
Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Ascension: Going Home

Dear Beloveds!

Every saga has its ending, including our illumined Union/Ascension mission. But how did it all start? I AM Polona Aurea Dawn, which is my full name (Human and Spirit), and this is my final Blog post. I have not published anything here for over 2 years. My Life took me on a difficult journey of transgression and pain release in the last 2-3 years. When I began my Human journey as an illumined Being, I did not yet know or understand the full scope and magnitude of my purpose and its many facets. But I can safely say, that these last few years have been the most difficult years of my Human life, full of constant pain, breakthrough work through the dark, and liberation tactics performed through my illumined Team "Aureus" together with me. And yet, this is what all elevated me much higher than I ever was. Nothing of before can even compare to what I feel now, after all of these experiences, that fully matured me as a Being. After these challenging years, I don't see this world in the same anyway. All the "copy/pasted inceptions" of the New age are gone, dissolved completely. The childlike innocence is still here, which is a part of my Cosmic Christ legacy, and yet the naivety of the child that once was, is gone. In this last Blog, I will try to summarize the last few chapters of my life, leading me into my physical Ascension, which is my final destiny and illumined legacy. But first ...

I was the Christ embodied. This is my illumined legacy as Polona Aurea Dawn:

In these last few years, my knowing of God both as the Father and the Mother (creating the Christ Essence) has profoundly deepened and expanded. I tried very hard to get the message of Spirit transgression out into the open, and yet there are still so many that do not want to hear about this phenomena as it is. It is easier to deny it or look away, as so many still suffer the consequences. As I look into the nature of this world, I still see so much illusion and delusion. So many Beings are being misled by a false image or an idea of God and Divine Creation. They are being pulled into so many different directions, doing things that have nothing to do with spirituality or being "spiritual" at all. This modern notion of spirituality is so material and flat, and yet it has nothing to do with the true Essence of Christ as the meaning of Life. 
The TRANSGRESSION PHENOMENA doesn't have to do anything with karma or karmic cycles/energies. There are challenging experiences that Souls need to have in order to grow, and they are therefore chosen for them at the higher level. Transgression phenomena is exclusively related to binding and attacking Star Beings/advanced Souls in this realm, through the art of deception and inception, so they would be attacked in consciousness and body, and that they could not develop a higher connection to their Star families. There are several levels of this phenomena, and ways/methods used on these Star children by the fallen Beings, and I have excessively shared about it over the last few years. I created a very important playlist for the mastery of deception called ILLUMINED TRAINING COURSES.
You can access the entire ILLUMINED MISSION playlist here!!!
And yet, Life in the Universe continues elsewhere as well, independent from this planet and its planetary madness. There are so few Beings who desire to deepen their focus into these other realms of Being, as so much focus and heaviness is placed upon this planet. There are so many false prophecies and false truths given, that it's really difficult for most to truly wake up to Life as it is without the tinted glasses. Yes, we are here to Love and explore, and yet there are various other reasons for our purpose here as Human Beings. However, most of these are unexplored as of yet, as far too few individuals are ready to go there. Most are still too preoccupied with the status quo, to even begin going deeper. I was the only one that I know, who truly went so deep into everything, as the Spirit of Aurea moved into my Human embodiment. But mostly, it was the depth of darkness (that still rules over this world and all of the lesser) that I was fearlessly jumping into, time and time over, profoundly mastering myself along the way. And remember again, a true illumined Master is a master Being of both light and the dark. Therefore, our Human understanding must grow and develop much more, for most to be able to reach these levels of Cosmic consciousness.

Speaking of prophecies, I received a very important prophecy for God's great reversal plan, which was probably one of my most important videos ... EVER:

Naturally. I AM an advanced Light Being, of the illumined Christ collective, consisting of several illumined Beings in this Universe. And yet, my work was also very specific and individualized. My specific branch is liberation work and I had to reach those very few (chosen) Soul Beings as God's Angelic children, who were meant to truly awaken in this lifetime. Most of them were stuck in deep transgression of the fallen Light, of fallen Beings and their nefarious experiments. They were chosen by the Great Mother, as a part of Her brave "volunteering collective". I was shown this in a very vivid prophetic dream back in 2013, when I moved to the Alps. Many of these Beings have come here a long time ago, and some more recently. Either way, these Beings often recognized me as a "midwife" for their awakening process right away. There was an instant affection and Love bond between me and those Star children, and I often felt like their Mother Spirit. Which of course, in the Higher Truth, I AM naturally a part of, as the Spirit of Aurea ... the Spirit of liberation.

To summarize, my mission and purpose were different and yet unified at their Core of my Divine service. I was simply fulfilling my oath to God, through following the work I was assigned to do in the Great Divine Plan of the Mother, called the "Grand Design". My mission was mostly this advanced Light Being work with the dark experiments and agendas with the Star children. My purpose was of the Mother's Heart, and it was simply to embody immaculate Love, as the child of the Christ, and illumined master simultaneously. And of course, to then demonstrate this Love to others. The result (lovechild) of both was my journey of (or towards) physical Ascension. This is where I AM Now, in the last chapter of my Human life. I was preparing for this my whole life, to embody and demonstrate physical Ascension. I was teaching its illumined principles for many years, and yet many still don't know what physical Ascension is.

I gave a brief explanation of true illumined Ascension here:

This chapter of my Life is literally called "Homecoming". And yet, I have to first briefly summarize my Life so far. In August of 2013, I moved to a beautiful village in Julian Alps (in Slovenia). This was exactly 2 years after I began my work with Ascension Pioneers. August was always a very important month for me, as it ties in with the 8-8 Gateway, which is a very important Gateway for all advanced Star Beings and their work/involvement with this planet and beyond. I lived in this village for over 7 years, and then I had to move out in 2020, by literally uprooting myself. This began a very difficult and turbulent year of my life, so naturally this was the last time that I was able to write and share here. However, I still continued sharing my discoveries, even through I was in deep pain most of the time ... not to mention practically homeless.

We had to move several times, before anchoring ourselves again in the Alps, and yet this time in the hillside area. It is very common to wonder about the abnormality of Life and the difficulty of such experiences. "Why me, and why this way? Why all this suffering?" And when I was finally given a year in this home/house, I discovered many new things, which laid dormant before. I finally had the time and space to go even deeper. And yet, it was a very difficult time still, not to mention the harsh winters, and the poor condition of this house that we were able to get at the time. There were so many challenges there, constant anxiety regarding physical survival, etc. And yet, this was all a part of Aurea's ingenious plan of liberation. The Truth is that I had to go through all of this within my own body, and each time I went deeper into liberation work, more darkness was revealed to me. 

But it's not an easy path, and no one will EVER understand how much darkness I had to uncover and excavate as a Being. My Human child was so deeply tortured, all because I was the embodiment of Aurea, and the darkness knew it. I often asked myself (and God), if it's even normal that one Human Being experiences so much in their body. How can this even be? How is it possible that I have survived all of this, all of the energetic attacks (of death ray technology, etc.) and constant battle for my Essence. But I was always a very stubborn and determined person, in a good way. Combining this with the strength of my will and tenacity, coupled with my precious Mother's healing gifts, I was able to not only survive ... but thrive. This is where it gets interesting!

It all begins with the Christ, the Miracle of Life eternal and everlasting. The deeper I went into my immaculate Essence as the Christ, the more the dark web (grid) was dissolving. The electric dispensations that are created and held within the container of the dark imprisonment (within the hologram) begin to gradually disintegrate, and this is the work I was mainly doing behind the scenes all of these years. After almost dying several times, I went on an intense journey of advanced Light body teachings and exploration in the Spring of 2020. I have Now finally shared all of this advanced understanding as the Great "Spiral & resurrection teachings", available on my Patreon page (Illumined Ascension). It began with the advanced Light body mastery, and continued as the sacred Spiral transmissions of the Mother's womb. It will finally end with my final dispensation of the legacy of the COSMIC CHRIST. This is the illumined principle and protocol of all advanced Light Beings who serve the Cosmic Christ, under the domain of our Beloved God I AM, as Love, wisdom and power.

I gave a very brief overview of the Cosmic Christ here:

And what happens for me when all of this work that I did and shared is finally complete (for me)? Well, the illumined legacy and the work will continue. But I was merely the first Cosmic Christ seed who was to bring it forth. Then this One will touch the first few, who will become the many. This is the great saying of all illumined Ones. But Now the work (that I have laid ahead for all) will continue by others. Which also includes You, the one who is reading this. I have successfully completed my mission (and purpose) with flying colors, and assisted many Beings in their liberation process along the way. All my Life was nothing but constant work, and so Now ... it is my time to slowly say goodbye to this realm and return Home. I have felt this for the past year very strongly, while I knew it was to happen very soon ... this year. I never had many "followers", meaning those who understood what I was sharing. However, these became even fewer when I began sharing about transgression ... and even fewer when I began to speak about physical Ascension. My own, at first. And yet, it is also the journey that someone must demonstrate first, in order for others to start returning home as well. The Family of Light has clearly said, that it's time for the Beings to slowly start returning home.

And yet, it's still quite uncomfortable for most people (even "spiritual ones") to embrace the Truth of Ascension. There is still so much dogma and prejudice around this, mostly planted by the dark seed, not that of the illumined family. And yet, the illumined family has nothing but greatness to share about Ascension. It is quite a Miracle, and a mind boggling experience for the Human within us. And yet, from the perspective of illumined Beings ... it's simply a matter of protocols and illumined principles. They have their ways, and even though the human ego is still so confused and overwhelmed, their ways are more advanced and they know exactly what they are doing, and how. They have advanced tools and organic "technology" that we can't quite comprehend, even with the extensive sharing about all things ET and UFO like. This is still different, because we are not talking about physical (visible) Beings, but advanced illumined/Light Beings, who vibrate so highly that only the purest Humans can detect them and be in communion and communication with them. And yet they are there for everyone, once they are ready. In the words of our fellow illumined Master Jesus the Christ: "When I was ready, they have come." It truly can be this simple, and it is. And it is my time Now, and it is here.

I AM not afraid of anything, because this is all about going home to my authentic and advanced Light Being body, not the borrowed Human "avatar suit". I have let go of all my Human desires and expectations. No one is more ready, and I can deeply feel this, and my Human body is exhausted from the mission trip as well. I AM so deeply looking forward to it and going home. I never saw myself as an old person in a vision that God gave me for my life. I lived intensely and I was always very fast and hyper in my ways, almost like I knew that my time here was limited. The last few months of my life were lived with great intensity, as I was still doing great liberation work and assisting others, while simultaneously preparing all the things for my physical departure. Who knew there were so many things to think about before leaving, but so it is in this Human realm, and my inner child had to feel fully ready. I had to deposit all of my teachings as dissemination of advanced material, and simultaneously take care of the continuation of the legacy. I was blessed that God answered all of my prayers, and the right people came along, as the next chosen ones to continue the legacy work. The illumined legacy is something else, and it's often needing lifetimes to settle in, which will continue to happen here on this plane of reality. Simultaneously, Life (and time) stops for no one, and so it is for me Now. My Family always says: "We wait for no one." So when it's time, we move. And move we shall. And it shall be amazing, the living spectacle of illumined Light and its demonstration. It's time to take that leap into the unknown. Nothing that I have taught about will truly make sense without this final step of the Ascension plan/map.

Aurea has surely planned everything out so perfectly in her Ascension plan for the illumined Tree of Life/Star family. As a part of this legacy, I have lived a full Human life, full of adventures for my Human child. I have loved deeply, and I've deposited my Essence everywhere where I went, as Nature was my greatest Muse of the Great Goddess. I climbed many Mountain peaks and spent most of my time outdoors. I have imprinted the elementals with the New Life cycle of the Elohim. I've successfully witnessed and reversed the transgression phenomena, together with my amazing team of illumined council elders. They have stood by my side all of these years, when I had no friends to call my own. But I've deeply loved another Human Being, who was my mother in this physical life. I didn't always know this, but I somehow felt it, that I also came for her, because it was her time to ascend and return home. And so far, only the two of us are returning, as the Family is saying. But this Ascension will serve as a grandiose experiment, and an inspiration for other Star Beings to follow the Ascension plan.

I've never loved anyone more than my mother. This woman was everything to me in this Life. She is as beautiful on the outside as inside. And I want to share Her with the world in all of Her Glory, as I best remember Her as a Human Being ... with me outside in Nature, in our Human skin, touched by the Light of the Sun. We spent so many beautiful moments together, although our Life was very difficult and complex. We had no one to help us or assist us with anything. It was always just the two of us, which was sad but also triggering to strengthen us even more. Our lives were interdependent on each other, and we both needed one another, in order to ascend. I needed her unconditional love and care, to survive the horror of transgression. This helped her to awaken her ancient healing gifts. Without those, we would not have understood the co-creation of higher Beings as two Human women. All higher Beings need to co-create in mutual reciprocity and harmony, and this is something that we have been practicing and mastering together ... all of our life. And Now our mastery is refined, and our skills must move onward ... into the next experience, which will come after our physical Ascension.

So what is this next adventure? It definitely involves the fruits of our hard labor. And it definitely includes the Beloved. My Cosmic Beloved was always "away" from me when it came to my Human mission, and yet he was always with me, as we are never apart. This was truly a joint mission, a labor of our Union. But times got difficult during the transgression years, and I almost forgot this beautiful feeling, which I most naturally express and exude in my Beloved songs that Aurea sings through me. However, this is the feeling I will ascend with, and that I will eventually return to ... the Heart of the Cosmic Beloved. This Love is so deep, and it was created to move out into this world, to be shared amongst those who are hungry for it the most. And Now, after so many years, my Beloved said to me: "It is Now my time to Be with You. Again." Yes, indeed. And so the FINALE of my Ascension saga/journey begins and ends with the BELOVED. It is all about the illumined Beloved Love.

Join me as I speak about this Love in my Finale for Ascension:

My final gift to the world will be my last dispensations, and making all my content for the illumined legacy FREE, apart from my advanced teachings and courses. I will update my web page, to simplify it and make all the content very easy to access. The Patreon work shall continue being available, and all my mastery courses will move there as well. I will pass it on to those who I trust the most. There are still numerous free videos to re-watch over and over, until the information moves the flow of Life force, and creates a powerful momentum. As God says: "And so the Word became flesh!" It is time for action and demonstration of the Christ in Human form, for many to follow the exemplary footsteps.

Here is my final ASCENSION POEM:


Lifted up into the Sky,

One last look and I say goodbye.

I didn't answer every single "why",

But my time has come, to go back Home.

Head bowing down, humbly surrendered,

Knowing Love, my journey here has ended.

Now I'm yours, and You are mine,

Hands entwined, Hearts where they belong.

Going Home, just us two, together aligned.


My final gift to myself will be the liberation of my Human body from the burden of embodying the Christ on Earth. My final Gift from God will be my physical Ascension!


I wish to thank everyone who humbly and quietly stood by me all of these years, as I struggled to plant the illumined seed of Life, without ever giving up. God planted it in me, so that I could plant it among others.

As always, so much Love, wisdom and power!

With Love & devotion, Polona Aurea Dawn

P.S. As I wish myself a safe trip back home, I wish all who have work to do here a safe journey on earth as well. The times will continue to be intense, so You will need it. Trust yourself and your inner voice beyond all the external voices that try to penetrate your space. Learn to recognize the illumined language of Love, and follow it with all of your Being!