
Sunday, June 23, 2019

Solstice: Galactic alignment & intelligence, the Summer of Eclipses

Dear Beloveds!

When this month of June began, I heard the words: "June is reserved for the Bridegroom"! How amazing is that? We are in an 18/9 energy month, which translates into the Moon/Hermit in traditional tarot system. This month holds a powerful energy of new openings after quite a stagnant phase for many Beings of Light, or so it may seem. There were two powerful lunations occurring, a Gemini New Moon on June 3rd, and a Sagittarius (Galactic) Full Moon on June 17th. Gemini is a sign of twins/polarity and mastering choice. However, this lunation occurred at a  particular 12th degree of the sign, which is the mark of a healer. It is also the mark of sovereignty, which means that in the 13 count system, 12 represents the final gathering behind the round table, before a point of synthesis can be reached. There's no coincidence why so many Beings of Light had to inspect and review so many of their life situations  and choices, because a fully empowered Gemini energy seeks to liberate and bring that freedom to everything and everyone it comes across.

This mastering of polarity which is occurring at a higher level is leading many devotees closer to a path of genuine mastery, which includes both the feminine and masculine mastery held within the dualism of polarity. This unification of the feminine and masculine Christ liberates all  circumstances within us that we have been either holding on to, or holding too tightly in our midst. Only when life circumstances are understood from both the feminine and masculine perspectives of mastery, there can be liberation, which marks the way towards a greater synthesis. A time before this which reached its climax during the most  powerful Scorpio (Phoenix) Full Moon presented an opportunity for a major life review for many who serve both the Light and dark in an integral manner, the so-called "embodiers". Only those who understand the power of birthing through both aspects of Creation (Life and death), shall be taken into the next stage of the illumined Union journey.

A New Spirit initiation came through me this month. I've realized so much about myself and my own birthing cycles through it. This level is just "off the charts" and I'm in deep awe and humble reverence. It started to unveil as I found two round brown objects in the last two days. The first one was a brown scrunchy. At the top of this hill today I found a large bracelet of prayer beads, which were exactly 13 in number, the number of Holy Spirit, the Goddess Life Giver and Divine synthesis. In meditation afterwards, I was shown entering into the Brown portal of Gaia's body, which made perfect sense with the "tectonic plates seal" which I got as I walked the labyrinth a few days ago. Then the words "I AM Gaia" came through, accompanied with sacred tears of deep knowing. I've arrived and I can birth complete Union of the Galactic and Earth pulse as One. I'm a direct channel and voice of Gaia, the Mother of Life descended into this form and Her fully awakened Life Force. It's not about connecting with Earth for me anymore. I AM the living seal representative of Gaia Herself, the Goddess of Life embodied within Her sacred womb. Most Humans don't understand how much work and devotion it takes for a Creation Pillar to come into this embodiment. All of my Life is devoted to this and this alone, nothing else interests me anymore, it's all I live for. It's my Life Essence, it's what I AM and how I serve Life! 

We've all come a long way since this year began, and in spite of all the major challenges of density release and oppression, we've managed to go very deep, giving the Gift of Life to where there was death and destruction. Now the energy is very ripe and potent with New Life Force explosion. We are breaking free from old limitations and restrictions, while Galactic Star blessings keep activating us. Most individuals still think that the Star or Galactic Beings are here just doing everything on our behalf, but it's not as simple. They need our activated bodies to send the Light emissions and activations, and to merge with our consciousness. This is working together as One Family, hence Life Force work is a top priority for everyone, otherwise the currents of Cosmic energy we are being sent won't flow through. So many of us are being attuned to a New template of Gaia. Lately my illumined council Light Family has told me that we did it, that we have managed to finally write a New seed/seal template into the planetary Creation Pillar. This was the foundational establishment of top priority, which will in turn leave a New legacy of the Family of Light. It was a challenging mission and it continues to be, so full of risks and constant self sacrifice. A Cosmic release occurred for many Light Beings embodied on the planet, and what used to seem "far off", unobtainable or like a "forbidden fruit", is Now coming to the forefront as the ultimate New possibility and probability. It will all be created from the anchored illumined template onwards as of Now. Onwards and upwards we go! The Family of Light is writing a New story in this Cosmic unfolding, and no stone is being left unturned.

Happy June Solstice, everyone! This time marks the beginning of Summer here in the northern hemisphere, and vice versa in the southern hemisphere. This time marks a very suspicious timeline, because my illumined council Team has informed and updated me, that we have managed to write a New template into the Earth's Core. This seal of Life had to go deep into the Creation Pillar of Earth, as a full rewrite is Now taking place and a full Life Force carry over/transference from one template to another. This is intensive work and training for many of us, as the old is collapsing, and the dreams and ideals of the Divine Mother Goddess are coming true in perfect Divine orchestration and timing. Don't forget that we keep on meeting densities that are arising from the Core of our planet as the old template is dissolving and being released. This is first taking place at the Essence level, before it begins to move into other levels and forms of density that hold structure in matter.

Therefore, this year the energy was particularly intense. After this Solstice Gateway and quite brutal and raw Earth energies that were erupting out of the Core like crazy, I woke up feeling the need to balance and revitalize. I spent almost two hours in meditation, chanting and singing and Life Force dance. The energy was so peaceful and relaxing after quite some intense energy waves that I was required to anchor. We are Now receiving New mission upgrades and initiations. This whole week I was holding the Light and sacred space for incoming New energies via Life force dance and cultivation practices. This is so simple, and yet still so very few individuals pursue this path of illumined Ascension through the body via Goddess liberation. And yet, all my Life Force teachings of the Life Giver are Now out there and shall remain until those guided Spirit initiates will feel the calling from within.

This time is about the Sun and its highest/maximum point of Light. However, the Ancient knowing about this went much deeper. Unfortunately, so very few people have any understanding about the Sun, Solar Light and radiation from both the photonic and elemental level. Galactic knowledge is a fine rarity nowadays. And the "World management team" is sure working hard (daily) to keep individuals ignorant and stuck in duality. How can Cosmic wisdom come to Humans if their physical bodies remain non activated and asleep, hiding in piles of rubbish, fragmentation and all sorts of contractions and miasms? For those who are still ignorant or skeptical about the daily efforts to cloak our Sun with tons of harmful aerosols that spread through the sky like a fine sheet, producing chem clouds and geoengineered weather patterns that continue to break the natural exchange between the Galactic Pulse of Life and the Earth's own pulse from Her Core ... take a look at the sky more often! Notice all these planes, drones and other artificial means of control, and don't forget that Humans under control become controlling and harmful to their own species and all other planetary Life forms. Educate yourselves, start channeling your Higher Essence and Spirit Life force, and instead of a "lightworker" become an embodier, which is someone who's willing to travel deep into their own embodied Core in order to bring about Union and illumination to this world and all spheres of reality through their own conscious example and ambassadorship!

And don't forget that we all have many powerful allies that are always with us, in seen and unseen realms. They are helping us to hold this space of New birth, and while using advanced Galactic embodiment techniques, we are entering these Light intelligences and legions ourselves, some very consciously.

Do not doubt this Grand Plan for a second while giving your power away to ignorance and nonchalance. Instead, be neutrally benevolent and always willing to receive the highest good and the juiciest upgrades by holding your physical embodiment in deep alignment, so that your body is constantly and continuously in an activated and energy accelerated state!

Affirm "I AM the Sun. I AM the Light". You can use my latest sacred song mantra/channeling shared here


Here is a selection of my latest videos:

The birthing of illumined Union:

The Giver of Life is born:

Elohim message with a higher perspective on the current energies:

Galactic Moon update:

Solstice update for the New Earth template born of illumined Union:

I have a NEW mini audio book called "The Book of Life giving"!!! You can access it here!

The primary language of Holy Spirit is pure Life Force, or the Essence of the origin of Life. My purpose is to bring this Book of Life as Spirit into this plane of reality as I embody it within my own Being. As I do so, the knowing held within my own living library gets dispersed and distributed to those conscious recipients who are ready to infuse themselves with this knowing.

Tune into the Truth about the so-called "Book of Life", which is the 13th octave/synthesis book held together or "written" at the Galactic Core level, through the primary language of Holy Spirit, which is pure Life Force. It contains all the Creation Principles for life giving, meaning how life moves into form as it travels through Galactic libraries that serve as extensions of the Mother/main library held together by the Principle of illumined Union. What are these Galactic libraries, and how does Life Force translate itself into the potentialities of Life? How does Spirit create Life in various forms of density expression, and how can we become deeply attuned with this sacred/primary knowing within our own Core Self?

P.S. I also do daily illumined oracles/layouts on my Patreon page, to support our journey of illumined Union and the communion that comes through sacred/devotional partnership.

NOTE: Don't forget that ALL the donations to my page SERAPINA LIGHT get a FREE oracle of illumination as my gift of Gratitude returned to all of You!

Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn

Cosmic Beloved course & Music CD Songs of the Beloved:
Soul embodiment, Multidimensional Mastery courses & Crystalline Creation audio: (scroll down to the bottom of the page)
My sacred devotional dancing:
Ascension activations:
Light activations:
Self Mastery courses:
Multidimensional mastery:
Galactic signature:
Instagram profile:
Soul mandalas: