
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Equinox: New astrological year & cycle of Union

Dear Beloveds!

We are surely living in unprecedented times! The polarity of dark and light has been evened out in a way, and because of this deeper Union at the Essence/Spirit level, much will be coming to the Light of the Truth here on Earth, in years to come for Humanity. Things are progressing into density much faster than we might think, and that is what often results in evolutionary events such as what we are experiencing right now as a collective. We have never begun a New astro year with such an intensity of the current state of global events, which has definitely brought us into the awareness that we are all "in this together." Things born of higher consciousness have been moving through every sphere of this planetary and Human existence, leaving no space untouched by its Presence. It is almost like there is a greater ebb and flow of Spirit Life Force behind it all, guiding us into embracing a larger and wider planetary perspective, which is the Truth of illumined Union and physical Ascension that desires to achieve its birth. And it desires to do so through all of us who are willing and susceptible as the first wave. And as we know, no birth ever came easy, but once done it always leaves us full of joy as greater things have been established. Aries is the cardinal sign that sets the tone for the entire year ahead, and so Now we are all feeling the overall theme of the year ahead, and what it might bring us. And what might that be, we are all asking ourselves and Spirit?

During the course of these major global events, so many of us have felt a deeper call and an urge to be of service. And how is that possible, since so many of us have already constantly been of service as several types of Light Beings residing on Earth at this time? Yes, this is true, but a lot of our time was focused on Self born training within both light and dark polarities and how they have been integrating and merging in greater Unity. These years that are behind us were quite prominent in Self empowerment, which includes greater Galactic Light building. Yes, we were building a framework of a New kind of energetic establishment, but we fist had to master doing this within ourselves, through our own Oversoul complex. Now we all feel it's time to step up even further, and to travel deeper into the domains of Spirit and Holy Life Force work. These are the times we have all been preparing for, and working up a sweat during our intensive training. It's like our entire Life so far has been dedicated to this one point of singularity, when the light and dark begin to collapse within each other. It's time to weave a new story with this beginning of a major New Creation cycle. And that is also why so many of us are being called to rise up to this occasion and do the necessary work that is asked of us by legions of Light Beings who are all a part of our Star ancestry. This is especially valid for the first wave of physical Ascension in conjunction with the planetary one, as the second wave will now be entering into the cycle of deep Self cultivation and establishment which we have already completed. Congratulations, everyone! Nothing was ever created over night, so our legacy of Light shall leave an impact far ahead as it penetrates the realm of the New unknown.

Firstly, we need to be aware of the fact that there are so many variations of us out there, with different origins and purposes, and yet we Now all serve the same cause of planetary and personal Ascension. It feels that the planetary Ascension is more important at this time, because we know and understand that as the Earth as Gaia is able to unfold into Her next evolutionary cycle, everything else comes as a natural result of that. It's all interconnected, and that is why so many of us notice that simply devoting ourselves to this path of selfless service has left us fulfilled and always provided for. That is simply why we came here to do, so why would we not be supported within this work? All it takes for us to generate the natural flow of Life Force and its belonging abundance, is knowing this simple Truth. The moment we align with our Core Essence and the way in which we best serve in our most natural performance, everything else seems to unfold easily and within Grace. And that is something we needed to master completely in our first evolutionary cycle, in order to be able of holding this space for Ascension effortlessly. The more we trusted Spirit, the more we trusted ourselves, as they kept on unifying from within our physical body. And this is what helped us remained a pure conduit for higher Light. And within this Self service, we learned how to show up, and how to show up most efficiently, so that we would not unintentionally waste or dissipate our vital Life Force.

Many of us here are born of the Stars, which means that our original/Core Essence resembles and follows a different energetic pattern than those resonating with the Core of the Earth herself and her vital Life forms. And that is why we came here, to bring these Light patterns as filaments of energy that perhaps were not here before, ever. During this time, we are totally supported in this endeavor by the higher Light intelligences that are being streamed through Solar flares and Cosmic Rays. It's what feeds us in a Stellar way, and it's what reinforces us to always keep on moving forward, taking the next step ... and the next. And we don't merely travel with the speed of Light, but with the speed of Light particles or photon bands within plasmic fields that represent certain aspects of Cosmos, and then it's these who encode the Light to travel in a certain way (time wise, which is all relative). And it's in this channeling of the higher Light intelligence that we have most gotten to know ourselves. What a voyage! And now the next step is coming, which is almost going to (gently) force us to merge together and work within unified group fields of Light, which will formulate and stimulate New Light particles and combinations of energetic experiments of Light that are New. In these variations of energetic expressions, we will be opening doorways to new energetic potentials, which is all encoded by higher Life Force intelligence. Our key steps for the coming times are acceptance of this and surrendering to it fully, whatever it may be and become in times to come. That is why Spirit gave me three simple keywords of this process as: Consciousness, Connection and Connectivity.

The current state of events is contributing to us seeking greater pathways to merge with and fulfill. It is quite evident that the changes are occurring on all levels of Creation experience on Earth, and yet they are affecting us on different levels. And just like some are experiencing major fear and panic rising to the surface, we are being triggered into developing even greater powers of awareness and insight. It is simply how the paths of darkness and lightness are coming into their new creative forms of expression. Even through we are all being bombarded with different levels of information at this time, it's most important that we keep on invoking the Presence of our Higher Self connection that sees beyond the "status quo" and the assumptions made by others. They are not necessarily or automatically wrong or false, but they exist in parallel to the reality we are creating as those of the Christ lineage and path. However, even our own path is not excluded from the rest, because it creates ripples and waves that are then moving into less potent experiences of Life that are therefore still more limited in their creative potential. The more we are embodying the Christ, the more potent we will be with higher Life potential, and easier it will be for us to generate a steady flow of Universal abundance for All. And that is also one of the biggest reasons why we are here at this time. We are the most powerful instigators of change present on Earth at this time. And that means we are creating new pathways that open up more space for Divine creativity. And because a lot of Souls are finding themselves somewhere "in between", with so much vying for their attention and Life Essence, we are simply providing a wider perspective of Life. However, everyone must choose freely to step into it, through their own sovereign Self. That is why we cannot truly interfere or force anyone to be or choose anything in particular. It is not why we are here. And that is not what true benevolence is.

In the name of these intense shifts, I have spoken about this current topic from three major aspects or angles to be considered at this time:

Evolutionary/Creation infused:

Planetary origin of events:

The collective of us as Human Beings:

The most important thing about this time is the continuation of our ascending pursuits. We must come closer than ever before in our togetherness as an illumined group. And this doesn't just mean the groups we can form as Human individuals, but a greater group level of merging with true ascended/illumined Beings of Light. We have not always been merging with only that which is illumined, and that is perfectly natural for our growth, because we needed to learn how to merge our Essence as Christ in form with any other aspect of Life, no matter its current "Light currency". We also needed to learn that our own Life Force and how we channel it, is the most important currency in all of Life. And that is why so much is being generated on this planet to constantly and instantly alter our state of vibration, which we all know as various forms of enslavement, manipulation, control, and vibrational tools and "weaponry", etc. In years to come, it will be more evident than ever before, that vibrational mastery is something that every conscious Human has to possess. So, our Ascension work does not end when chaos hits the fan, or when things get really challenging. It has to not only continue, but grow and expand, exponentially with the essence of the challenge. What does this mean for us? Well, it's time to get from theoretical to pragmatic and practical. It is time to be as real as ever before, anchored and aiming towards the betterment of ourselves and our realities as we continue co-creating them within the expanding Light grids that we are weaving every day. Aries is the perfect sign to increase our motivation, so with the Aries New Moon, it's time to start a new Light Body/physical body practice, increase our commitment work, or even start a whole new level of training. I have personally experienced this as a greater need to connect with my Light Team in a new way, which is more direct in terms of automatic channeling, so I will be working on expanding that in times to come. Light body work will continue to remain a top priory of mine and the essence of all my teaching work.

I speak about the invitation to co-create our New reality as an illumined collective here:

I speak about the importance of Christ connections & community in this video:

And lastly, here is my New astrological year video for the ascending collective:

So no matter what the current state of events shall be, and whatever the world throws at us, we can all profit as a Whole if we connect in our Christ communion. Whatever tools we use to establish this consistency or practice in our own lives will remain a thing of individual preference, and yet it doesn't really take much to come together. It's pure and simple. We are united in our Love for ourselves, the collective and Gaia, in our efforts dedicated to the Light, and in the glory of coming together as One illumined group/body Avatar. No one ever said it will have to be one Being, because it was always meant to be all of us as One, forming one body of Light through our powerful Light dispensations and discharges!

Rejoice, celebrate your achievements and turn on your Light for all to see and the Divine to witness through You!!!

P.S. I also share illumined Union content via video updates, channeled messages, oracles/layouts on my Patreon page, to support our journey of illumined Union and the communion that comes through sacred/devotional partnership.

NOTE: Don't forget that ALL the donations to my page SERAPINA LIGHT get a FREE oracle of illumination as my gift of Gratitude returned to all of You!

Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn

Cosmic Beloved & Music CD Songs of the Beloved:

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Multidimensional mastery:

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