Thursday, November 22, 2018

The Self born integral sovereign

Dear Beloveds!

We are still in the New energetic month of November! This month is huge, and with all its belonging 11s it acts as a major gateway. We had the 11-11 portal of Light in an 11 month within an 11 universal year, which makes it altogether a 22/4 month. So this month marks the completion of what has been initiated at the beginning of the year. This "tunnel" we have been moving through was quite intense and deeply challenging for many Light bearers, because it's been preparing us for huge transition years to come. These are not easy times to live in, with so much chaos and unrest occurring on the planet, as well as weather shifts of both natural and controlled sources. It was crucial for us to develop the kind of resilience that would replace the overriding structure of resistance which exists as deeply embedded within the controlled system of duality. The deeper we go into the embodiment of Light on earth, the more darkness rises to the surface, and the more balanced we must become. Indeed, these are not easy times, however we have some forward momentum during this month. Venus finally went direct, as Mercury went retrograde, with Jupiter moving into its ruling sign of Sagittarius. We will also experience the nodal change, moving into Cancer/Capricorn polarity. What does this mean for us personally? Only time will tell, so it's important to stay grounded and focused on building roots that will last generations to come. No one else will do this work but us! 
