
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

2019: The Year of Heart illumination

Dear Beloveds!

Happy 2019, everyone! 2019 is a year of bright hopes and Heart illumination! This year began with quite a "Bang", and many of us have literally felt and experienced moving through the "3 days of darkness" and rebirth into the Phoenix energy. This will be a very important transition year of working with the signature frequency of the Phoenix. However, this is not a time to rush into anything. This is a time of Creation through deep conscious Presence and spiritual understanding through mastery. The laws of manifestation are changing, because we are shifting, changing and morphing into a New form. This is not a time of seeking answers and engaging in prophecy. This is a time of Self born initiative, for it is time to become a fully sovereign integral Being born of our own Spirit authority. This is how we create our own "prophecy", by living a Life of Spirit legacy. It is a time of conscious retreat and movement into the Spiral consciousness. This is quite an undertaking, especially for the physical body, so it might take a while for us to adjust to all the changes being born at this time. This means we need to be compassionate for the process as it is and as it presents itself to us in each New moment. It is all unfolding like a blossoming Cosmic Rose which claims each part of Creation as fully Her own.

For me, 2018 was all about the integration of the New Human body template, which still continues and it may continue for quite a while. This is a journey, not a destination. Remember that I have a whole mastery course, which is quite an extensive journey of understanding the process behind this Divine narrative. You can get the NEW BODY COURSE for physical Ascension here!

Here is my New year video update for 2019:

IMPORTANT UPDATE: YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN MY ILLUMINED ASCENSION GROUP ON PATREON. I will be posting my content there from now on, and I will also be doing FREE mini courses there for my group. There are 3 LEVELS of  Spirit devotion or "apprentice-ship" available, so You are free to join at any time, and at any level which feels resonant with You. I am creating monthly Ascension updates, Spirit drawings for the monthly energy, Lunar messages, video readings, audio messages from Spirit and Light activations, as well as mini video courses on Ascension based topics.

I channeled a NEW YEAR message for 2019 through Spirit, which is available on my Patreon and on my DOWNLOAD page here!

I AM Now also creating channeled Spirit drawings, which You can access here! They are GIFTS of HOLY SPIRIT that flow through me, for everyone who is ready and open to receive them with pure Love. They are gifts of pure Essence of Love and Creation Principles.

Now back to the yearly energy! As You can see I'm sharing this post at the time of the lunar New year according to Chinese astrology, which was on the 5th of February. When do we actually begin the new year count? As You know, there are SO MANY new years which we can celebrate, according to personal cycles (our own Solar return), earthly cycles (seasonal), astrological cycles, numerological beginnings and lastly ... the Gregorian calendar. Personally I don't see this passageway as a new beginning. I celebrate and initiate the New year during the December Solstice, as it physically becomes realized as a New astrological year at the Spring Equinox. For me that feels the closest to a "new year". This year's Solstice marked an important gateway, and as recently Spirit shared with me, this is a completion offered through the activation of the 7th seal since the 2012 entry point. This marks a creation of a New "spin-off" frequency, but only for those Souls who are ready, for they have done the necessary work of synthesis required. You can get the full channeled Spirit message on my web page Serapina Light under downloads or by joining my Patreon support team!

However, I do celebrate it in my own way as a closing of a chapter. I'm here as a Galactic Being learning also about the Human realm, and I see some of the celebrations as beautiful, however in these recent times it has all become just another reason to get drunk, engage in gluttony and do excessive things. Just because most misinterpret things as such because they are so manipulated and enslaved, doesn't give me a reason not to celebrate myself, in my own way. I usually celebrate the Silvesters as a letting go of the numerology that was and opening up to New energy that's to be integrated and embodied by us. But mostly I celebrate a closing of a chapter of everything that I have created this year as I open up to new possibilities. And any reason to have special ceremonies that Spirit shows me for myself (to engage with consciously) and celebrate life is good. Why not? We need more joy and being playfully creative and fun. We often forget how important that is for our Ascension. Enjoy celebrating yourselves during the entire year, and with this, and all You have shared with the world in 2018 and what is yet to be created in 2019!

This is how my celebration ceremony looked like!

My message of Beloved/embodied Love for 2019:

A Life born of purity is a Life fully claimed by Spirit. And for many of us, we have truly felt this deeper calling to serve Spirit in Cosmic awareness, rather than just being focused on serving others and sharing information. When we serve Life as Spirit, All is already being served, as a part of a much larger Divine equation of Grand Design. Our inner Life Force initiative will always direct us towards the highest Divine potential, as this is the highest law of Divine resonance and manifestation, without seeking lesser potentials within matter. Matter becomes illumined in its own way, as we focus on greater Essences of Life. So let us not play small or choose lesser roles, but rather participate with Life as Spirit truly desires so through our minds, hearts and bodies. It is Now time to truly surrender and allow our lives to become fully authentic through Spirit Presence. It is a time of Grace and Greatness. The Body shall follow as we take those steps and initiatives, as the body is Now a Wise instrument in the hands of Spirit.

My declaration of Love for this amazing year of Divine Love in illumination:

Because every year builds upon the previous one, it's important to create a Life review as a Soul synthesis at each passageway. A synthesis of 2018 is the art of Soul synthesis itself. During the last few days of 2018 (and the whole of January) I have gone through the most powerful initiation of the Light through darkness, but it held a new key of mastery and a stronger anchoring of my Creation Pillar mission than ever before. 2018 sure was an intense and deeply challenging year for the Ascension path devotees, however it was also a remarkable year full of progress.

And this is my synthesis video, as a preparation gateway for the energy of 2019:

We began the year with powerful two Eclipses, and I created powerful Light activations and energy gateways for both of them!



We also began the lunar New year in the Chinese astrology, which is the year of the Pig. The Aquarian New Moon we just had came together with Mars/Uranus conjunction. This is bringing a lot of activity to our nervous system, which is under a lot of pressure and stress. We may feel inclined to do a lot and push things forward, learn new things, however we must complement that with much needed rest, relaxation and deep breathing. We must make new moves and take in new content/teachings gradually, so that our body can catch up with our Spirit!

Some of us have worked really hard to enter into illumination in 2018. What does it mean to travel the journey of our Star?

We also just had our annual Venus/Jupiter conjunction. However, it was under the shadow of the Lunar Eclipse in Leo, so it wasn't so outwardly obvious and apparent. Its gifts and fruits are still hidden from us, and will come to the surface like Magic in perfect Divine timing, through devotion, determination and dedication to growth and conscious deeds. The secret of higher consciousness is that it never expects, it only anticipates with pure Presence, and it makes probable the inevitable! This is a time of cultivating Love as Essence. To become the expression of the infinite Star of Love, the ever flowing fountain of Life! Love always overflows. It never expects something or asks for more, as it knows it's already worthy of the infinite All. All exists in this everlasting space. And as we open the doors to such Love with kindness, more flows to us. Such is the highest Law of Love. The greedy always want more and yet are never satisfied, and the virtuous never ask for anything and yet they always have everything they need.

Here is my Ascension update for this month of Love, which is February:

There are many ways of giving, but primarily there's giving that's pure and unselfish, and giving that's conditional and egotistical. Even what we term "self love" often carries selfish components and tendencies within it, especially when it's self willed. When we learn to give to ourselves unselfishly and unconditionally instead of selfishly, we tap into the vast reservoir of Love as it exists in Pure Essence. In egotism, the doors of Spirit are closed, and in unselfish giving to All Life as One, the doorway to Spirit is wide open. We are meant to master the quality of Love as it truly exists in its Essence form that sustains Life and hence become the server of all Life!

As You know, we are embodying Spiral consciousness more and more as evolving Humans. The message of Spirit for this process of deep integration is: "In order to experience and anchor what we desire, we must first expand our consciousness to reach its vibratory potency. The paradox lies in knowing that the more we gradually expand, the lesser our Human desires will become, as more will begin to unfold within the Nature of our Heart where Spirit eternally dwells. Knowing the Core of our Heart is knowing our everlasting Spirit and allowing it to come into a conscious manifestation where all the desires are already fulfilled within our state of illumined Union."

My video update on Spiral consciousness:

Those of us who are consciously mastering ourselves are constantly moving through personal shadow and light cycles, which I personally call cycles of activation and integration. This is occurring simultaneously as we are experiencing collective shadow and light cycles, so it's quite a mix of everything. We can apply many methods of how we tune into where we currently are in our embodiment cycle, but personally I just like to experience it, as it's already so obvious whether we are working through elements of the shadow or light. Our body will naturally tell us, and the more connected we are to our Life force, the more we will feel it, but we are also going to experience it more deeply and with great intensity. This is how our Soul grows, through cycles of contraction and expansion, and how it refines the journey of anchoring its Essence into form or density, while simultaneously transcending it and moving into New and unfounded territory. This is the great work of art for all Mystics. The Soul uses these mini gateways to pull through as it moves on the other end of the spectrum, moving through waves and jumping energies!

Those of us who were on a mission to become the illumined Light dwelling in Human flesh are Now benefiting from a powerful Gateway. The guardians of both Light and shadow reveal the Light manifest as it moves through polarization and back into Unity. The state of Divine Source origin exists eternally within All, beyond the world of dual expression in form. The guardians at the Gate await the devotees as the Great Cosmic cycles unfold.

The most powerful Gateway of illumination message:

These are times of returning to the roots by withdrawing our Life force from anything unnecessary which doesn't serve us during this period of synthesis. As a hermit (and 2019 is my 9 numerology year), I enjoy my inner time fully, as I rejoice in periods of "unplugging" from everything and all the unnecessary distractions. I enjoy my own company and solace, while I connect more deeply with my Light Family. Yes, let's not forget that our Cosmic Family extends beyond the Earthly realm. It's time to extend our communion to Galactic realms.

 We are going deeper and working with the unseen:

This is also a HUGE year for illumined Union!!!

How does the sacred feminine truly prepare for the Divine masculine?! She does not wait, hold on, wish or hope for and pine after. She must step into Her own knowing that is hidden deep within Her sacred space. That space is Her own Spirit Life force which She unlocks through Her sacred orgasmic Union with the whole Self. She must Be Her full Self, not a shadow or a half, as there is no true Union in such separation consciousness. There's no Divine Union without the metaphysical embrace which precedes physicality. She must hold this space so firmly, purely and devotedly, that every shadow of doubt will dissolve, until there's nothing but illumination left. Then this knowing of illumined Union will travel beyond time and meet its vibrational match in perfect Divine timing, as everything is interconnected. Only from a space of deep inner wholeness and sacred orgasmic retreat can illumined Union of Light quotient mastery be experienced in physicality, not just "ethereally". The lotus work is the orgasmic breath of Life giving, and so it is! 

Who are the Power couples as powerful Love Pillars?

And Spirit message of the Heart Love which came during the Christmas gateway: May the outpouring of infinite White Light descend the Pillar of Light into our Hearts, our Homes and our Loves. May we consider and feel compassion for all who don't have their hearts open, who don't currently have a home and who are alone. Every year I'm less into a personal idea of celebrating Christmas and more into sharing my Light by keeping all these lesser situations and circumstances in my heart and awareness. These are not easy times we live in, and it takes great courage and grounded spirituality to admit this fact to ourselves. It's much easier to live in illusion (and our own bubble) as we perpetuate old ideas of spiritual methods of entertainment. These are all false flags which don't create the necessary breakthrough needed for change. The more grounded we are in how we embrace the world and all who live on it with pure benevolence, the more Light we can anchor here on the planet. The Angels are saying that they are the happiest when they receive requests for gifts which are asked on the behalf of others, those who don't know that they can ask and receive. Our prayer and meditation for today was that they help us to move our Life force to wherever it's most needed on the planet. In these past few years of my Ascension I have lost a sense of "individual happiness" as I joined my Light Family through the White Light consciousness of Unity. And I choose to honor that path by living it every day. Blessings to All!

This is surely the year where our magnetic nature is becoming more apparent to us as we move higher in our spiritual understanding. I'm moving into a deep receiving process of the nature of magnetism in Creation, and it's quite an extensive study. I'm preparing a lot of content through this as well, so just stay connected as I'll share everything along the way!

This is a time to discover our illumined Sparkle and bring it to the light of day, so that LOVE as the ultimate can exist in form beyond any limitation and false notions or conceptions, so that LOVE may truly be known to us as ESSENCE manifest!

I wish You the most beautiful and brightest New year, Beloved Ones!

Keep shining bright, and let nothing stop You from Being your true authentic Self as You are born in the eyes of Spirit.

NOTE: Don't forget that ALL the donations to my page SERAPINA LIGHT get a FREE oracle of illumination as my gift of Gratitude returned to all of You!

Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn

Cosmic Beloved course & Music CD Songs of the Beloved:
Soul embodiment, Multidimensional Mastery courses & Crystalline Creation audio: (scroll down to the bottom of the page)
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Light activations:
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