
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Bithing canal of illumined Union: Mission upgrades, Star Beings & Star Gate work

Dear Beloveds!

What a Life, right!? We are in a 17/8 energy month, which translates into the Star/Strength major arcana meanings in tarot. My gosh, we have some powerful energy and activations happening this month. This month feels so mystical in nature, not just because we are entering a time of Wesak (the Buddha Moon), but also because there are major Star Gates being activated and opened at this time, So many of us are receiving physical contact through Star Being visitations, mission upgrades and additional Soul gifts of Galactic origin being activated within us. The main focus at this time is to follow through the Grand Design through the Mother's sacred Flame, by feeling the calling deep from within. When we answer that call, there is great Magic at our disposal. The Mother Goddess sends a call out, we answer, and then She showers us with Her majestic Gifts. These Gifts are very subtle and refined, and yet they bring us the important reverberations of our mission upgrades. How strongly do we wish to live and serve on this planet? Where are our true interests and what continues to move us forward? These are some very deep questions that will be rising to the surface at this time. The Mother strongly wishes to birth something New through us. This is the time, and we are hearing the call. But are we answering it with all of our Heart?

We are approaching a very important Gateway that comes with the Beloved Scorpio Full Moon, also known as the Wesak Moon. There is a great Stellar energy present this month, which was superbly magnified for me during the Taurus New Moon, as I experienced a physical Star Being visitation. It was intense because simultaneously there was a New Cosmic Ray coming in, and the Solar eruption that accompanied the lunation. There were upgrades being made on my body by pulsating Light Beings. This is a powerful Gateway, and so I was taken into the Star Gate/Parallel reality, witnessing and receiving New energy imprints and potentials. The Star Being have never left and they always guide the intentional Ascension process, and yet they are here in a powerful New way. The message which I received afterwards was "Transition". I share more about my actual experience in the video section, so I won't go too deeply into it here. However, the Star energy influence was very literal for me as this month began. This month holds the "planting" energy in terms of Pleiadian Key astrology, and we are all beginning to notice changes in our subtle bodies, which bring more Light quotient into our physical bodies. It used to be more challenging for the Human to harness all the potential that the incoming Cosmic Rays carry, so it sort of became dormant for us.

Did You know that the Cosmic Ray activity on the planet just continues to rise? Recently we had a KP index 7 activity, major geo-magnetic storm. The normal index for us to feel good is around 2, and minor energy storms are around 4-5 index. This is huge! New waves are just continuously coming in as we are inviting more to be re-awakened and re-written from the Earth's Core. These are not easy times ahead of us, and we are all invited to deepen our embodied mastery and Life Force activity work.

The Creation Pillar Essence in me grows stronger every day! Our unified mission on Earth and beyond is not to withhold the Light. We use our unified Life Force as a powerful force field and we descend it by moving it deeper into darkness. At this point I will always feel the collective despair very strongly and the maze of illusion, almost falling into it myself. But the thing about me is that I go so deep into the dark that I almost taste the frequency of the Fall, but never fall into it. It's the very edge of despair where there's no Life and needs to awaken from the deep. Something always catches me. My true illumined Self is ever present! I'm not afraid of anything happening to me physically. I've been trained all my Life through harsh living conditions and climbing rugged terrains, and just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes, all the Human memories and experiences. And yet only a small part of me is Human, all else belongs to Aurea. My own Source of Christ brings me upwards again and again as I resurrect those lifeless states. And I say to Life:"It's not even a challenge anymore. Give me more!" I don't get bored or tired because I don't love Life, but because I know there can always be so much more to Life. And so even in my daily assignments and repetitive routines, I always birth something New. Through me and all of Life, the Truth of illumination grows, and everyone can know their own Christ in living embodiment!

My Creation work experiences are rapidly intensifying and magnifying. I keep finding these sacred items that confirm where the energy is and the work taking place behind the scenes. Here is just one example of something profound that changed my whole life last week. After this next stage of incoming embodiment, I AM still in deep "rewrite" mode. After finding some sacred items, I knew it was time to do some deep womb work, and again I did not expect what awaited me. Oh my goodness, what powerful Light language for Goddess liberation and Earth Core work came through. I was told that only Ancient Beings can awaken such Primordial energies of the planetary Life force. It was like summoning it to the surface through Cosmic sound and Light moves, and then I had to navigate through several layers of energy to properly anchor and ground it. I got a splitting headache and immense pressure everywhere, which ultimately showed me how to push the energy upward to even out the pressure of such intensity felt in the body. And by the end of the day my feet were sizzling hot, and I had to go to the forest to walk barefoot. Everywhere I stepped the ground got warm, and so I had to keep on moving. This was one of the most intense and profound experiences of energy mastery in my Pillar life so far. New surprises and growth is happening every day!

I AM not surprised, because the planetary need for this sacred work is growing. In case You are not already aware of this fact, our weather (and everything else on this planet) is being controlled with all sorts of means. This matter is only getting worse, and the earth's magnetic field is weakening every day. The Cosmic Ray impact is growing every day, and yet the energies of the Earth's Core template have to match this. Very few Ancient Beings like myself have the knowledge of Creation and how this operates, which also includes the understanding how the planetary Life Force is being controlled on all levels. We hardly get any sunshine lately due to all of this, and it's just going to get worse. There are several places on the planet where this is felt more, and the intense weather conditions are not all natural. Geoengineering is very real and so deeply embedded in our living reality that most don't even notice it. The changes are gradual, and yet their impact on the organic nature of Life is very real. This can cause tremendous consequences to all Life on the planet as we know it.
Everyone can Now begin to participate with their own conscious Life force emanation, however it takes immense courage, strength and devotion. It is not enough to simply know what is happening or living only for ourselves. It is time to act as a Whole of Humanity, and there are several ways to do so and levels of energy participation/engagement. It was also brought to my attention that today (May 15th) is a day of demonstrations against 5G. Everyone can join in some way or form, physically and energy wise. We must all rise from the ashes of despair and choose Life. The more of us choosing Life that's organic and not controlled, through the Reality of the Mother's Creatrix (not an artificial construct that's controlled), the more we rise and Life unfolds as a Spiral of Creation. 
This time is all about the Goddess liberation! I have channeled two powerful Mother of Life sacred songs, which You can freely listen to here!
This is the sacred Life giving principle known as the Goddess of All Life. By attuning to this sacred Principle of Life coming into form through the holy flame, we are working with ultimate purity in Life, the sacred fire within us, and the allowance of Life to unfold through us within immaculate design. These are the songs of Goddess Liberation. By attuning to this transmission, it can assist You in your own process of deep liberation and resurrection, claiming your Self within the Mother's Holy flame.
You can help to liberate the Goddess and feel this sacred decree deeply in your Heart:"Come Now, Rise, Ancient energies of the Earth's Core. Awaken Now and make love to the dark, all that was done to oppress your Life Force. Let it burn, burn, burn, in the Fire of your womb. Oh Beloved One, Mother of Life, raped You shall Be no more!" 
Feel it with all your burning heart, with the might of your sacred Flame. Let no moment go untouched by your fierce Presence and take a stand as a sovereign Being claiming all control over your own Life force, so that it may Be shared fully and freely with the Mother of Life in the support and devotion to raise the planetary Light quotient, in Her immaculate design for all Life ... the Great Divine Plan of Perfection! Every fully awakened Life Force Presence counts and becomes a most powerful vessel for birthing the Truth of illumined Union here on Earth!

What else is New in the world of Ascension Pioneers? I Now do illumined Union Beloved readings and grid layouts, Goddess Love sessions, Galactic channelings and mastery courses. My in depth Spirit guidance for the Ascension devotees is Now shared via my Patreon page called "Illumined Ascension", which You are free to join at any time.

What is organic Ascension and ascending principles? Join me on my Patreon page "Illumined Ascension", where I AM sharing the Divine Trinity of Life courses for organic Ascension, which will come out in three parts. They are divided into the Principle of the Vessel, the Principle of Life Force, and the Ascension Principle.The BONUS video will be about the mastery of anchoring the energy coming through the Cosmic Ray activity.

Here is the video presentation:

New levels of higher consciousness will not just come on their own. So many individuals are being mislead by the false Light "New age" community. We will continue to live in separation and ignorance if we only want to go "up" and live in Light only, without embracing the shadow. That is not pure Truth and how things are in Ascension integration. That's why we get sad with lack of creativity. We miss the whole of Self, fully integrated. We have to embrace the shadow realms just as much as the light realms. The beauty lies in polarity integration and mastery. It is the only way to grow and integrate the illumined Light on the planet. We can work with the dragon energy as the companion to this shamanic energy work of embracing the dark within the womb of illumination. The ancestors of our genetic lineage must be embraced just as much as our Soul lineage. They hold many keys, as well as our magical inner child that we are birthing in the illumination process. They want to be embraced and heard, before we move to the higher levels and unify all aspects as One. Doing that we have to find and dissolve the inception points, and we will be given the opportunity for it through the trigger experiences in our life. It will awaken our ancient gifts and doorways to healing we did not know exist. Only then can higher levels be integrated. Keep on exploring and don't fear anything. Do everything consciously. You are not a victim, this is your growth stage. It's all for greater training, Self mastery and Soul expansion. Always do what is needed through what you feel, it is your freedom and sovereign choice!

Join me as I share about the advanced mission work for volunteer Souls:

I now do Cosmic sound channeling/sacred Soul song attunements:

This is a personal Spirit transmission through Cosmic sound activation that is attuned especially to You through your Soul song. The Cosmic sound coming through the channeling is of Galactic origin and supports You on deep levels of Divine remembrance and DNA activation.

I AM also proud to announce my latest mini course on 7 Rays of Creation and their purpose in Ascension. I have wanted to create this for quite some time, and Now it's finally here. This course is shared on Patreon for all who are subscribed to the advanced level of Ascension guidance and mastery, but it's also available to purchase separately via my Home page "Serapina Light". My purpose as a White Ray focus Being is dedication to the path of physical Ascension through Devotion, Purity, Harmony, Synthesis, Goddess Liberation, Life Force mastery and Vitality. I also operate on several other rays and Galactic rays of multidimensional Ascension, but my primary ray of Earth focus is the White Ray.

Have You ever wondered about your own RAY OF PURPOSE? I have created a mini course and Spirit channeling on 7 RAYS OF CREATION & THEIR PURPOSE IN ASCENSION. How do we serve on these various Rays as color extensions of Source? And how do volunteer Souls specifically serve the planet through their own focus of embodiment?

You can get the course & Spirit channeling here!

And here is an EXTRA gift of Light for everyone. The Holy Mother has been strongly calling me to work with sound and Cosmic sound activations. On my Patreon page I go deeper into this work, but I wish to share a sound activation that came through recently with everyone ... calling all Souls Home, into the World of illumined Union!

My Gift of the White Brotherhood sound activation of coming to Life:

P.S. I also do daily illumined oracles/layouts on my Patreon page, to support our journey of illumined Union and the communion that comes through sacred/devotional partnership.

NOTE: Don't forget that ALL the donations to my page SERAPINA LIGHT get a FREE oracle of illumination as my gift of Gratitude returned to all of You!

Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn

Cosmic Beloved course & Music CD Songs of the Beloved:
Soul embodiment, Multidimensional Mastery courses & Crystalline Creation audio: (scroll down to the bottom of the page)
My sacred devotional dancing:
Ascension activations:
Light activations:
Self Mastery courses:
Multidimensional mastery:
Galactic signature:
Instagram profile:
Soul mandalas: