
Saturday, April 13, 2019

The circle of Love is complete

Dear Beloveds!

Happy New beginnings of Spring to everyone! The sacred Fire energy is pouring onto the planet quite intensely, and it's using a lot of our inner energy reserves to stay connected and aligned in our bodies. Yes, these are extremely intense times for the physical body and that's why so many people are finding themselves to be changing drastically. The Life Force quotient is increasing, and we have no other choice but to either increase our own or continue to experience all sorts of physical symptoms, such as fatigue, exhaustion or even complete burnout. There is only as much the physical body can take, unless it gradually evolves into a New form of energy expression and processing. Every year around this time we have many powerful changes going on in the energy streams of our lives and the planet, and this year's April is no different. It is a powerful month of so many alignments and alliances that are built through them. The energy is super intense for quite some time Now, and we are in between two powerful Libra Full Moons. The energy Gateway is very potent and beaming with "CHANGE", and yet we are the ones who either make that change happen in our own lives by integrating all that is of the New. This occurs by translating the powerful Cosmic Ray frequencies through the constantly renewing matrices of our bodies. I've recently undergone my own powerful Spirit initiation of total body "revival", experiencing a profound rise in physical immunity and inner sustainability. These are all attributes of our New body and how it fluidly wants to move through the waves of New energies that are continuously being anchored on the planet.

April always begins with the "April Fool's day", which is the energy of new beginnings and leaps of faith into the New unknown. We are in a 16/7 Universal month, with two potent lunations. The first one is the Aries New Moon in 15 degrees, and the second one is the Libra Full Moon in 29 degrees. This is a very potent time for new beginnings that emanate from a very potent energy of inner fertility. This is not an external state, but rather a state of inner Union that builds towards ever greater Light quotient fulfillment. It is fertility that is always a predecessor of creativity in any form, so this is obviously important when it comes to understanding the subtle realm and how Creation truly works. As much as we are beginning to access information of all sorts, we still understand very little about how Life operates in terms of subtle energy laws and its principles. We still access and apply energy within its more physical aspects and attributes, while the very subtle and refined energy levels are very often unfamiliar to us. Most Humans use a lot of physical and mental energy, and very little of other more subtle energy forms. The balance of this energy usage and activation is still not as balanced. 

As a Human collective, we are just beginning to understand that there is a whole world of Spirit "out there", which can be accessed by the inner world or the inner realms. When we use the words such as "Holy Spirit, breath of Life, waters of Life, Shakti, Oneness, Unity, or even just energy", we still translate a very minimum portion of it into our tangible reality in this current physical form. And yet, it is our shifting understanding within the subtle realms that continues to change the very nature of how our current form relates to the world of Spirit, and how our consciousness then shapes our reality. Even though the times might seem predominantly active due to the Aries Sun and the Aries New Moon which begins the monthly season, this activity is mostly related to the active principle within us. This active principle is not the same as "being active". It is the Divine masculine principle of pure awareness, which is always fully potent with electricity of Divine Light. 

In this state of awareness, we know our Presence and all that it contains, and it is exactly this very Presence that predetermines the flow of the subtle energies that constantly flow in and out/through our bodies, as the connection with Spirit is constantly being created and reinvented in new ways. The more One activates their Divine narrative system/DNA, the more of such conscious Spirit connections are created in their form. This new way of relating is very obvious due to the influence of the two Libra Full Moons, which each bring a different influence. The first one initiated this new cycle of subtle relating awareness, and the next one will complete it, as it occurs in the so-called "critical degree". What lies in between is the Aries New Moon that has the capacity to reinvent us, where we can feel like we have just been through a complete renovation (and reinvention), such as it often follows a short term illness that acts like a gateway into New Life through a point of "reset". We are quite suddenly and often even abruptly, not the same anymore. 

This point of "reset" is often avoided within our Human nature and psyche, because it would require our absolute surrender into the unknown and mystical forces of Spirit. Just as the laws of this planet are often unpredictable, so it is with the laws of Spirit. Of course there are basic Principles of Creation that govern all Life, and yet their unfolding nature is never deterministic or predetermined. It is very fluid, which gives us insight into working with the great waters of Life that represent Spiral consciousness of the Divine Mother. And yet, this can also remain just another concept, which we can only truly integrate into our reality and living Presence by fully participating with Life, meaning that our every experience is fully taken into our Being and integrated. It is the integration process that makes One potent with Life force, and palpable with the subtle energy levels that keep on rising and expanding, rejuvenating one from deep within and giving the potency for New Creation in external circumstances as well. It is this active principle within that then merges with the fertility aspect, and together they rise into the unpredictable infinity of Creation potential. Therefore, from this perspective the "leap of faith" does not relate to something external, but rather the passageway that we make as that conscious connection from one state/octave of Being into the next. This would be like "jumping" from one moving spiral into the next one that we are to travel and traverse.

I've recently completed a huge chapter of my Life's mission. I'm personally in a 9 year cycle, which has me dealing with completion on all levels. The first three trinities of my Life (3x9 = 27) were about the full completion of my awakening journey. I'm not completing the fourth trinity, which is the building of the ascended foundation within the New template. That is why it's probably the most intense journey and experience for me as of yet. I had to endure many Spirit initiation, but nothing unlike what I went through recently. I had to let everything that was built in the previous trinities die, and I had to let go A LOT! This had me also close my Facebook page, my public E-mail, and also my public YouTube work of sharing awakening messages that lead one into the true "Organic Ascension timeline". It was quite a journey, and Now it continues in a New way and form.

Besides this, I've been truly embraced by Fairy Magic lately. The natural world is assisting the journey of illumined Union tremendously, and we are building deeper connections with them in our New Human form. I already naturally connect to the Elven realms and frequency, but I've Now physically deepened this connection in my physical body. I've done quite a few powerful Fae/fairy ceremonies and rituals in Nature lately, embracing the Essence of greenwaves and the elemental realm. 

I've been embraced by the Green Man, and I've even channeled his portrait, my very own version of it! Yay! I have never been happier, living my true organic Union/Ascension in this physical realm, an intermediary between the old and New ways, the path of true Nature liberation and organic/natural living.

The journey of Love is Now complete. What does this mean for my work of selfless service?

Stay connected with me via E-MAIL SUBSCRIPTION, which You can find on my web page Serapina Light, on the right side menu. This way You will stay connected with my ASCENSION UPDATES!

 I recently experienced the most profound initiation of my Life. It brought me to the very simple principle of "I see You". Join me as I share about this very important matter.


Tune into the Truth about the nature of the Grand Design, shared through the unified Cosmic perspective of Life. This is the bigger picture and narrative of Life, created in the Grand Design and held in the so-called "Grail code". This is a Galactic awareness of the evolution of form and its journey of eventual illumination. It is shared beyond all duality and separate agendas, as the Grail Code exists at the Essence level or the Core design for the evolution of Life. Who are the Grail Code designers and descendants? And how is the journey of unification playing out through the evolution of form and the various perspectives/experiences of Life, expressed as various Races/Soul lineages, as the gradual descent of Creation through the Creatrix design? Get it HERE!

It is time to wake up to the bigger Galactic picture:

How do we truly ACTIVATE OUR DNA? The whole monthly topic is about DNA illumination and weaving conscious connections. I've recently channeled a powerful sacred "COSMIC SOUND" activation as a Gift for my Patreon supporters. I was amazed at how many experienced profound visions during the experience of sound itself. Sound is a gift of the Divine, and it has to be used wisely and with great reverence. As we see ourselves as sacred, all Life around us shall reflect this knowing and become so.

So much is at stake at this time, be aware of giving your power & intimate DNA data away:

And Now for that ultimate Life question that has so many Beings baffled at this time. There are still so many Beings who are searching for their ultimate sacred partnership at this time. Quite often they would go through several levels and layers of confusion and doubt, all in order to truly know the Divine Beloved from within their sacred Flame. They would use all forms of intermediaries in order to have that ultimate burning question answered, once and for all. But is this really where the secrets of the Mystery of sacred Union can be found?
The outpouring of Beloved Love has been increasing:

Firstly, know that this question is not a "reading" material and that Spirit doesn't answer such deep questions directly, in a yes/no form. It does not undervalue the Truth that You are Spirit, and therefore all Truth can only be found within You. Also, no external means or person would be able to answer that for You, even if they are within their own Spirit Presence themselves. This is because it's about You becoming your own Spirit sovereign within the nature of your Soul. And that is the living Truth of the meaning of "sacred flame" or what we nowadays call "Twin Flame", although we are oftentimes not fully aware what it originally refers to. Sacred Flame Union partnership is always a Spirit born partnership, which our Spirit knows, our Soul feels and our body recognizes vibrationally. By requesting of another to ask Spirit on our behalf, You are stating that Spirit is something existing outside of You and this is where You find your burning question answers. And that someone else can connect to it, not You, and hence You need an intermediary. You do not. Period. Therefore any Spirit guide can only act as an intermediary to expand the perspectives for your own consideration and contemplation of Divine potentials. This is how Spirit acts in living embodiment. It can never come to You through another, and even if it may seem so, the gates to receiving must still be opened from within. Therefore Spirit is not something You simply connect to, but are rather consumed by it through the Presence of your own sacred Flame.

Secondly, as there can be no direct answer, Spirit instead guides everyone to contemplate on the meaning of "sacred partnership", for only in complete knowing of what that is, can we recognize our own Union within it, and our own sacred partner of choosing. However, any partnership of preferable choosing can eventually lead into it, so no fear in choosing wrongly is necessary. Only conscious Heart felt discernment that reads through the experience required by the Soul in each moment, and that is always to grow and expand. No one can do that choosing and discerning instead of us. And when the heart fully knows and understands that devotion, it is easy to know what it is. In that understanding, both partners are equally aware of it as they have similar views and commitments which they then fully exchange within themselves in their Union. Therefore, all that's required is an honest look into matters as they are Now in embodied form, not only what one would wish to see or believe. All that's truly required is a conscious choice and then committing to that choice full heartedly. In the case of a sacred Union, both partners would equally understand that through their own sacred flame and be devoted to a similar lifestyle of honoring and embodying Spirit as they grow together on their joined path. So instead of worry, fear and self doubt, one needs to look deep within into their sacred Soul flame by examining the heart in how it truly feels, not only about themselves or the other person, but also their possible Union and how it fits into the bigger picture. If it's an organic fit which feels so easy and in constant flow, it's almost automatic, and true Union is always organic. 

Organic means that it dances like a spiral within the infinity symbol loop of constant expansion that eternally overflows with Life Essence. It should therefore feel organic in all ways, which of course, can always be achieved through complete honesty and radical authenticity, which leads to complete openness. This opens the gates to mutual sharing and conversation. In a mature sacred partnership, both partners are Divine equals who don't just play roles in their own lives, but also in a bigger Divine plan of selfless service. Simply by opening up conversation for that will always reveal the true nature of grounded and embodied reality. So as always, the most important thing that individuals forget to ask by asking Spirit alone, is asking themselves, and the other person involved. And yet, it's the most simple and natural thing to do. In an open discussion the potential for true partnership in Union through mutual views and expectations can be first recognized and witnessed, and then further explored. It is then rather obvious whether their Divine values and sacred virtues of serving Spirit are aligned and therefore compatible in the physical world, in a sacred marriage of Spirit with the tangible reality. As always, the most simple things are also the most essential ones. I hope you find peace in clarity and the simplicity of Truth in these simple words of Spirit! 

And how do You feel guidance coming from within the Realms of illumined Truth?

Due to personal privacy and protection reasons in my Ascension work and to prevent online harassment, I no longer have a public e-mail contact!

You can stay in touch with me via my social media (Instagram). However, I do not use social media to "socialize". I use them to share frequency messages of Light and illumined Truth.

You can also join my ASCENSION COMMUNITY, the circle of Love built on unconditional sharing by becoming my supporter on Patreon, which is the sacred space for my Ascension group called "Illumined Ascension". The primary focus of this work is the illumined Beloved Union, with Goddess Love sessions and other Ascension themed topics.

I Now do Beloved Union/sacred partnership Love sessions, channelings and readings on my Patreon page. 

Join our CIRCLE OF LOVE invitation:

I have been sharing on Patreon for a while Now, and recently I felt that it is time to take our conscious journey and connections a step further. I have been sharing Ascension content for a really long time, and after opening up this sacred space within the group called "illumined Ascension", such beautiful Human Beings began to connect with me and the work that I share. My intention was always to connect the sovereign Hearts into the Core of illumined Love which is fully liberated and free. However, as a Creation Pillar, I AM only one aspect of the Great Divine Design, and the Essence of my work has to anchor itself deeply into the Core of Earth. This is where all of You also come in, with your conscious Love and participation in devotion to Ascension. This is where the vertical meets the horizontal, and this is a space where we all meet as Love, beyond the aspects of plain knowledge and information. This is the space of the conscious Heart where intimate connections play a vital part in our organic Ascension path.

My Spirit is not all about me and what I share, for that is only one aspect of it. The other important aspect if how individuals connect to it in their own way. My sharing has always been organic and fluid, not artificial and linear. I can only share as much, and yet it remains only on the surface without that which anchors into it. That is why I would also like to know who all these "others" are, and what makes them so unique.  I would like our circle of Love to continue to expand. Therefore, I invited members of my group to share a little about themselves and express their uniqueness within our intimate circle. I AM always happy to read beautiful comments, feedback and personal sharing, as it makes my Heart sing with Joy. Besides this way of sharing and communicating with each other, I also desire that we use the "Community" to share more about ourselves and what we do and what inspires us.

My desire is for all within the community to feel fully embraced, welcomed and loved, and that it's more than desired for each to contribute to the Whole in their own way. This way we are building a beautiful circle which extends outwardly from the Core, creating a strong neural network of ascended connections. Perhaps even new personal connections are ignited in this way. All things serve their purpose and lead to something Divinely ordained.

I have been a Pillar all those years, and Now I surrendered to a higher GROUP WORK/mission calling. I will be very happy to see this sharing and interacting, so that I know who is here, and not only who is watching ... but also, who is here as a conscious participant within illumined Ascension. Spirit always tells me, that it's not about the number of the group or participants, but rather the level of consciousness they embody and demonstrate within the Whole. I embrace that living Truth wholeheartedly and with all my Being.

I embrace You with all my Love and devotion.
As always, with Love, Wisdom and Power!

P.S. Spring is my favorite time of the year, as I always look forward to all the exciting Nature adventures with my Nature companions and Light Family!
And here is my last stage of my Divine Trilogy of Light, the Songs of illumined Union:


NOTE: Don't forget that ALL the donations to my page SERAPINA LIGHT get a FREE oracle of illumination as my gift of Gratitude returned to all of You!

Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn

Cosmic Beloved course & Music CD Songs of the Beloved:
Soul embodiment, Multidimensional Mastery courses & Crystalline Creation audio: (scroll down to the bottom of the page)
My sacred devotional dancing:
Ascension activations:
Light activations:
Self Mastery courses:
Multidimensional mastery:
Galactic signature:
Instagram profile:
Soul mandalas: