Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Galactic update: DNA re-calibration

Dear Beloveds!

We are right before the Taurus New Moon and this New wave brings inspiration, but also the activation of expanded consciousness. Many Beings are opening up to Galactic consciousness at this time, as these incoming Cosmic rays open up new levels of our Source DNA. As Galactic perception opens up, our nervous system is being upgraded, and it's moving from linear reception and circular motion into a spiraling perception held within the Pulse of Life. What is happening at this time is not easy to translate into words, but we are deeply feeling this shift as something unknown and yet ancient awakening within us. We can imagine going into the cellular level of our body and seeing every cell as a fractal of the Galactic Pulse of Light, spinning like a Mother Galaxy. Each cell is therefore rejuvenated from deep within the Original Design, as our bodies are shifting and ascending. This might feel like a period of intense adjustment as our bodies are being upgraded. At this time we may feel spaced out, lost for words and functioning at a different vibratory rate, and it's because we really are. This too shall pass as we integrate!

Friday, April 14, 2017

Venus direct & ascended Soul liberation

Dear Beloveds!

The Libra Full Moon which occurred on the portal day of April 11th deeply activated us and our path of Ascension, and the embodiment of the true Divine feminine is being illumined. The Divine feminine integration is not about superficial "gender specific" movements that still promote duality. This is about the mastery of the body and its wisdom, through the understanding of our wholeness in the Divine Trinity, and the Primordial Life force that is consequentially flowing through. There is so much talk about the Divine feminine Now, but so many people still misinterpret that! In Truth of Union that is all about the Primordial awakening to the Wisdom of Life and our bodies and how they translate the almighty Life force! This is not about feminism or feminine power alone. In Truth this is all about that feminine intuition and body's wisdom! So be careful when You refer to it through the Goddess power alone, as it's not about women only. It's about the Union with that Divine feminine aspect that lives within All Life in Creation and All of us! It's Her reunion with the Divine masculine so that they could not rule, but rather partner up as men and women of Humanity and co-create together in mutual reception and infinite creativity of the Divine in Unity!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

New energy Wave of Galactic proportions

Dear Beloveds!

A New Wave of Galactic proportions has recently entered our planet! It's amazing that simultaneously planet Saturn makes its station retrograde journey on April 6th, in conjunction with the Galactic center, which is the Core of our Galaxy that is currently located at 26-27 degrees of Sagittarius, which represents Nature and natural Universal laws. These are invisible guidelines and Principles that hold all Life in Creation together in the Light of Unity. The retrograde of Saturn in this position is asking Humanity to face their Core issues in their personal lives and as the Human collective in general. There are so many things that make us distracted and disconnected from true Core values, and then we try to compensate for these disconnected approaches by creating more unnatural laws and views that are enforced, very dualistic and illusory! If we will not step together as a Collective, we will be moving away from our true Galactic heritage and liberated Soul nature. 

Monday, April 3, 2017

Creating dynamic change & Life Force mastery

Dear Beloveds!

The month of April carries a very potent 14/5 universal energy of temperance, and so much Love is in the air, with great potential for Divine partnership in Union. But these are not exactly new things, as these are simply the results of many fruits of our labor of Love that are Now gradually coming together. The explosive "volcanic" energy of the Grand Fire Trine speaks to us about those unexpected eruptions that are yet expected simultaneously, for we have been gradually applying ourselves and slowly walking towards fruitful Self realizations. Just like the energy of the volcano, which is always active under the surface, but only sometimes on the surface at particular peak experiences, so are things feeling for us. We have been gradually moving into the New energy of constant inner happiness and radiant Soul bliss for quite a while, and although at times we may be feeling like during the marathon finish, when we are almost about to give up, and we decide to rather give into a higher power that fuels us from an unexpected reserve and infinite potential, so does the energy feel at this time for the ascending Souls.
