Friday, December 22, 2017

The Solstice of Galactic alignment

Dear Beloveds!

Happy December Solstice! Overall, this was a big "pre-Holiday" time. We began this week with the Sagittarius New Moon that aligned with the Galactic Center, Saturn moving into the sign of Capricorn, December (Winter) Solstice and Mercury moving direct in Sagittarius! This is a time where all of the gathered experiences and knowledge which we have integrated synthesize and move back into the Whole, to contribute to the overall process of spiritual evolution. Therefore, this is a time when our Souls gather all of that in a form of Light codes and reverberate it into the synchronized Whole. In Truth, nothing is really ours in a literal sense of the word, as everything we do and experience, we do so for the Whole in Unity consciousness. The more consciously we surrender everything to Love, the more we contribute to the integration of Light. This is the gateway to our humility and transcendence. Of course that applies for all those who are aligned with the Winter Solstice timeline and vice versa for those aligned with the Summer Solstice.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Essence level embodiment

Dear Beloveds!

Welcome to December, a New energetic month of a 13/4 universal frequency. We enter into this energy with Mercury retrograde, which asks us to slow down and listen to the burning desire of our Heart. We are wrapping up a 1 universal year, which was a "seeding" year of new initiatives. Many of us have been assimilating Light codes of the crystalline frequency which we are now synthesizing. We are entering into major new cycles, cosmically and physically speaking. Most of all, we are being carried into the embodiment of the Essence level. This is the ultimate manifestation of Life force mastery which requires our absolute surrender. There is a new level of Self mastery that awaits us, but we must first reconcile with our past and bring closure to unfinished chapters so that there will be no energy residual once we fully step into the New energetic year of 11 frequency. Bringing closure does not only relate to finishing things, but also walking away from things that were left incomplete for a reason. Our journey is a multidimensional one, governed by Love most of all.
