the fusion with the higher dimensions for this planet would be much easier and in flow. In other words, we are preparing this planet for what shall follow in its "Galactic Age". The coming together of our inner selves in full authenticity and multidimensionality is deeply essential for this process. 

We are the ones directing the flow of consciousness expression and we must always remember that. Our role as responsible caretakers is expanding. As our inner royal codes awaken (which is the domain of Leo), we shall prepare the consciousness for new ways of creativity on this planet. Our living conditions will always reflect our state of consciousness, and so this time serves as an opportunity to awaken the royal code of higher living. In a micro sense, this could reflect as us seeking a higher quality of life, searching for new opportunities of feeling good in our authentic nature by raising our standards of living. Whatever this may be for us personally, it all pierces into the collective Whole. As we merge with the group Soul bodies of One Humanity and Gaia, we shall have a greater perception and clarity of what is needed for this process, with deep levels of compassionate living integrated in our Being 

We had quite a strong Solar emanation prior to the New Moon, which was preparing us for what is yet to come. The New Moon was a predecessor of the Eclipse season and the Leo Eclipse which occurs on August 21st, also in the sign of Leo, in the royal degrees of the Star Regulus. This is activating the "noble" code of royalty within the Human nature for all those on the Ascension path. Do You often wonder where true nobility has disappeared on this planet? Are You feeling quite alone in your integrity of Soul? Living on this planet does not come without its perks, especially for those who are training for Self mastery. To be the Master of Self, one needs to eventually integrate the noble qualities of a sovereign integral, a Being who embodies the highest Law of Unity. This begins through the process of initiation and purification, which is truly working for us when we are ready to see beyond all illusions. There are many on this earthly plane, and so this cannot be approached without our full engaging with this process of illumination. When we are being disillusioned, we will often experience a period of inner darkness, which comes through the void aspect of Source. 

You can watch my video update on that:

At such times, we have to break free from anything that is still attached to the limited nature of the 3rd dimension and manifesting in this limited form. By recognizing the illusions, victimhood and complaint, we will be ready to see these next steps. When something within us is still confined to the limiting nature of manifestation, we partially stop believing in Magic of our refined Soul nature. But if we can see beyond it, our sovereignty will prevail through all the challenges and hardship. We must Now learn to wear our Light, not just connecting to it. We must become it on every level, however challenging it might feel due to external circumstances. But these are not random, as they are specifically chosen through the Soul, in order to master itself. When we show a new level of integrity through hardship, we will be given confirmation and signs of the New, that which still lies ahead. When Self mastery is chosen on a Soul level, that lifetime is fully devoted to it!

Living on Earth does not come without resistance, if not internal then surely external forms of it. At certain times we will feel such completion, and at other times such void and stagnation. That too is a part of the overall process, as it all ebbs and flows. When the energy feels restrictive in some way, the old "pushing through" or powering through technique will no longer work for those of us in the New. It is time to unlearn these old ways and create a new dynamic that traces the higher octave of Being. So instead, when the energy feels restricting in any way, we rest, reflect and integrate. When the energy feels dynamic, we create, act and embody. And so we learn to discern between the various energy expressions! Don't forget that You are the one who is running your show, there is no one else. We act as conscious reflections to each other, but we must each learn to become fully responsible for whatever we are choosing to create. Fearing the art of choosing creates anxiety and unnecessary stress, and we must break free from that vicious cycle by stepping fully on the illumined path.

What lies beyond the physical Ascension path? Learn more in this video:

As we know, our Universe continues to grow and expand. We have to know that dimensions are not static, for they also continue to expand. As we evolve, we expand our Light, and so we also help to expand the structural spaces for creativity which dimensions are. One example would be the Ascension of Earth into what we call the higher dimensions. We have previously expanded on the nature of multidimensional Ascension, and with that understand we can go even deeper. The given story is, that the Earth existed in the third dimension since the dawning of time in its Creation. But that statement in itself is only partially true. This is because the nature of the third dimension as Earth (and those of us on it) was evolving was changing. It was expanding and becoming lighter and more expanded through all of the collective experiences that were lived in it. This is how the entire Universe expands in the bigger scenario, but we get to more closely and intimately experience this in our personal Ascension through the ascending Earth. With each incarnation that eventually leads into Soul individualization (and planetary as well), the nature of the third dimension was growing in its potentiality as it was expanding. 

When the learning within the third dimensional experience of physical nature will be complete within the entire Universe, the Universe itself will shift. Until this is so, all the Stars and planets revolving around them continue to gradually shift their perspective, and simultaneously helping to expand the overall experience within each framework of existence. When Life in this Universe began, the nature of the third dimension was very different and less expanded. It was surely denser and more rigid, and with the evolution of Life through the physical Existence, the nature of it continued to change. This occurred through the cultivation of the higher dimensional awareness which brings in the combination of several resources as potentials, which in turn contributed to the expansion of the physical density structure. The higher levels were developing through levels that exist beyond them just as the third dimension was expanding through that which was beyond its structure. And so all Life continues to ascend multidimensionally, never in a linear fashion. And such is also the nature of our current experience of Ascension on this planet and beyond.

Check out my video on merging with the greater group bodies of Humanity & Gaia:

A beautiful thing occurred on the exact timing of the Leo New Moon! I was suddenly inspired to color this mandala which represents the activation of the noble Heart through the Royal Heart of the Lion. It has a golden Star in the middle with lots of royal Violet for spiritual awareness, with bursts of yellow for illumination, magenta spirals for the higher heart essence and green for passionate new life being created into form (red). This "royal code" aspect will be strongly activated on the next Leo New Moon on August 21st, which is a Solar Eclipse. This time Now acts as a Gateway into the awakening of the illumined Priesthood. For all those who feel a strong calling to this path, I advise watching my Atlantean experiment video on cycles of illumination. May the Eclipse season begin.

"The masculine and feminine are coming together. It is rather obvious that it's Now or never!" And this of course, relates to the Core Creation level.
P.S. I developed a new course that goes in alignment with that point of synthesis. This is a GALACTIC CONSCIOUSNESS course, which is an in depth course on activating your Galactic consciousness, your Galactic DNA and integration of Soul individualization through the nature of Divine archetypes, tarot, fixed Stars, etc. The course has both theory and practice, through which You will gain a deep understanding of the nature of Creation and yourself as a part of the Whole. You will learn about the basic structure of 12-folded nature of Galactic consciousness and how to operate within it.

You can get the course (LEVEL 1 & 2) here!

Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn

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